Convoy to Canberra

Are You Coming to Canberra?

5 February 2022

1.3 MINS

The pro-freedom Convoy to Canberra has arrived in the nation’s capital. Will you join us as we stand for our basic freedoms?

I watched with pride over the past few days as thousands of Australians uprooted their lives and drove to the nation’s capital to send a message to all politicians: we want our freedoms back!

Quite frankly, our freedom was never something anyone had the right to take away. But yet it has been taken away, with lockdowns, ‘no jab, no job’ mandates, discriminatory vaccine certificate systems, state border closures, international travel restrictions, curfews, mask mandates, bans on treatments… the list goes on and on and on.

I will be joining protesters in Canberra today and throughout the week. I have urged them to hold the line and not give in to intimidation or violence. The mainstream (fake news) media will be watching the crowd like a hawk, looking for a slip-up so that they can report that protesters were a violent mob. We mustn’t give them that opportunity!

Everyday Australians

By and large, the vast majority of freedom protesters around the country have been peaceful, with only but a few exceptions. That hasn’t stopped the fake news from claiming otherwise though, and this has fed into the popular narrative that those opposed to vaccine mandates and other restrictions are fringe-dwellers who need to be shunned. The truth is the opposite.

We are concerned mums and dads. We are sacked frontline workers — police officers, nurses, paramedics, doctors, pilots. We are sacked workers from hospitality, retail, airports, marine ports and mining. We are Australians who see the very fabric of our nation — freedom — being set alight in response to a virus with a 99.73% survivability rate.

I see these everyday Australians when I attend freedom rallies in my hometown of Mackay and elsewhere. And, despite criticism from the media and political elite, I am proud to stand side by side with them in support of freedom.

Originally published at Nation First. Photo by Quintin Gellar from Pexels.

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  1. C Stevens 7 February 2022 at 8:25 am - Reply

    Hmmmm, much of these complaints are imposed by State Premiers and Health Ministers under their emergency powers. Not by the Federal Government or the PM or Federal health minister. The States too vary between each other as the what they still impose and have lifted.

    A federal election is coming up with electioneering in process.

    One must be careful not to blame PM for restrictions he did not and could not impose and can’t force overbearing Premiers to lift. Much media and Labour electioneering will use this to make PM look bad.

    Canadian system is not directly applicable here.

    • sue 22 February 2022 at 9:55 pm - Reply

      i agree

  2. Shane 8 February 2022 at 4:32 pm - Reply

    Proves how many brains these lot have. Cant even protest to the people mandating the restrictions. Fully backed by Labour and the greens

  3. Ann 8 February 2022 at 5:07 pm - Reply

    Thanks George for speaking up in parliament and fighting for our freedom and human rights. May God bless your work.

    Praying for all there at Canberra standing up for truth to end mandates and
    medical apartheid, discriminating vx passports. Many people have been denied right to work and earn a living m, or even to sit in a coffee shop or visit a loved one in hospital or nursing home because they haven’t take this experimental drug that many are suffering adverse effects.

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