The Truth About Transgenderism: Essential Reading
The trans revolution has launched a war of ideas. In order to engage in this war, we need to be equipped with the truth. Here are some essential books to add to your arsenal.
It was not all that long ago when hardly anyone was talking about homosexuality. Then it seemed that everyone was. More recently, transgenderism was not a common topic of conversation, but then – seemingly overnight – we can no longer escape discussing it.
Such is the power of very small but very vocal activist groups who are determined to completely change everything – society, culture, politics, law, morality, history, biology and reality – into their own revolutionary image.
In the war of ideas – which is what this is – we need to be armed with proper ammunition in order to fight back. Facts and truth are a major part of our arsenal. We must have the courage to resist by sharing truth and resisting the lies. Therefore I want to do two things here: present you with a list of recommended books on this topic, and highlight three of them.
Let me start with three very important books, all published by secular publishing houses. The authors certainly cannot be accused of being part of the ‘religious right’, since avid atheists like Richard Dawkins, Douglas Murray and Ayaan Hirsi Ali have praised their books.
The End of Gender
The first is The End of Gender by Dr Debra Soh. In this very significant book, Soh – who has a PhD in neuroscience and sexuality – examines nine myths being pushed by the trans activists. These myths include:
- That biological sex is a spectrum
- That gender is a social construct
- That there are more than two genders
- That gender-neutral parenting works
Regarding the first of these myths, Soh writes:
Biological sex is either male or female. Contrary to what is commonly believed, sex is defined not by chromosomes or our genitals or hormonal profiles, but by gametes, which are mature reproductive cells. There are only two types of gametes: small ones called sperm that are produced by males, and large ones called eggs that are produced by females. There are no intermediate types of gametes between egg and sperm cells. Sex is therefore binary. It is not a spectrum.
Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality
The second must-read volume is Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality by Helen Joyce. The emphasis of her important book is to look at all the anguish, trauma and hurt that people have experienced as they ran with trans ideology and bought the transition line. Says Joyce,
What finally pushed me to write this book, however, was meeting some of gender-identity ideology’s most poignant victims. They are detransitioners: people who took hormonal and sometimes surgical steps toward transition, only to realise that they had made a catastrophic mistake. At the inaugural meeting of the Detransition Advocacy Network, a British self-help group, in Manchester in late 2019, I met some in person. When I heard their stories, I knew I had to amplify them.
Irreversible Damage
Finally, you must be aware of Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier. This book primarily examines how teenage girls are being impacted by the trans agenda. The author looks in great detail at the tragic horror stories of so many of these young girls, and says this in her closing chapter:
The fanatics – both transgender and, just as often, not – exploit an honest struggle that besets this tiny few to bully and harass any who might point out the sudden craze captivating our despairing young. Many trans adults I talked to apologised for the trans activists that claim to speak in their name. It’s important to remember that activists are the most extreme members of any group.
All the institutions we’ve built to keep young people from making irreparable mistakes have failed them. The universities, the schools, the doctors, the therapists, and even the churches have been won over by a dogged ideology that claims to speak for a more important class of victim.
Girls who’ve been sold the promise of metamorphosis hold in their hands a bill of goods. But they retain one last redeemable asset: the parents who have never stopped worrying and still hope for a call. As far as I can tell, this card never expires.
More Essential Reading on the Trans Revolution
There are of course many other good titles to be aware of on this subject which you should add to your arsenal. Below is a brief list of some of the best books out there, divided into two sections: those by Christian authors and non-Christian authors.
First, let me draw attention to three of them which I have previously reviewed:
- Although now a few years old, Ryan Anderson’s volume is still a first-rate discussion of the issues. See my review of his very useful book here.
- The volume edited by Lisa Nolland features a number of experts dealing with various aspects of the issue. See my review of it here.
- You will note that I offer six volumes by Walt Heyer. He is a crucial voice in this debate because he has been there and done that: he has transitioned and then detransistioned. See my review of his 2018 volume here.
Books by Christian Authors
- Anderson, Ryan, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. Encounter Books, 2018.
- Branch, J. Alan, Affirming God’s Image. Lexham Press, 2019.
- Heyer, Walt, Gender, Lies and Suicide. Make Waves, 2013.
- Heyer, Walt, Paper Genders. Make Waves, 2011.
- Heyer, Walt, Perfected with Love. Xulon Press, 2009.
- Heyer, Walt, Trading My Sorrows. Xulon Press, 2006.
- Heyer, Walt, Trans Life Survivors. 2018.
- Heyer, Walt, A Transgender’s Faith. CreateSpace, 2015.
- James, Sharon, Gender Ideology. Christian Focus, 2019.
- McGuire, Ashley, Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female. Regnery Publishing, 2017.
- Nolland, Lisa Severine, et. al., The New Normal. Wilberforce Publications, 2018.
- Roberts, Vaughan, Transgender. The Good Book Company, 2016.
- Sprinkle, Preston, Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say. David C. Cook, 2021.
- Strachan, Owen and Gavin Peacock, What Does the Bible Teach About Transgenderism? Christian Focus, 2020.
- Walker, Andrew, God and the Transgender Debate. The Good Book Company, 2017.
- Yarhouse, Mark, Understanding Gender Dysphoria. IVP, 2015.
Books by Non-Christian Authors
- Barrett, Ruth, ed., Female Erasure: What You Need To Know About Gender Politics’ War on Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights. Tidal Time Publishing, 2016.
- Blade, Linda and Barbara Kay, Unsporting: How Trans Activism and Science Denial are Destroying Sport. Rebel News, 2021.
- Joyce, Helen, Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality. Oneworld, 2021.
- Moore, Michele and Heather Brunskell-Evans, eds., Transgender Children and Young People, 2nd Edition. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
- Shrier, Abigail, Irreversible Damage: Teenage Girls and the Transgender Craze. Swift, 2020.
- Soh, Debra, The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society. Threshold Editions, 2020.
Originally published at CultureWatch. Image by Kyle at Unsplash.
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