Christian Values Checklist Released for Federal Election 21 May 2022
Editor’s Note: A New Second Edition Christian Values Checklist has been released. Read the story here. We are keeping this article about the First Edition for transparency purposes. Having said that, we are featuring the new Second Edition with existing links to the First Edition Christian Values Checklist.
The Australian Christian Values Institute has been serving the Australian community since 1999. This summary of the positions of major parties on issues of concern to Christians is provided as a service to the Christian community. In the 2016 census, 52% of Australians identified themselves as Christians.
This checklist has been compiled by an independent team who are not members of any political party. The team has put the checklist together after an exhaustive search of party websites, voting history, and statements, including in some cases the voting record of their state counterparts.
Please find the following versions of the Christian Values Checklist as digital links below. We have a broad Christian Values Checklist for all of Australia and one specific for WA.
Please Find New Second Edition WA Christian Values Checklist
Please Find New Second Edition WA Christian Values Checklist
NOTE: DOWNLOAD New Second Edition Federal Christian Values Checklist for Federal & WA here at Website.
Links to First Edition Christian Values Checklist about which this article was written below:
- Federal Christian Values Checklist PDF
- Federal Christian Values Checklist Jpeg
- WA Christian Values Checklist PDF
- WA Christian Values Checklist Jpeg
Positions are often difficult to summarise in a format of this kind, and parties have not always made definitive statements. We use colour coding and a combination of ticks, crosses and question marks to rate the various positions of the parties rated on the checklist.
Therefore a ‘?’ indicates in some instances a conscience vote, or a less than conclusive opinion on the party’s position on some of the issues. A Gray Box with a question is an unknown position. A tick in a Green Box equals YES and X in a Red Box equals NO.
Sadly, we have lost the Christian Democratic Party and the Democratic Labour Party to deregistration as they could not field the newly legislated requirement for the minimum number of members required. The Liberals and Labor conspired to triple the membership requirement from 500 members to 1500 members to knock many minor parties out of the running. Sadly, they have succeeded.
Thankfully, Australian Christians are still running in Western Australia and holding the lamp of Christian values high for everyone to see. Conversantly this has allowed not-so-Christian parties to move into pole position on the Christian Values Checklist. Currently, One Nation with its new National Pro-LIFE Policy is now the party with the most green ticks followed by the Liberal Democrats.
This is a fascinating development, as One Nation has more Christian values as a secular party than a lot of so-called Christians. Are they perfect? The short answer is NO but, in many respects, they are moving closer and closer to biblical values, particularly in the areas of Free Speech, Life, Faith and Family. We pray that they will get stronger in their Christian Values, and other parties will join them.
One suggestion is when you vote in the Senate, number at least 12 squares below the line. The best way to vote to ensure your vote is not wasted is to number all the squares below the line. Voting for 12 or more is realistic for most people.
Voting for 12 or more below the line in the Senate will maximise your vote. Please consider putting pro-life Senate candidates like Queensland Senator Amanda Stoker and Tasmanian Senator Eric Abetz at the top of your list. Sadly, dark forces in the Liberal Party have demoted both Senators to the almost unwinnable number 3 position on the ticket.
We encourage you to vote for any Pro-Life candidates in either the Senate or the House of Reps in any party, whether Labor, National, Liberal, Minor or independent.
Right now, our nation needs a miracle. So we ask you to join together with Christian leaders and churches of all denominations from all over Australia as we Pray and Fast for 21 days up to and including the Federal Election, Saturday 21 May 2022. This prayer call was confirmed after a meeting with prayer leaders on 17 March, who gathered to pray for the Federal Elections. Our prayer is found in Isaiah 9:6, “That the Government shall be upon his shoulders.” Register to receive Daily Devotions here.
It is our belief the Christian Values Checklist will enable people with strong Christian convictions to make an informed decision about how best to direct their vote in the Federal Election.
Having said that, there are many good candidates in all the political parties, so please do your own research. We need to support those candidates who have faith, no matter what party they find themselves in as best we can. The checklist has its limitations. It is about the parties, as opposed to the individual candidates.
We encourage you to check out the following Christian organisations to get more guidance on how to vote. The Australian Christian Lobby are highly recommended, as is their informative website. Wendy Francis has created a great how-to-vote video. Martyn Iles, the Managing Director of the ACL, has also done a fantastic how-to-vote video. Family Voice has great information, as well as the Australian Family Coalition.
Please pass these digital copies out to your supporters and ask them to share the Christian Values Checklist in their respective networks.
Photo by Edmond Dantès.
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Love n appreciation to all at C.D. for collating these wonderful resources Warwick .
Yours in Christ.
Can I ask where is Bob Katter’s Party in this checklist? He is a born again Evangelical Christian with good strong Conservative Christian values….
I am a bit confused as to why you do not have a line category on the checklist that says”Opposes Abortion Completely” because this is a Christian list isn’t it which means by default we should oppose all forms of abortion not just late term? Also the Katter Australia Party(KAP) isn’t listed and they have the strongest stance against abortion and the Independents are also not listed.Therefore, this list should expose all of these political parties as being Pro-Abortion and it is time that all Christians stand up and speak for the Unborn child to say that we will not agree to killing our young anymore. We run an organisation here in Australia that completely advocates for the Unborn Child, called “Rights of the Unborn Child” where we dedicate a page on reasons against abortion especially God’s stance on this infanticide: and the scientific arguments but you really need to watch the following video and then reassess your stance on an Unborn Child at conception: I must also stress that the LNP has the same stance on abortion as the ALP does and I know this through my discussions with the party at Qld state level and the Federal LNP as well. If you would like to discuss this further please let me know but don’t deceive the Christian public with half truths.