COVID19 Call to Prayer – May 11: Deliver Me

11 May 2020

1.8 MINS

Prayers from Psalms

1 LORD, do not rebuke me in Your anger or discipline me in Your wrath.
2 Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am faint; heal me, LORD, for my bones are in agony.
3 My soul is in deep anguish. How long, LORD, how long?
4 Turn, LORD, and deliver me; save me because of Your unfailing love.
~ Psa. 6:1-4

How long O Lord? How long? This has often been the cry of the Lord’s people when faced with trial. We ask Him to turn and deliver us, knowing that He will, because of His ‘unfailing love’. Think about what a wonderful phrase that is. There is only one unfailing love. So we know and rely on the love God has for us, whatever happens.

Petition: Please join with us in praying for:

  1. Russia – The number of confirmed cases is 209,868, with 1,915 deaths of those with Covid-19.
    After a slow start, Russia now has the second highest rate of infection. Three doctors who complained about the lack of PPE have mysteriously ‘fallen’ out of hospital windows.
  2. The Northern Territory now has had 29 cases (up 0 from a week ago) with 0 deaths.
    We give thanks that the feared spread amongst Indigenous people has not transpired.
    The NT is the first State to return to the ‘new normal’.
    Australia now has seen 6,941 cases in total (up 14 in a day). There have been 97 deaths (up 0). 6,163 people have recovered (up 28). 43 are in hospital (17 in ICU). 827,872 people have been tested with 0.8% being positive.
  3. Pray for the National Cabinet, the Prime Minister and the various State Premiers as they seek to work together.
  4. Treatments are different from vaccines. A vaccine prevents you getting the illness. A treatment helps heal you. In terms of treatment, one of the most promising is Remdesivir. This is an intravenous antiviral drug that was developed to block infection with related coronaviruses and even Ebola, and is one of the drugs the WHO is helping to investigate.
  5. Pray that we would have the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with friends and family at this time of heightened anxiety.

A Prayer of Repentance:
Lord, how foolish we are. You give us unlimited access to Your throne of grace – and yet we use it so infrequently. Enable Your people to be a people of prayer. In Christ’s name, Amen.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving:
Lord, we praise You for Your unfailing love. We fail. Our love fails. Our love for You and others falters and is weak. But Your love for us never fails. Your love is a love we do not deserve, but of Your free grace, You have given it to us. We praise and bless Your name. Amen.


Daily devotions by David Robertson via Christians United — COVID19 Call to Prayer.

[Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash]

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