SA Election: Vote for Life and Religious Freedom This Saturday
Many SA parliamentarians betrayed the public last year by waving through horrendous anti-life legislation. This Saturday’s SA election is our chance to hold them accountable and elect leaders who will stand with society’s most vulnerable.
Voting for Life in the SA Election
The South Australian election will take place in less than a week – on this Saturday the 19th March, 2022. The state election presents us with a crucial opportunity to send parliament the message that all life is precious. It is also our chance to take a stand for religious freedom.
Love Adelaide has put together a fantastic ‘How to Vote for Life’ resource here. It deserves to be shared far and wide in advance of Saturday. The pro-life group has provided information for every seat in the state based on how candidates would treat life issues once elected.
If you followed the events of last year, you will doubtless feel betrayed by SA politicians who voted to save face with their colleagues rather than represent the public on these important life issues. In part, the problem was that voters often assume all members of a certain party vote as a bloc on abortion, euthanasia and religious freedom bills. Not so.
Family First Returns in Time for SA Election
Proof of this is that two former Labor figures – Jack Snelling and Tom Kenyon – have re-entered SA politics this year to re-form the Family First party. Both men are passionate about defending the unborn, and they are standing pro-life candidates in every SA electorate this year. Praise God!
The Daily Declaration recently ran a piece penned by Tom Kenyon on how we can get parliaments that are more responsive to Christianity. You can read more about the re-formed Family First party at CathNews.
This week is our opportunity to set things right in South Australia’s parliament. Let’s put in our best efforts to hold accountable those who waved through anti-life legislation and replace them with men and women who value life and will stand for religious freedom.
Please share this email far and wide so that more people can make use of Love Adelaide’s excellent how-to-vote resources!
For Life, Faith, Family and Freedom,
Warwick Marsh & Kurt Mahlburg
Image by Unsplash.
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