Essex Police

UK Police: ‘You Will Be Groomed, and You Will Be Happy’

13 June 2022

2.5 MINS

The Essex police force is not only publicly supporting LGBT Pride Month — they have taken it upon themselves to monitor social media comments in response to their stance on sexuality. How reassuring for those who hope that police resources are actually used for fighting crime and maintaining law and order.

Are they police, or are they ideological enforcers?

That’s the question many people are asking after British police tweeted their support for Pride Month while, at the same time, warning that they would be monitoring responses to their tweet for hate crimes.

Essex police took time out from policing crime to promote LGBTQ lifestyles by raising the Pride Progress Flag outside police headquarters last Monday.

It used to be a Gay Pride Flag, but these days “gay” is not diverse or inclusive enough, so it’s just general “Pride”, by which is meant “whoopee for everything not heterosexual”.


Alongside a photo of police running the Pride Progress Flag up the constabulary flag pole, police tweeted …

‘We celebrate diversity by raising the Pride Progress flag for #PrideMonth at our HQ & to honour those who championed for equality before us! #WeValueDifference #PoliceinPride …’

So far so gay.

Police celebrate diversity, love difference, champion equality and cheer for queers.


They can turn a blind eye to gang rapes in Rochdale and fail to curb knife crime in London, all without losing their glitter or sparkle. We get it.

Residents of Essex must be thrilled to live in such a crime-free paradise that local coppers have the time and capacity to wrap themselves in rainbows.

No Room for Disagreement

But then, ominously, came this …

‘*We’re monitoring our posts. All hate crime will be reported & investigated*’

So law enforcement officers are now promoting LGBTQ lifestyles while pre-emptively threatening action against anyone who dares to disagree with them.

And they call this policing? It’s more like a camp version of George Orwell’s 1984.

To steal a line from World Economic Forum boss Klaus Schwab, Essex Police might as well have tweeted: “We will groom you, and you will be happy.”

Frightening people who might disagree with you into silence, for fear of straying across an undefined, entirely subjective line, is a complete corruption of the police force.

Why would anyone volunteer to talk to police when they use social media to issue threats to anyone who might disagree with them about something as personal as sexual orientation or gender?

Whatever happened to “without fear or favour”?

Essex police are more like an irritable thug at the pub, staring at people in the knowledge that eventually someone will respond and he can bash them.

Meanwhile, according to the force’s own crime statistics, theft of motor vehicles is up 9.2%, homicide is up 10%, robbery of business property is up 18% and rape is up 44.8%

Never mind all that. If you dare to say that men can’t become women, the Essex police will deploy all the resources at their disposal to track you down and charge you with being hurty.

What is it that you call a state in which anything that could be interpreted as criticism of the regime elicits a visit from the police, even if no law is violated or crime committed?

Is it a hate crime to describe the Essex police as fascists?

What if we just laugh at them? Is that illegal?

Anyway, why should Australians care that Essex Police have gone all Benito LGBTQ Mussolini?

An increasingly globalised world, in which governments and corporations reject free thought in order to play follow the virtue signalling leader, demands that woke stupidity is called out wherever it is found so that our own ruling class know it will not be tolerated here.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.
Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo by Brian Kyed on Unsplash.

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