
Victorian State Schools Imagine Your Children Belong to Them

11 July 2022

1.5 MINS

Education policy cuts parents out of decisions on children’s gender.

The Australian Labor Party believes that children belong to the State. Parents are mere babysitters.

Think I’m exaggerating?

Breaking the Family Apart

The Victorian Government’s LGBTQI Student Support Policy, under the heading “Parental Consent”, reads:

There may be circumstances in which students wish or need to undertake gender transition without the consent of their parent/s (or carer/s), and/or without consulting medical practitioners.

If no agreement can be reached between the student and the parent/s regarding the student’s gender identity, or if the parent/s will not consent to the contents of a student support plan, it will be necessary for the school to consider whether the student is a mature minor.

If a student is considered a mature minor they can make decisions for themselves without parental consent and should be affirmed in their gender identity at school without a family representative/carer participating in formulating the school management plan. 

Department policy addresses situations in which students, though under the age of 18 years, may be sufficiently mature to make their own decisions, (refer to Mature Minors and Decision-Making).

So if state government employees judge that your gender-confused child is a “mature minor” (which of course is an oxymoron) then those teachers will formulate a plan to affirm your child as a different gender, without your knowledge.

Oh, but your child can’t take a Panadol without parental consent!

Only Progressive Values Allowed

Christian schools, like Citipointe Christian College in Brisbane, have been defamed in the media and threatened with closure by the State Labor Government for stating — upfront so that it’s clearly understood by parents and students — their orthodox beliefs on gender and sexuality.

Meanwhile, gender goblins in government schools will pull vulnerable kids aside and whisper…

You can change your sex. And we won’t tell your parents. Not a word.’

Groom much?

First they trialled a “mature minor” authoring their own jabs, and now changing gender without parental knowledge.

Is this why many Leftists want to cut government funding to private schools? It’s not about “fairness” or “equity”. It’s about getting your children into public schools where they can be got at.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.
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