Dr Stuart Piggin
Stuart Piggin is Director of the Centre for the History of Christian Thought. He is a graduate of the universities of Sydney and London and of the Melbourne College of Divinity. Stuart lectures in early and modern church history for the School of Christian Studies at Robert Menzies College and has lectured on the history of Christian Spirituality at Macquarie University.
His academic interests include the nature of spiritual experience and of religious revival, the history of the church, with special reference to the history of evangelicalism and missions. He has written over 100 articles for academic journals and seven books, including The Fountain of Public Prosperity and Attending to the National Soul (2019).
Articles by Dr Stuart Piggin:
16 December 2022
3.1 MINS
Is this book destined to become a classic in the literature on the Australian Christian experience? Does it so richly communicate the presence of God that the reader is raised above the conviction that we have here testimony only to the intellectual ability of the [...]
19 May 2021
5.5 MINS
The Australian environment was at first so hostile, so inhospitable, to Evangelical Europeans that they could not envisage how it could ever be the scene of revival. A missionary to the Aborigines, Lancelot Threlkeld, said in 1828: There is ‘no moving on the tops of [...]