Finding Faith
When disheartened by the feeling that your faith isn’t quite enough, turn again to Scripture and take heart that God provides. Simply trust in Him and abide in Him amidst all of life’s challenges.
I’ve been meditating on faith — it always seemed like a mountain in itself, instead of it moving mountains. I have wistfully sighed and wished I had more, and thought “wouldn’t it be nice“, “if I only had…“, looking on longingly when others testified of major breakthroughs.
Now, God has been good, so good, even with my paltry, piddly faith, He has kept my eight kids and me very well. Considering that seven of them are in their forties (early start, I was a teen), that’s saying a lot!
When I lost my husband to cancer, when we were holding on for a miracle — well that hit me hard. But it’s a new day!
Obedience is Key
Examining my faith, I realised that I have just plain not been obedient! Jesus did not gently intimate that it would be kind of a good idea if I had more faith, oh no! He said, “HAVE FAITH IN GOD!” (Mark 11:22) When the disciples’ faith buckled, Jesus said, “How long shall I suffer you?!” (Matthew 17:17) Oh my! In Hebrews, Jesus even says that without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). Sounds like I better lift my game!
Well, it has dawned on me that we are headed into troublous times and my faith needs a serious obedience upgrade, tout de suite! I’m a big fan of Hebrews 11, working righteousness, subduing kingdoms, stopping the mouths of lions etc. David and Goliath is my all-time favourite story!
God Provides
I am currently facing a Goliath named Anna here in Queensland; God in His infinite wisdom has sent angels to the rescue! I discovered a medical trial for the unvaxxed online (unfortunately now full) — I registered, did the survey, committed to regular surveys and Hallelujah! I have an impressive vax-exemption ID Card! God is good! Much nicer than a silly old vax “passport”.
I realised that it is God Who gives the great and exceeding promises, Who paid the price for the answers needed, Who sends angels, Who gives faith — all we basically need to do is say is YES when He presents a challenge.
I thought about the ten spies — only Joshua and Caleb said YES! Let’s take the land! We can do it easily! After all, it is not the branches that actually bear fruit, it is the sap from the vine that does all the work; a faucet doesn’t give water — it is the water main that provides the supply.
So, heading into stormy seas, I discover that my boat has a strong motor and I can put my paddles away. I now find myself smiling and saying, “I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.” I might not be ready for a bigger Goliath at the moment, but I sense that a lion or a bear might not be such a big deal!
Greater Things
Recall more recent heroes of the faith — Corrie ten Boom hiding Jews for years; Brother Andrew smuggling Bibles, a modern-day Hebrews 11. Now it’s my turn! Bring it ON!
Daniel says that those who understand, shall be strong and perform exploits; Jesus said greater things shall ye do and that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see the things we see (the last days), and are cheering us on with a great cloud of witnesses.
A precious verse that means a lot to me is:
“The path of the just is as a shining light
that shines more and more unto that perfect day.”
~ Proverbs 4:18
He will keep us from falling, and present us faultless before His throne of glory. (Jude 1:24) Hallelujah!
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