Jonathan Roumie at March for Life 2023

“The Chosen” Actor Witnesses to Christ at the March for Life

30 January 2023

2.8 MINS

Jonathan Roumie, who stars as Jesus in the popular crowd-funded television series The Chosen, spoke on Friday 20 January at the annual March for Life in Washington, DC. He proclaimed:

“God is real and He is completely in love with you because you are all here today. History has been made, life has triumphed in an extraordinary way; and the light of the world, who is Jesus Christ, the Author of Life — His light has burned so very brightly within each and every one of you… compelling you forward for one reason or another to stand together today and fight the noblest and worthiest cause possible, which is to allow the unborn the right to enter into the world and defeat those earthly forces that wish to destroy the very evidence of them!

You have chosen to journey to our nation’s capital today not only to mourn the 64 million children lost through abortion over the last fifty years, but also to champion those yet to be born, on the road to their own birth, made in the image of the Creator Himself, and to testify to the miraculous sanctity of life itself, as expressed in the divine poetry of Psalm 139: for You formed my inward parts, You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works – my soul knows it very well...

He continued:

“Having lived under a grim cloud for the last fifty years, the world has once again been given a glimmer of hope, and I pray that with this recent step in protecting life, despite the grievous nature of what we’ve allowed, that God might still look upon us in His infinite mercy and see the hearts of those of us here in support of life today and say to us, ‘In this hour, it is good.’ And it is good, but it is far from finished.”

Total Surrender

The 48-year-old actor from New York City is a devout Christian. Baptised Greek Orthodox like his Egyptian father, he was raised Catholic like his Irish mother. Just over four years ago, he had a powerful experience of God. Catholic News Agency reports:

“Roumie had been an active member at his parish and participated in several ministries such as being a sponsor in RCIA, a eucharistic minister, and lector, but admits that he was not letting God take part in his career. It wasn’t until he was brought to the brink of poverty that he finally let God take complete control of his life.

Roumie shares that he woke up one day in May 2018 and was overdrawn on his bank account, had $20 in his wallet, had enough food for the day, had rent and bills arriving, and had not worked in three weeks. He got on his knees in front of his crucifix and poured his heart out to God. Roumie expresses that he felt an overwhelming sense of peace that everything was going to be OK. Later that day he received four checks in the mail. It was then that he truly surrendered his career to God.”

CNA adds:

“Roumie will be turning in Jesus’ tunic for bell bottoms and flare-sleeved blouses as he takes on the role of playing hippie-street-preacher Lonnie Frisbee in the new movie ‘Jesus Revolution’.

The true story takes place in Southern California at the height of the hippie counterculture in the early 1970s. The movie shows the national spiritual awakening that took place during this time and how a community of teenage hippies came to encounter Christ. The film will be released on February 24.”

Love and Life

In his March for Life speech, Roumie declared:

“For the majority of believers, God is love, and true love gives way to life, not death.

They say we live in a post-Christian society — I reject that. You can reject that. Change the culture by impacting the culture.

Embrace that which is bigger than you — He Who gave you abundant life and He Who has called you by name.

Do not be afraid, mute the noise of the popular and embrace the counterculture of Christ’s love and the message He offers you. The road is wide, which leads to destruction, and many will enter it.

So enter through the narrow gate, my dear friends. For therein lies the Kingdom of Heaven.”


Photo: Jonathan Roumie/Instagram

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  1. Kurt Mahlburg 30 January 2023 at 8:16 am - Reply

    Such a great article Jean, I hadn’t heard about this until I read your account of it. Praise God!

  2. Jim Twelves 30 January 2023 at 8:44 am - Reply

    Jean, so good! Thank you so much or sharing his. Shalom, Jim

  3. Warwick Marsh 1 February 2023 at 9:31 am - Reply

    Fantastic artilce Jean. Much Love Warwick Marsh

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