Don’t Expect a Church that Bent Over for the Jab to Protest Being Arrested for Silent Prayers
Turn in your hymnal to everyone’s favourite: “Go Along to Get Along”.
WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do)
Well, He’d get jabbed, of course. I mean, it’s the Christian thing to do.
Wait. Why would Jesus need a vaccine at all?
Er, never mind. WWJD isn’t supposed to be an exact science. It’s more the vibe of the thing. And the vibe is that Jesus would be twice jabbed, and several times boosted.
He’d also be wearing a mask (even when riding a donkey alone), and He’d maintain a 1.5m distance from the disciples all times.
And so it was, in 2021, that the Archbishop of Canterbury insisted loving your neighbour meant being stuck like a pin cushion with an experimental vaccine, the efficacy of which was uncertain and the long term health effects of which were even less sure.
It’s what Jesus would do, he said.
Getting the jibby jab was not about your right to choose. It was about your Christian duty to love your neighbour.
Except that the vaccine did nothing at all to stop you transmitting the virus to your neighbour.
It did, however, increase your chances of suffering from myocarditis or ending up with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome.
The Archbishop wasn’t alone in his love for the jab.
As recently as January 2022, the Pope suggested that getting vaccinated against Covid was a “moral obligation”.
That’s right. Having the Pfizer was not a medical choice; it was a moral obligation – like telling the truth or repaying a debt you owe.
Moreover, he denounced people who refused the shots because of “baseless information”, you know, as opposed to factual information such as that the shots didn’t stop infection, didn’t stop transmission and had not been properly tested.
Pope Francis has suggested that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a “moral obligation" and denounced how people had been swayed by “baseless information” to refuse the shots.
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) January 10, 2022
Now that we know the safe and effective vaccine was not nearly as safe or effective as it was made out to be, one might expect an apology from the Archbishop and the Pope.
You might imagine they have a “moral obligation” to say sorry for parroting baseless information” from governments.
When governments told churches they could meet but not sing, churches duly obliged.
When governments told everybody they had to be vaccinated or else shunned as second class citizens, churches agonised over whether they should permit the unvaxxed to worship with them.
Some churches actually checked vaccine passports at the door, which no doubt impressed their overlords no end.
When governments mandated vaccinations, Christian Schools sacked teachers who preferred not to take the government supplied spike protein. It was disgraceful.
When governments told churches they could not meet at all since they were not an “essential service”, churches immediately agreed and closed their doors.
But had not health officials spoken?
Had not politicians declared?
And when churches reopened a year or more later, church leaders blamed the dramatic drop in numbers on the congregation’s lack of discipleship.
Yeah, that was it. The people were uncommitted. (Insert massive eye roll here.)
The church didn’t stand up when it had the chance.
Now we have Catholic women being arrested on the streets of England for silent prayer, and still barely a peep from the church.
I just hoped Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, arrested for thinking private thoughts to her God within 150m of an abortion clinic, was up to date with her Covid-19 booster shots.
Lord knows, that’s what Jesus would have wanted.
Originally published at The James Macpherson Report. Photo by Kat Smith.
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Even before the inauguration of Donald Trump occurred, it was evident that the zeitgeist of the Western world had shifted. But I don’t think anyone had predicted that change would occur so decisively and quickly.
Contempt is not a pleasant feeling and as a Christian, I know its pitfall. Try as I may I have not yet been able to stop my contempt of the churches over these issues.
In this, my lesson has been something like never ever hand your life and your will over to anyone or anything other than God. But if you do choose compliance never ever say….I was only following orders. Rather, face your mistake learn from it, repent before God and return to Him.
Brilliant as usual James.
We have a Doctor and heavy hitter in the WHO who actively promoted the juice from every church platform available. His impact upon the church in our area has been huge.
And our area is the largest city outside Sydney….
If taking the decision other Christians made in good faith, based on honest reasoning in relation to the common good and a Biblical injunctions to obey our leaders, and reducing it to a cheap and nasty straw man figure makes for a good article, then James MacPherson deserves a Walkley Award for Excellence in Journalism.
But the opposite is in fact the case.
It is a self-serving, virtue signalling piece of “bait and switch”, tying that together with some perceived lack of courage shown by Christians in general in the case of a woman in Britain arrested and charged for praying silently outside an abortion clinic. The fact is that this woman had her charges quashed the first time, a fact stated clearly in the link provided, and therefore a sure sign that she will be acquitted again. This seems to escape James, so intent is he on maintaining his rage against his fellow Christians in such an un-Christian venting of spleen.
By reducing those good faith decisions to an absurd caricature, “WWJD”, he mocks them while failing dismally to reflect on his own attitude.
Great article James, and yes I agree that the Christian church has not been vocal enough when it comes to many moral and ethical issues recently and many people feel disappointed (including me). Thankfully though there are many Christians who have been vocal and have been fighting the spiritual war going on (including yourself) and I praise God for their courage and ability to do so. It was very wrong of church leaders to encourage people to have the jabs and then discriminate against those who chose not to. They really should have encouraged people to do their own research and investigating as to whether the jab was suitable for them and asking people to stay home if they are unwell. There simply was no need to cause division and ill feeling between Christians as it makes the Body of Christ look weak to the rest of the world. Creating division among Christians is a tactic of Satan.
“They really should have encouraged people to do their own research and investigating as to whether the jab was suitable for them…”
Who are you to judge that they didn’t?
As a Christian I really enjoy reading James’ pearls of wisdom & truth, but sadly this current worldly-wise reprobate generation & society is intent on normalizing sin, immorality, lies, evil as normal, & wisdom & truth as anathema.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” – Isaiah 5:20.
May the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ continue to bless you & your loved ones James. And to reach this lost generation with the immutable love & truths of God in the Bible, & the blessed hope of the Gospel Message of Eternal Life Salvation by faith in our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ!
Yes many if not most of our church leaders pushed us to do something which wasn’t properly tested on humans or animals. Now since we’ve found out that the covid mRna vax didn’t stop infection and death or prevent us from ‘keeping grandma safe’ and our loved ones, there’s no apology or reversal from the vax proponents, only denial, digging themselves deeper and further scaremongering to prepare us for their next ‘operation’.
Good to ask WWJD, as he was a healer of illness. No way then for him to vax and mask up. But today we have immense knowledge of alternate medicine, not the fake Big Pharma type, to keep us safe and healthy.
John, thanks for this comment. Thanks also to James for this article and the thread of the comments. I think we are all entitled to our perception of ‘how our church managed during the covid era’. Let me lend my subjective perception.
My church (that shall remain nameless, naturally) neither pushed the government narrative nor opposed it. They displayed some ‘frustration’ with the rules, but generally ‘complied’. There was no encouragement to be jabbed, the jabbed and unjabbed were regarded equal.
However, I would agree with one sentiment voiced by you John. Now that, much of the narrative has unraveled, and the government are finding it very hard to apologize, I think ‘church leaders’ should be standing up and ‘asking’ for such an apology, but I don’t hear it.