Tony McLennan
Tony McLennan is the CEO of Australia for Jesus, an organisation seeking to raise up thousands of soul winners to reach Australia with the gospel. To find out how you can be effective as a soul winner for Jesus to go Australia for Jesus. For a free webinar on how to effectively and readily help people know God’s salvation, visit Bringing others to Jesus.
Articles by Tony McLennan:
29 May 2024
3.4 MINS
In obedience to God’s command and filled mightily with the Holy Spirit, God’s people turned kingdoms on their heads and established righteous nations. We are called to imitate the prophets and these former heroes of faith.
29 May 2023
3.2 MINS
Intention To understand the keys of the Kingdom and through them to rescue others from death and Hell. Scripture “Simon Peter said, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to [...]
31 May 2022
3.4 MINS
Intention How you can follow Jesus in the way He meant for you Scripture “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” – Matthew 4:19 Reflection A Testimony: From Unbeliever to Christ in 40 seconds! A young man, Daniel, met [...]
29 May 2021
3.1 MINS
Intention God wants you to share Christ now. Scripture “‘Now is the time,’ [Jesus] said, ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the Gospel.’”—Mark 1:15 Reflection The first words of Jesus recorded in Mark’s Gospel are all about bringing souls to salvation. [...]