Diversity Perversity
When you hear the word “diversity,” head for the hills:
We now all know that one of the major mantras of the radical Left is the call for “diversity”. Along with other buzzwords like “tolerance” and “acceptance,” it is a word always bandied about by the progressives. But all these words never mean what you think they should mean.
The leftist lexicon, in other words, contains words that mean radically different things than they do for you and me. Thus their words for tolerance and the like have absolutely nothing to do with our understanding of the terms. For the left, tolerance means NOT tolerating anyone who dares to differ with them, and anyone who does not buy their understanding of diversity.
Hundreds of articles on my website have documented the madness and intolerance of leftist diversity. And a major part of this of course involves the deconstruction of language. Verbal engineering always precedes social engineering. Those who control the language control the culture.
So the favourite pastime of the radical Left is to seek to control the language. They completely redefine what words mean, or they ban certain words altogether. We see this happening all the time. Consider some more recent cases of this — and they are real shockers.
The move to ban words like “mother” and “father” have been going on for decades now, and I have been documenting this for quite some time. One of the most recent — and most idiotic — attempt to do this comes from one of Australia’s premier universities, the Australian National University in Canberra. Get a load of what the num nums there are now demanding. As one news item states:
Australia’s leading university has encouraged staff to use “parent-inclusive language”, such as “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding” and “human milk” rather than “mother’s milk”. Similarly, the terms “mother” and “father” should be replaced with “gestational” and “nongestational” parent, according to the Australian National University’s Gender-Inclusive Handbook.
Published last year by the Canberra university’s Gender Institute, the handbook describes itself as a guide intended for “any ANU student or staff member involved” in teaching. It offers recommendations to “uplift female and gender minority students”. In a section about student parents, the handbook notes that while “many students will identify as ‘mothers’ and ‘fathers’, using these terms alone to describe parenthood excludes those who do not identify with gender-binaries”.
Good grief — idjuts! Um, earth calling ideologies: every single one of you militants actually have a mother and a father. There I said it, so shoot me already. You would not exist without your mum and dad. And one day — heaven forbid — you might even become a mum or a dad.
But in the name of “diversity,” and to pander to the small minority of sexual radicals, they want to destroy the English language. And along with it they want to destroy biology and reality. We have a term for those who try to do stuff like this: fools.
One meme making the rounds on the social media shows a picture of a dad holding a toddler, desperately trying to teach him to say “non-birthing parent” and the like instead of “dada”. Yep, ‘mama’ and ‘dada’ are now verboten, while we run with the politically correct ‘gestational adult’ or whatever. As I say: idjuts!
On her very important website Binary, Kirralie Smith said this:
This social engineering attempt makes these academics look plain stupid. It is absurd that tax-payer money and student fees are spent funding such nonsense. These people need to get out of their bubble and spend some time in the real world where mothers and fathers are recognised and accepted due to biological reality. Redefining terms is a form of indoctrination, not education. Universities are being hijacked by activists who are not interested in facts, truth, evidence or scientific reality.
And as Exhibit #2 of this activist insanity, consider more madness from the ever-mad ABC — you know, that hotbed of radicalism that us poor taxpayers have to keep alive with over a billion dollars a year. Here is what one report says about this latest case of moonbattery:
TV production companies must now meet minimum diversity requirements, ensuring the inclusion of “under-represented people and perspectives”, in order for their programs to be commissioned by the ABC. From Monday, all externally produced series ordered by two major divisions of the public broadcaster — entertainment and specialist, and regional and local – must comply with the ABC’s diversity and inclusion commissioning guidelines for screen content.
“While we already prioritise diversity and inclusion at the ABC, this is the first time we have prescribed guidelines to track progress towards our goal of looking and sounding like contemporary Australia,” said Michael Carrington, ABC’s director of entertainment and specialist programming. “We’ve already taken steps in this direction but we need to do more to better reflect the wonderful diversity of this nation.”
As a general rule, externally-produced series must be either about under-represented communities or experiences, or include at least one main cast member who is Indigenous Australian or from a culturally or linguistically diverse background, someone who lives with a disability or someone who identifies as LGBTQI+. Production companies must also “demonstrate representation” of these communities among key staff such as writers, producers and directors; and at least half of the main cast and crew must be women or people who identify as “gender diverse”.
Mindboggling! But never mind all the hypocrisy here. The woke activists have been telling us for years that it is just fine for Black actors to play white roles, but it is a terrible sin for a straight guy to play a homosexual character. Double standards much? And one can imagine where all this is heading.
The next time the ABC wants to do a remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, they will of course have to use ‘Sand Black’ for the lead role, and the seven will be comprised of three giants, two dolphins, one lesbian weightlifter, and one package of bird seed. Let’s keep that diversity rolling ABC. I repeat: Idjuts!
The truth is, the last federal census found that there are 1500 trans folks in Australia. How many people live in this country? Let me tell you: 25.5 million. So you do the math. We are pushing all this madness to keep a tiny fraction of a percent of people happy.
One last quick example. A Sydney childcare centre is foisting radical gender bender nonsense on the hapless toddlers there. Says one report:
Outraged parents have pulled their three-year-old from a childcare centre after it promoted gender fluidity through story books to pre-schoolers. The Only About Children Warriewood West pre-school on Sydney’s Northern Beaches told parents last month it was reading ‘Julian is a Mermaid’ to children – a book about a boy who dreams of becoming a girl.
The centre added they were also reading the children a book called ‘Pink Is For Boys’ to challenge the ‘stereotypical blue/pink gender binary’. One father said he removed his son from the pre-school when he found out about the reading sessions.
‘Our three-year-old son is still learning to talk, use the toilet and, like most kids, struggles with big emotions and just needs love,’ the father told The Daily Telegraph. The pre-school said they were reading children a book called ‘Pink Is For Boys’ to challenge the ‘stereotypical blue/pink gender binary’.
‘Childcare should be providing and concerning themselves with the essentials of our child’s wellbeing and not planting thoughts into our precious little ones that are irrelevant and inappropriate to his learning at this stage.’ The school said it was following new guidelines set by the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian – a regulatory organisation for childcare providers. The centre added the books were recommended reading by Early Childhood Australia to help teach children ‘individuality’ and ‘inclusion’.
Good on those outraged parents who have put the wellbeing of their own small children ahead of this radical gender madness. And thankfully we have terrific politicians like the head of One Nation in NSW Mark Latham slamming this idiocy. [NSW readers, please take the survey on his education bill here.]
He said it was ‘appalling’ children of such a young age were being introduced to sexual fluidity. ‘Many people, myself included, regard reading these books as a form of child abuse, completely inappropriate, age inappropriate material for three and four year olds.’
War has been declared on our children. And it has been declared on the family, on common sense, on biology, and on reality. This is straight out of Orwell’s 1984. The calls for diversity by the lunar left are really just calls for perversity. Heaven help us all.
Originally published at CultureWatch.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.
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