
COVID19 Call to Prayer – June 14: Remember the Wonders

14 June 2021

2.2 MINS

3 Glory in His holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
4 Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.
5 Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles,
and the judgments He pronounced.
~ Psalm 105

This is a song that declares the history of Israel in being delivered from captivity in Egypt.
While we don’t live in the past, and should not desire to return there, it is good for us to remember the Lord’s mercies in the past. Sometimes we are so bogged down in the present that we do not see the bigger picture — a picture which involves both the future and the past.
‘So far the Lord has helped us — and He will continue to do so.” We pray in confidence.

“Reader, be convinced, that one act of faith in the Lord Jesus pleases God more than all the obedience, repentance, and strivings to obey the law, through your whole life, can do.”
~ Flavel

Petition: Please join with us in praying for:

1. The World — The number of confirmed cases is 175,875,280 (up 2,683,294 — a considerable decrease on previous weeks). The number of deaths of people with Covid-19 is 3,799,574 (up 73,592).
The good news is that the number of cases in India has fallen considerably, as have the numbers in the US, Turkey and other countries severely affected.

2. Australia — There have been 30,248 cases in total (up 73, compared with 77 the week before).

State Total Cases Weekly Change TW/LW Total Deaths Change in Deaths TW/LW
ACT 124 0 (+0) 3 0
NSW 5,613 + 18 (+10) 54 0
NT 175 +2 (+2) 0 0
QLD 1,650 +18 (+31) 7 0
SA 775 +11 (+10) 4 0
TAS 234 + 0 (0) 13 0
VIC 20,659 +24 (+42) 820 0
WA 1,018 +0 (+1) 9 0

The outbreak in Victoria appears to be contained, with just a handful of cases each day.
There are 16 people in hospital (+0), with 0 in ICU (+0).
There were 437,861 tests, with 0.2% positive. There are 119 active cases (-18).

3. Vaccine and Cures — There have been 2.33 billion vaccinated (+240 million).
In Australia, it is almost 5.7 million — 22% of the population.
New Zealand has about 15% of the population vaccinated.
Mongolia is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world.
Many African, Asian, and South Australian countries are lagging well behind.
The G7 leaders promised to give one billion doses. This is well below the 11 billion still needed.

4. Church — The attack on biblical Christianity in the secular media continues.
Many secular journalists jump on any chance to attack the Bible or those who believe it.
Pray for Christians in the media who have to deal with this discrimination firsthand.

5. Personal and Family — Pray for homes where Christians suffer, or sadly sometimes are involved in, domestic abuse. Pray for conviction of sin, restraining the hand of the wicked, and for peace and healing for those who are the victims.

A Prayer of Repentance:

O God, our refuge and our strength,
Who is the author of all godliness;
Be ready, we beseech You,
to hear the devout prayers of Your Church;
and grant that those things which we ask faithfully
we may obtain effectually;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
~ The Book of Common Prayer

Song: This is a wonderful a capella version of the great hymn, How Great Thou Art ~

A Prayer of Thanksgiving:

1 Give praise to the LORD, proclaim His name;
make known among the nations what He has done.
2 Sing to Him, sing praise to Him;
tell of all His wonderful acts.
Psalm 105:1-2


Weekly devotions by David Robertson via Christians United — COVID19 Call to Prayer.[Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash]

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