
The Decline of Marriage Among Young People

4 February 2022

1.3 MINS

This podcast examines the factors behind the decline of marriage and the abysmal fertility rates of modern Western culture, even amongst conservatives. Profound sociological changes and the decline of religiosity have contributed to the lessened impetus to marry. Can we reverse this trend?

In this episode of the Ruth Institute Podcast, we tune in to the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio.

Natural State

Father Sullins, Ruth Institute’s Senior Research Associate, explains that marriage is a pre-governmental, transcendent institution, being founded in the Garden of Eden.

Yet, despite this glorious aspect, it has suffered major blows within the past seven decades, so much so, that it can be described as a universal decline of marriage.

Loss of Humanity

As he highlights in this podcast, inhumanity amongst young people has advanced to its heights, and this is largely because of advanced technology and social media. This inhumanity has led to the decline of young persons meeting and marrying each other.

This phenomenon also operates concurrently with what sociologists call the Advanced Specialisation of Modernity: that all of the functions in society that used to be grouped together have been differentiated and parcelled out from each other.

All of the goods and functions of marriage have come to operate independently from the institution itself.

No Motivation

Formerly, in marriage, men and women sought companionship, sex-relations, children, financial security, etc. They would buy a home together, they would plan a life together.

Those are all now things that young men and women do independently of marriage.

Yet, Father Sullins doesn’t leave it there. He emphasises that another big factor in the decline of marriage was the decline of religion, which has become empty and de-resonated. Wow!

Be sure to listen to get the full scoop!


Originally published at The Ruth Institute. Photo by yuksel kocaman from Pexels.

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