COVID19 Call to Prayer – June 17: Hope in God

17 June 2020

1.4 MINS

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God.
~ Psalm 43:5

Christians can get discouraged, downcast and depressed. It is not the case that we are ‘happy all the day’. In fact those who think that the Christian life is one uninterrupted happy day will find themselves even more discouraged – because they wonder what is wrong with them. The reality is that we need to look to Christ for hope, not our own hearts.

“That power that is given to the church is given for edification not destruction.”
Richard Sibbes

Petition: Please join with us in praying for:

1. Iraq – The number of confirmed cases is 22,700, with 712 deaths of those with Covid-19.
There is a stigma against illness in Iraq, and it is thought this is hindering people reporting symptoms.

2. Queensland – now has had 1,065 cases (up 3 from a week ago), with 6 deaths (up 0).
In Australia there have been 7,347 (up 12). There have been 102 deaths (up 0).
6,856 people have recovered (up 5). 17 are in hospital (3 in ICU).
1,848,347 people have been tested, with 0.4% being positive.

3. At least 20 Indian soldiers were killed in clashes on the Indian/Chinese border this week.

4. A study by the University of Oxford has found that the cheap and easily available anti-inflammatory steroid dexamethasone could play a substantial role helping those affected – the study found that it cuts the death risk by a third for those on ventilators, and by a fifth for those on oxygen.

5. That all Christians would look to Christ first, then love the family of believers, and then love the world and our enemies.

A Prayer of Repentance:
Our Father in Heaven, forgive us our debts, the things we owe to You and to others.
Enable us to forgive others. And let us walk in the light of Your forgiveness… in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving:
We praise You Lord of heaven and earth – that You are our hope, our praise and our joy.
For the gift of life – on this earth and eternal – we bless You.
Enable us to share the Good News that we have received with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Daily devotions by David Robertson via Christians United — COVID19 Call to Prayer.

[Photo by Hillie Chan on Unsplash]

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