
Cherish Life on Vax Mandates: Don’t Force Aussies to Use Aborted Foetal Tissue

24 November 2021

1.8 MINS

Australian pro-life group Cherish Life Queensland opposes vaccine mandates. Vaccination must be left to individual choice, they say, since Covid-19 vaccines rely on cell lines derived from aborted foetal tissue.

We have been asked our position on the Covid-19 vaccines many times over the previous months. To date we have refrained from commenting publicly as much of this year our focus has been on opposing the government’s euthanasia/assisted suicide legislation, and vaccine debates have historically been outside of Cherish Life Queensland’s field of activity.

However, now that the Covid-19 vaccine is being mandated by some governments, businesses and industries, we feel compelled to make the public statement below.

In doing so, we acknowledge that there may be a wide range of views on this topic amongst Cherish Life supporters and many may have already received the vaccines. We make no subjective judgement whatsoever, as this should be a free decision.

Importantly, our statement does not try to influence people’s individual decisions on the Covid-19 vaccine, we understand that taking or abstaining from the Covid-19 vaccine is a highly personal, and at times, complex decision.

Cherish Life Queensland’s Statement of Opposition to Covid-19 Mandates

Cherish Life Queensland notes that some vaccines, including those currently available in Australia for Covid-19, are manufactured from and/or tested on cell lines that have been derived from aborted foetal tissue. Because human life has intrinsic value from conception until natural death, it is unacceptable that foetal tissue from aborted babies is used to produce a medical product, even though the medical product may provide some degree of protection from an illness.

As a result of current state and federal government directives, many pro-life people are presented with a moral dilemma. Some people are distressed to find that due to government and even some business measures they are obliged to either get a Covid vaccine against their conscience, or face loss of certain basic rights, even the loss of employment in some cases. This is unacceptable.

According to all codes of medical ethics, any procedure or treatment including vaccinations must be done only after obtaining free and informed consent from the recipient. Being presented with coercion, such as loss of employment or other basic rights, is hardly free or informed consent.

Thus we call on state and federal governments and medical regulators in Australia to support the introduction of ethical vaccines that are not derived from cell lines originating from foetal tissue from aborted babies. Our concern applies, but is not limited, to the current vaccines for Covid-19 which have been approved in Australia.

Further, we call for all mandates relating to Covid-19 vaccines to be removed in order to allow all citizens to have a genuine free and informed consent in this most important matter.

Originally published at Cherish Life Queensland. Image by Frank Alarcon at Unsplash.

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  1. Leonie Robson 26 November 2021 at 4:22 pm - Reply

    Love your work. All about the untold truth. The hidden and labelled Conspiracy theories. Be empowered by Him. Xxx

  2. Pearl Miller 27 November 2021 at 6:19 am - Reply

    Great statement Teesh.
    If people could be informed I’m sure they wouldn’t want to take the witches brew. It is sorcery with human sacrifice….Lord have mercy!

  3. Gail Petherick 20 October 2024 at 10:57 pm - Reply

    Thank you for speaking up for life of the unborn Teeshan and for making it very clear that the vaccine has involved use of babies fetal tissues in many cases.
    When I first learnt about this approx 2021 or 2022 I could not believe that the manufacturers would use innocent babies tissue, without informing the public.
    In many ways it’s like stealing into a room where the death of a tiny baby is occurring (e.g. cardiac injections in the womb have been used to kill many babies at before or after 28 weeks) but before the injection is given, it seems likely the fetal tissue is taken/stolen from the baby.
    It would seem the tissues are taken out before the actual death of the baby by injection, so that the tissues or cells are living and useful for other purposes. To use the tissue for vaccines, or for biological experimentation or to repair injuries, is akin to Hitler’ experimental trials.
    We can understand immune boosting or stem cell use is a good thing but its an ethical matter if an innocent baby is the donor.
    To do any of this removing of tissues and cells is then a form of stealing and it may or not include parental permission.(if the parents is asked to donate cells and tissues that would be their decision under law, but if a mother isn’t asked then it would seem very unethical and it would mean medical staff are performing something they may not want to participate in.
    The ethics of medical research would then be questionable because permission would be needed and money is to be made form the baby’s tissue. .
    The thought of invading a tiny baby’s body to do this means interference of something sacred, a tiny body made by God the Creator and the parents involved.
    Furthermore, if vaccine manufacturers make money by mandating this practice and the don’t openly inform the public then it seems legal lines are being crossed over, and all accountability is being covered up.
    It could mean a person receiving the vaccine would not want to take the vaccine if they knew these implications and they would refuse it on moral grounds.
    It would also mean vaccine manufacturers gain much money from the death of each baby that is aborted if their fetal stem cells used, and it could in turn encourage women/mothers to have abortions because the manufacturers would be gaining tissues for their own lucrative purposes and spreading their Godless values.
    Such thoughts are abhorrent to us, heart breaking and real the evil of mankind’s heart- if they have no conscience towards God.
    Many women and men used to know each baby/child is precious before God the Creator of all life and we must give an account if we take a life or repent and refuse to participate in abortion but much of the Australian population and the West has had their conscience suppressed/or allowed that to occur/or they have not read the bible or heard the truth.
    To those with a conscience it would make them want to refuse the vaccine made from a baby’s fetal cells/tissues. They would be horrified
    Thank you for being part of the courageous team who are speaking out to show the truth that has been hidden.
    May God help Australians learn these things and turn f om evil and to seek His wisdom and to cherish life.

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