
NY Governor Tells Facebook to Censor Pro-Life Messages

8 October 2021

1.4 MINS

While a whistleblower testified before the Senate on Tuesday about Facebook putting profits before public welfare (including the safety of children), New York Governor Kathy Hochul called on the tech giant to go further by censoring pro-life messages.

Hochul wrote a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg demanding that the platform do more to “curb the spread of misinformation” about abortion.

“This is typical of abortion advocates,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “As they continue losing the information war, they put more and more emphasis on censoring pro-life messages, instead of advancing their own arguments.”

Morse observed,

“Hochul’s predecessor, disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, once said pro-lifers weren’t welcome in New York. Now the new governor is saying pro-life arguments have no place in social media.”

In her letter, the governor claimed,

“Each day, posts are liked and shared on your site that make false claims about abortion procedures and reproductive health legislation.”

Specifically, Hochul is agitated about pro-life articles “that describe horrific procedures that have no basis in reality.”

The Truth About Abortion

Morse noted:

“The governor is upset by the truth. One of those procedures which she claims have ‘no basis in reality’ is a Dilation and Evacuation, where the child is dismembered in the womb before the pieces are pulled out.

What happens here isn’t a matter of speculation. It’s been described by former abortionists in testimony before Congress.”

“Since Roe v. Wade, defenders of the indefensible have relied on cliches: ‘It’s just a clump of cells,’ the procedure is ‘simple and risk-free,’ and ‘It’s a woman’s choice.’ Whenever any of these is challenged, Planned Parenthood and its allies go on the attack, insisting that pro-life forces are spreading misinformation,” Morse explained.

“It’s hard to believe the day would come when we might start missing Cuomo. But his successor, who regularly speaks at Planned Parenthood rallies, can’t do enough to show her loyalty to one of her party’s favorite constituencies: the abortion lobby.”

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.


Article by the Ruth Institute. Image by NYS DEC on Flickr.

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