COVID19 Call to Prayer – April 4: Praying the Promises of Scripture

4 April 2020

1.7 MINS

Prayer: Praying the Promises

“Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like You in Heaven above or earth below – You who keep Your covenant of love with Your servants who continue wholeheartedly in Your way. You have kept Your promise to Your servant David, my father … Now Lord, the God of Israel, keep for Your servant David my father the promises You made to him…”
~ 1 Kings 8:22-25

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, they meant it. Prayer is vital. Prayer is from the heart. But it is also learned. Sometimes we don’t know what to pray for. So what better way to learn than from the Scriptures?! There are many prayers in the Bible – for the next few days we are going to take Solomon’s prayer of dedication at the temple as our template. Today we see that Solomon simply asks the promise-making God, to be the promise-keeping God. As they say – that’s a no-brainer. Every promise in Christ is Yes and Amen!

Petition: Please join with us in praying for:

  1. Israel – has 7,428 confirmed cases and 40 deaths with Covid-19. The reason for the relatively low number of deaths is the excellent hospital system and the amount of early testing.
  2. Queensland – Now has 873 cases (up from 493 just over a week ago) with 4 deaths. Queensland also has closed its borders and is implementing strict physical isolation measures. Australia as a whole now has 5,454 cases (up 230 from yesterday) and 28 deaths.
  3. Lorry drivers and others who have to deliver supplies. Pray that they would be kept from contagion and thank the Lord for their vital work.
  4. Christian leaders who have a media presence and influence way beyond their own congregations. That this would be used wisely to proclaim Christ and not themselves.
  5. Each of us who are struggling with establishing a new routine in ‘lockdown.
    That we would use the time wisely and see it as a blessing rather than a curse.

A Prayer of Repentance:
“O Lord, we beseech You favourably to hear the prayers of Your people;
that we, who are justly punished for our offences,
may be mercifully delivered by Your goodness,
for the glory of Your Name; through Jesus Christ our Saviour,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
ever one God, world without end, Amen.”
(from The Book of Common Prayer)

A Prayer of Thanksgiving: Lord, we thank You that You are not only the God who makes promises, but You keep them. Not one of Your promises has ever failed. Lord, teach us Your word and enable us to trust Your promises. In Christ’s Name, Amen.


Daily devotions by David Robertson via Christians United — COVID19 Call to Prayer.

[Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash]

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