‘We Are Not Anti-Vaxx’: 30 Real Reasons People March For Freedom
‘Anti-Vaxx’ is the media’s lazy and dishonest way of discrediting freedom protesters. Anyone paying attention can see the lie. Here are 30 real reasons people are marching for freedom around the world.
Freedom Convoys are gathering momentum in Canada, Australia and several European countries. Millions of citizens have marched in freedom rallies across the Western world for 30 weeks straight.
The protesters who attend are routinely labelled ‘anti-vaxxers’ by the legacy media — even though many of them are vaccinated, are pro-vaccine, or are explicitly protesting vaccine mandates and other authoritarian health orders.
The news outlets using the ‘anti-vaxx’ label know what they are doing. They have found an epithet that is deeply unpopular with the public, and are wielding it to discredit a movement that threatens the credibility of their reporting over the last two years.
In response to this obvious journalistic deception, a letter to the editor was recently sent in to Cairns News that truthfully reflects the concerns of the freedom protesters. An edited version of this list appears below. “While the media prefer to label everything as ‘anti-vaxx’,” the writer posed, here are some other ideas:
- It’s the cancelled surgeries.
- It’s the family and friends we haven’t been allowed to see.
- It’s the elderly parents passing away alone.
- It’s the funerals of loved ones we haven’t been allowed to attend, and the limit on how many can celebrate their death, or even attend at all.
- It’s the children’s cancelled birthday parties, including the two-year-olds who have never had a birthday party, nor attended one.
- It’s the decline in mental health — because the worst thing for depression is being lonely.
- It’s the cancelled vacations, work trips, festivals, concerts, parties and reunions.
- It’s telling us how many people are allowed to attend our weddings.
- It’s masking our children while they sit in class, run during gym, and play outside.
- It’s having to choose between a vaccine that gave your friend heart problems, and losing your job.
- It’s our healthcare workers — our heroes — losing their jobs, and causing other healthcare workers to become exhausted from trying to keep it together day after day!
- It’s the parents who have been forced to leave work to take care of their children’s homeschooling.
- It’s missing work and defaulting on mortgages and bills.
- It’s the incentive to stay home instead of working, and being rewarded with ‘free’ money.
- It’s the ‘free’ money that we’ll all be paying back through taxes and inflation eventually.
- It’s the isolation and the separation — and telling us how many can come over for Christmas.
- It’s the hours spent listening to our government officials dictate every aspect of our lives.
- It’s the fear-mongering that has been instilled upon us by our leaders and every legacy news outlet.
- It’s the vacationers who have been stranded on cruise ships, resorts and in airports — forced to wait endlessly, pay for new tickets or be turned away to, all follow rules that were made up yesterday and will be forgotten next week.
- It’s the families no longer able to build their dream homes.
- It’s the dads not being able to be present for their unborn baby’s ultrasound.
- It’s the mothers giving birth and being told their husbands can’t be there.
- It’s the hugs we’ve missed out on.
- It’s the professional sports cancelled, the children’s sports games cancelled, the gym classes cancelled, the recreation classes cancelled, the competitions cancelled.
- It’s the ten-year-old choosing a needle in her arm that she doesn’t need just so she can attend her dance competition.
- It’s trying to explain to our two-year-olds (who are now four-year-olds) why they have to wear a mask.
- It’s the burnt-out teachers, doctors, nurses, fast-food workers, mums, grocery workers and service station attendants who just want to get back to their normal lives.
- It’s the increase in domestic violence and suicide.
- It’s the constant contradiction and changing of rules, where our elected leaders have refashioned themselves as dictators, dividing us and separating us and turning us against each other for no discernible benefit.
- But it’s really been our freedom that has been impacted the most — the freedom of choice that we used to take for granted but must now demand back from the powers that be.
What else would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below.
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It’s the animals who have been adopted during lockdowns that are now home alone or worse back in shelters. It’s the separated parents who have not been able to see their children.
It’s the families who are separated by oceans who are desperate to see their relatives, especially their ageing parents.
It’s the low income people/families who have not been able to get aid because aid organisations were not allowed to open their doors.
It’s the mum who has been called all sorts of name like misinformed, selfish, irresponsible parent for choosing to hold off vaccines for herself and her kids and worst being called by her adult son “laughable” because he is convinced by the family GP (Dr Bittar) that the vaccines are safe and don’t listen to your mum who gets her info from “social media”. It’s the same mum whose heart breaks because her younger son’s Richmond Airforce Cadet membership is cancelled because he did not comply with double vaccination mandates.
Sacked hospitality workers would like to have their jobs back.
People who chose to not get vaxxed would like to be able to meet with friends at a pub or cafe for lunch.
The unvaxxed would like to be allowed into restaurants, theatres, music venues.
Breakdown in trust in my GP that quotes Joe Biden on vaccine effectiveness, and says it’s not mandated; just you won’t be able to go anywhere or buy anything
It’s the deliberate breaking up of families, communities and churches into the vaxed and unvaxed and causing enmity between the groups.
It’s the brainwashing and fear instilled in our children and grandchildren that makes them panicky and afraid they will kill their grandparents if they get near them, something “they couldn’t live with”.
It’s the damage being done to brain development of our kids because of masks.
It’s the division in the community and becoming a two tiered society., where one group is ostracised while the other group has some “freedoms” . Ostracisation is worse than apartheid .
One heartbreaking and tragic story I heard recently of parents demanding that their son be vaccinated (against his will) otherwise he could not attend the family Christmas Dinner. The son was so distressed he committed suicide, leaving his father with seep regrets longing for his son to return.
It’s the vaccine injuries that are covered up and under reported and labelled as “rare” when most know of someone who got sick or injured through vaccine. It’s the decision we had to make whether we wanted to risk blood clots or heart issues with either Astra Zeneca or Pfizer . It’s the immuno -compromised at risk people who were told they would die if they didn’t vaccinate when the ‘vaccines’ reduce your innate immunity and then they get sick anyway. It’s the lie that vaccines are safe and effective when there are no long term studies. It’s the high numbers of vaccinated in hospital and traveler’s spreading. It’s the massive debt we owe to the ‘benevolent’ vaccine manufacturers because we get it for ‘free’. It’s the segregation of families and friends through fear mongering and division. It’s the scary consequences of global control via green/card passports and potential social credit compliance . More than anything it’s mandating by coercion and eroding our freedom to choose whether we want to vaccinate or not. It’s distorted reporting with suddenly no flu numbers and Covid numbers are inflated when you can’t isolate the difference.
It’s the millions of people in poor countries who are starving and dying because their livelihoods have been taken away.
It’s hearing that your 3 year old granddaughter who already feels isolated is now crying her eyes out because the council have locked her out of the local playground !!!
It’s the corrupt members of parliament who have hidden child SA charges telling us what to do with our lives. We don’t need or want to be told how our families should live our lives by members of parliament who have a track record for abuse!.
It feels wrong and uncomfortable