AstraZeneca No Longer an Approved Vaccine
I am not, nor have I ever been anti-vax, although I do have a few friends who are. I have been vaccinated against COVID-19, so this is not part of some personal crusade or conspiracy theory against the use of vaccines. I was actually scheduled to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine just a few days before the Australian government advised otherwise and I received the Pfizer vaccine instead. Which I then proceeded to freely receive.
What follows below is a timely reminder that no one should be pressured or coerced into taking a medical procedure. And the fact that so many mainstream media outlets are silent regarding this announcement should also be of significant concern.
Because just last month, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care announced that as of 20 March 2023, AstraZeneca will no longer be an approved vaccine in Australia. The Canberra Weekly reports that:
The Department of Health says that the Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax vaccines were preferred over AstraZeneca for people aged under 60 due to its “higher risk and observed severity of a rare side effect called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS) in people aged under 60 compared with people aged 60 years or older.” Despite the rare risk of TTS, the AstraZeneca vaccine was still used as a booster in people aged 18 and over.
While the Department of Health maintains that “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and save lives”, they also list several side effects from the jabs. Along with TTS, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) are also listed as rare complications from the AstraZeneca vaccine. Myocarditis and pericarditis are also listed as rare side effects for the Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax vaccines.
The article goes on to state:
According to the latest safety report from the Therapeutic Goods of Australia (TGA), “to March 19 2023, just under 14 million doses of Vaxzervria (AstraZeneca) have been administered in Australia.”
The safety report also states that there have been 48,721 adverse event reports from the AstraZeneca jab out of a total of 137,970. The Pfizer shot has 81,298 adverse event reports from over 44 million doses. The Moderna vaccine has 7,477 adverse events from more than five million doses. The Novavax jab has 990 adverse events from 247,000 doses.
I still believe that the various COVID-19 vaccines did a tremendous amount of good. While the evidence is anecdotal, senior hospital staff I know have told me that the majority of people in ICU suffering from severe COVID-19 are those who are unvaccinated. I don’t know what their co-morbidities or anything like that are, but clearly, the vaccine would’ve been of help to them.
But that doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t have personal freedom and individual agency over their own health choices. And they should be especially free from government coercion to do so. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that freedom is hard fought but easily lost.
Significantly, this is an issue that Reformed theologians have wrestled with before. All the way back in 1880, the Reformed theologian Abraham Kuyper, argued that compulsory vaccination against diseases such as small pox[1] ‘should be out of the question’. This is because:
Our physicians may be mistaken and government may never stamp a particular medical opinion as orthodox and therefore binding. Moreover, compulsion can never be justified until the illness manifests itself and may therefore never be prescribed as preventative. A third reason is that government should keep its hands of our bodies. Fourthly, government must respect conscientious objections. In the fifth place, it is one or the other: either it does not itself believe in vaccination, or if it does, it will do redundant work by proceeding to protect once more those already safeguarded against an evil that will no longer have a hold on them anyway.
The fifth reason Kuyper gives might at first seem somewhat obscure or hard to understand. His argument could be rephrased as follows: If the government doesn’t think vaccines are effective, then why make them mandatory? Alternatively, if they are effective then why should the vaccinated be afraid of the unvaccinated since they supposedly work in protecting one against the disease? Hence, it is wrong to legislate compulsory vaccination. As Kuyper rightly concludes:
Vaccination certificates will therefore have to go… The form of tyranny hidden in these vaccination certificates is just as real a threat to the nation’s spiritual resources as a smallpox epidemic itself.
[1] Significantly, small pox was a lot deadlier than COVID-19. During the 18th century alone, the disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans each year, including five reigning monarchs, and was responsible for a third of all blindness. Between 20 and 60% of all those infected – and over 80% of infected children – died from the disease.
Photo by Mika Baumeister/Unsplash.
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Such a well thought through position on vaccine mandates, and from no less an authority than theologian, journalist and former Dutch Prime Minister Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920), one of the greatest thinkers of his age.
Mark, as always your measured tone and thoughtful consideration of an issue shines out. But there is one statement of Kuyper’s which could be debated, and one of yours which is not in fact true.
The first is this:
“If the government doesn’t think vaccines are effective, then why make them mandatory? Alternatively, if they are effective then why should the vaccinated be afraid of the unvaccinated since they supposedly work in protecting one against the disease?”
In relation to the first question, as governments around the world base their decisions on medications by means of the very exacting clinical trials, which in the case of the three major examples in Australia, all gave results of over 90% effectiveness. They also revealed incredibly rare adverse effects.
And this is why you have had no issue yourself with being vaccinated, a point you stress up front.
In relation to the second question, there is not, and has never been, a medication against a communicable disease which prevents transmission. So while the extremely high effectiveness does have a significant impact against transmission, others, particularly the unvaccinated, can still contract the virus.
So, as Christians, this brings up the issue of “my brother’s keeper”. To what extent do WE go to ensure that we do not place others at risk of a disease which could have life altering or life ending consequences?
As I said, those points are debatable, and I will be the first to admit that they do not refute the point, only that they serve as important points of debate to hopefully find a better answer.
That brings me to the factual error:
“…just last month, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care announced that as of 20 March 2023, AstraZeneca will no longer be an approved vaccine in Australia.”
The fact is that it was Astra-Zeneca’s decision, not the government, as was reported at on the day of the announcement:
“The federal Department of Health and Aged Care confirmed the news in a statement to, saying although the vaccine remains provisionally approved in the country, AstraZeneca has decided to “formally discontinue Vaxzevria in Australia”…
…“The Government has entered into five separate agreements for the supply of Covid-19 vaccines and has secured sufficient doses to complete current and future booster requirements and any new or remaining primary course vaccinations,” the spokesperson said.
“This diverse portfolio of vaccines provides Australian’s flexibility of choice and enables the government to address variants of concern in the future. The (Health) Department works closely with manufacturers to ensure access to the most updated vaccines.”
The spokesperson wanted to emphasise the decision to phase out Vaxzevria was “not a decision based on safety as some people have misrepresented on social media”, but by the increased supply of alternative Covid vaccine options.
“As expected, first generation vaccines have been superseded by newer vaccines targeting the strains of the virus now circulating.”
So in reality it was a commercial decision. After all, what company is going to continue manufacturing a product which is going to go to waste?
With respect Mark , this is perhaps one of the most vivid examples of cognitive dissonance I have seen, in writing in a while. Regardless of the mounting body of evidence against – your conclusion is based on the word of ” senior medical staff “……that you know.
As one who is only a few years into freedom from this state of mind , I believe that only God in His mercy can set you free. But remember that He asked that very important question……….” Do you want to be healed?” John 5:2-8.
And before you jump on the bandwagon Kim, which you are quite entitled to do ( because I believe in freedom of speech and….. thought ) I have no intention of citing my evidence or references or anything else…….others may be willing to spoon feed those who wont look and listen for them selves – but I am kinda busy.
May God in His mercy help us and teach us to pray for each other , from the heart.
Thank you for granting my entitlement to “jump on the bandwagon”, which this isn’t, by the way. It’s a place for reasoned debate, which your comment is not, unfortunately.
You claim that there’s a “mounting body of evidence” that refutes what Mark said regarding “the majority of people in ICU suffering from severe COVID-19 are those who are unvaccinated”. But the evidence actually proves his point:
“I have no intention of citing my evidence or references or anything else…….others may be willing to spoon feed those who wont look and listen for them selves – but I am kinda busy.”
Then, as there is an issue called “the burden of proof”, that if you make a claim that there’s a “mounting body of evidence”, then you are logically required to provide it. In short, if you’re “kinda busy”, and don’t have the time to provide the proof, then you don’t have the time to make the claim.
Just sayin’.
I would refer also to data provided by Dr John Campbell and various other medical experts who refer to data that supports thatvtyere needs to a proper full inquiry into the various asoects of the MRNA vaccines among others in relation to Covid 19. Doctors I know want the vaccine rollout to be at least paused as their are concerns over excess deaths since vacine rollout here and in many countries . Also Prof Clancy of Australia has put foward tgat a traditional type vaccine for covid 19 could have been available for Australian many months earlier than whatvwas done ,. Know too many with significant ongoing vaccine injuries to think this was is rare . A inquiry is needed especially as the government is ramping up a fresh push to get everyone jabbed regardless their level of vaccination .
Thank you Stephen and Kaylene….Having done hundreds of hours of research on Vax injuries I am absolutely convinced that more people have died and are dying from the MRNA injections than from the disease… ( also my personal experience)…and that COVID death statistics were wildly manipulated by people who were to profit from the roll out. Follow the $. Gee I hope people wake up soon. ❤️🙏
“Having done hundreds of hours of research on Vax injuries I am absolutely convinced that more people have died and are dying from the MRNA injections than from the disease…”
How could that be when we have literally mountains of data from the billions of vaccinations worldwide which prove conclusively two things: first, that the adverse effects are incredibly rare, and second, that every adverse effect of the vaccine is also a far more frequent and far more harmful side effect of the disease?
If you talk to people in hospitals and those who have had adverse effects from the vaccines, then it becomes apparent that it is just too hard/time consuming to report on injuries. Remember, those doctors still working during covid were told by AHPRA to toe the line regarding the govt policy on vaccines, so even if they felt it wasn’t in the best interests of their patient/s, they would have been reprimanded or lost their job if they had voiced opinions against mass vaccination. Indeed many did lose their jobs.
So, to say the injuries are “incredibly rare” is not accurate as the data is not reliable.
Moreover, any information that went against the govt push for vaccination was quashed by social media. One wonders why, when there was no big mass vaccination push and lockdown for the flu. The actual death rates of covid were incredibly low for young people especially and yet the push to vaccinate children was all too real.
It’s hard to know if the truth will eventuate as there was just too much $ to make on this pandemic.