The 100th Anniversary of Legalised Abortion — 50 Million Die Each Year
Yesterday marked the 100th anniversary of legalised abortion. On November 18, 1920, the Soviet Union became the first state to legalise the killing of unborn children. It started with totalitarianism and continues with the massive violation of human rights.
Collectively, we have blood on our hands. Our society is drowning in it. WHO estimates there are 50 million abortions worldwide each year. That’s a billion over the course of 20 years. Far from being a right, abortion is a wrong — perhaps the greatest wrong, the sin of Cain, the first to spill the blood of the innocent.
I’ve been pro-life since 1976, when a friend asked me a question which set me on the road to reason. But I keep asking myself, have I done enough? Clearly not, when voters just elected a president who believes in abortion beyond the 9th month. Western NGOs are working ceaselessly to spread our poison to Africa, the only pro-life continent left.
What goes around comes around. The seniors who allowed the murder of the very young are now facing a forced exit themselves, in the form of the coming rationing of medical services.
We march relentless into the depths of Demographic Winter. From the post-war baby boom, we’ve gone to a baby bust. America now has below-replacement fertility. And the decline continues. Sometime in this century, we’ll begin running out of people, eventually dooming our society.
The joke’s on us. It’s as if God is saying: “You think children are a choice? Okay, I choose not to let you have them.”
[Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash]One Comment
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