21 Days of Hope for the Unborn – Day 16: The Light of His Word
Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps,
a light that shows the path I should take.
~ Psalm 119:105 (ERV)
Life on earth can take quite a lot of navigating. Thankfully, the Lord has given us the Holy Scriptures to be a lamp, bringing light to show us the path to take in life. We can easily be led off-track if we are drifting into what the world has to offer. This sadly leads to the wide path that many are on, the path that leads to destruction. (Matthew 7:14)
God shines the light of His word to direct our path, and to build us up in faith and courage. He delights in feeding us revelation that will bring us into a greater knowledge of Jesus and all that He has given us, that we would be victorious on the earth. He makes the word simple, and even gives us the wisdom and understanding we need to learn from Him.
“The teaching of Your word gives light,
so even the simple can understand.”
~ Psalm 119:130 (NLT)
The word is of the utmost importance in the battle to end abortion — the Word gives life.
“The Word gave life to everything that was created,
and His life brought light to everyone.”
~ John 1:4 (NLT)
The light coming from the logos and rhema word of God is vital for us as we listen to His voice. His word is living and active and is designed to activate and to give life — to create and to build, as well as uproot and tear down. As we prioritise, pray, decree and obey the word, we find ourselves full of light, shining for His glory as He fulfils the purpose of His word.
We can have confidence in Psalm 43:3 (NLT):
“Send out Your light and Your truth;
let them guide me.
Let them lead me to Your holy mountain,
to the place where You live.”
The word of God always brings us back to Him. As we apply the light of His Word, we find ourselves being fruitful in our part to play, in prayer and action, for the ending of abortion.
Father in Heaven,
thank You for revealing Your Son Jesus through Your Word;
thank You that He is the Word and Life and Light.
Thank You for Your incredible love
that continues day after day towards humanity.
Thank You for the direction Your word gives
to those who know You, and even to those who don’t.
You are so patient and kind.
Lord, we ask that Your word shines brightly
in these days of thick darkness covering the earth.
May Your word planted in the hearts of believers everywhere
be an anchor of hope for those with an unplanned pregnancy.
May Your word be a two-edged sword proceeding out of Your mouth,
piercing the darkness with Your brilliant light.
May Your word reveal and expose the secret things
that bring destruction to the unborn of our nation and the world.
Let the light of Your word guide the prodigals home
to Your heart of love and acceptance.
May the light of Your word enlighten the eyes of Your people,
for in Your light, we see light.
Help us to read Your word and meditate on Your ways —
equipping Your people to have understanding and wisdom for the days ahead.
Thank You for the gift of Your Rhema word
that You speak into our hearts
as we worship you and wait on You.
Thank You for the blessing of Your desire
to speak to us through Your word.
Today we say individually and collectively.
“Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening.”
In Jesus’ wonderful Name, Yeshua, Amen.
Holy Communion:
A man ought to examine himself
before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup.
~ I Corinthians 11:28
Give thanks for the mercy, forgiveness and love given to you and us all by Jesus.
Acts of Repentance:
Ask the Lord to bring the light of His word into your heart and mind, in any way you need realigning with His Truth and Light. Be open to learning and prepared to let Him trim off old mindsets as His word guides you into all truth.
Prayer Points:
- Join our prayers with the USA in the battle to overturn Roe v. Wade — There is an abortion case (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization) presently being considered by the nine US Supreme Court Judges which could overturn the famous abortion case Roe v. Wade (1973) which opened up abortion on demand in the USA for almost 50 years. This has resulted in the loss of life to over 62,000,000 babies in the USA. The verdict of the case is expected to be known in June 2022. If Roe v. Wade (1973) is overturned, or invalidated, it is expected that around half the states in the USA will move to make abortion illegal in their states. It is thought six out of the nine judges now have pro-life values.
- Pray that the Love Adelaide — Walk for Life 2022 on Feb 12th 10am-12pm will grow in momentum from the 5,000 last year — that nothing will hinder the church standing against legalised abortion, adding their strength and support to end the abortion crisis in our nation and beyond. Pray for more volunteers for the walk and for the weather to be favourable. Book Your Free Tickets for the Walk — bring your family and friends!
- Ask for the Babies Born Alive (Human Rights — Children Born Alive Protection Bill 2021) tabled in the Australian Federal Parliament to have favour, that it be allowed to go for a vote and be passed in this term of government with no more delay — so that in every state and territory in Australia, babies born alive after a failed abortion will receive proper medical care and legal protection.
- That people of South Australia will vote according to Life in the upcoming State Parliament elections. May they no longer support the politicians who voted for aborting viable babies even to full term, blocked vital lifesaving amendments and forbade all prayer and offers of help within 150 m of any place where abortions occur (including all major public hospitals).
- That many women and men will take up the call to be on the frontline in the fight for Life for the Unborn by joining a political party and running for office.
May God Bless you. Thank you for being a part of 21 Days of Hope for the Unborn.
‘And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.’
~ Galatians 6:9 (NKJV)
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