Vic police

Vic Police Feeling “Bruised”

11 October 2022

1.6 MINS

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton has told the Herald Sun he was “bruised” by the work his force had to do during the pandemic.

Not as bruised, however, as the peaceful protestors shot in the back with rubber bullets at the Shrine of Remembrance.

In the article, published last week, Chief Commissioner Patton lamented that the police force’s image “took a hit” because of the work they had to do during lockdown.

Give me a break.

This is a “hit”…

Victoria police bashed, shot and manhandled everyone from young kids to old ladies and pregnant women… and now they want to gaslight the community and claim they were the victims?

Cry me a river.

Police might not write the laws, and sure, they are required to enforce them, but police determine how they are enforced.

And Patton’s goon squad enforced Dan Andrews’ harsh lockdown laws with glee.

All they had to do was guard public buildings. Instead they went all over the CBD chasing citizens as if they were terrorists. Never before has Australia seen such an egregious abuse of power.

Question: How many Victorian police does it take to remove a couple of old ladies from a park bench?

no parade - ladies in park, Vic

Answer: Ask Shane Patton

While I’m showing pictures of the police force doing their work serving and protecting the public, here’s a copper checking the contents of a coffee cup.

Vic Police coffee cup check

It’s an important investigation. The police officer is forensically examining a cup to determine whether or not the cup still contains coffee. If it does not, he will fine the cup holder for failure to wear a mask…

And Chief Commish Patton sooks that the police force’s image took a hit. It’s a complete mystery as to why!

Victorians went from feeling secure when seeing police, to crossing the street… just in case.

Forget sympathy. The suddenly remorseful chief of police deserves the opportunity to appear before a Royal Commission and be subjected to any consequences that flow from it.

Victoria Police’s new softly-softly approach fools no one. And reimagining themselves as the ones hard done by in the lockdown is classic abuser behaviour.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

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  1. Kaylene Emery 11 October 2022 at 7:18 am - Reply

    It’s such a relief to read your work James. My eyes fill as I smile n read my own thoughts crafted together by a true word smith. Thank you.

  2. Vikki 12 October 2022 at 9:30 am - Reply

    Searching for how to give a massive thumbs up to this!

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