Not going anywhere

Moira Deeming is “Not Going Anywhere”

20 April 2023

4.4 MINS

The truth can never be silenced for long, even on the ruthless pedestals of politics and mainstream media.

After being vilified and labelled a “Nazi sympathiser” for defending women’s sex-based rights, Moira Deeming has now revealed her side of the story in a Sky News Australia interview. This is in a context where a denigrating public spun a story before she was even given the chance to have her say.

In case you missed it, the upper house MP for Victoria’s Western Metropolitan Region addressed the ‘Let Women Speak’ rally in Melbourne on March 18, to voice concerns about women’s safety and fairness in female-only spaces and sports. The event was gate-crashed by a group of saluting neo-Nazis, which led to accusations of Deeming’s association with Nazism.

She soon denied any such association and condemned the extremist demonstrations, but the political damage had already been done. Liberal opposition leader John Pesutto moved to expel Deeming from the state Liberal Party, yet the verdict arrived at her suspension for nine months.

In the exclusive interview with Peta Credlin, Deeming described new details about the terms of her suspension; the impact of the false accusations on her and her family; and, despite everything that had happened, the importance of continuing the fight for women’s sex-based rights.


Party Suspension

Deeming said the federal Liberal Party had asked her to “lay low” in media appearances until after the Aston by-election, which was held on April 1. While she claimed she had “said and done nothing wrong”, Deeming revealed the conditions of her nine-month suspension and that she accepted it to “clear my family name”. Deeming said:

“Technically, there were no grounds listed for the suspension… The other motion – that I had brought the party into disrepute and that I was in any way associated with Nazism – that was all withdrawn. And then a new motion was put up that I be suspended.”

“I said look, so long as all of the guilt of that particular notice of motion is removed from me, because my main goal the whole time was just to have my name cleared – for the sake of my family, for the sake of my husband’s career, for my children, for our family name…

“And so the three conditions were [its] automatic reinstatement after nine months, the clearing of my name from that notice of motion, and a joint statement.”

And in a dignified move, Deeming declined to comment on John Pesutto, saying she would rather “deal with any Liberal Party matters internally” – even though Pesutto prematurely and immaturely brought the issue to the media long before his expulsion motion.

“If I’ve got something to say to John, I’m happy to speak to him personally,” she expressed.

Perhaps Pesutto has a thing or two to learn from Deeming.

“Nazi Sympathiser”

Having been partly raised by her uncle, who was a Holocaust survivor, Deeming said she was shocked by the name-calling and accusations of her connection with neo-Nazis.

“It was just such a shock because it was so obviously untrue… And it just got worse and worse. It seemed to snowball. I just couldn’t believe how far and wide it was being spread.”

“The one thing I was never ever expecting was to be called a Nazi sympathiser.”

She implied the irony of men inserting their opinion on the issue in matters of women’s rights – which the left would have considered to be a heinous act if transgenderism was not in the picture.

“It was very frustrating hearing all these people – men in particular – telling me whether I should or should not, as an almost 40-year-old woman, go out and speak peacefully about my rights on parliament steps.”

“It was very degrading and demeaning to have people on Q&A tell me that I should have stayed home, that I should just go home and stay in bed, or that my views on this issue are not important because they’re not genuine.”

Nevertheless, Deeming has made it clear that slanderous labels and baseless claims are not going to stop her from working as a “proud Liberal”, or from working towards safeguarding women and children.

“This is what people do when they don’t have a logical argument… they revert to calling you names, but that’s not going to [put] me off.”

The Good Fight

Contrary to what these name-callers believe, Deeming’s commitment to protect women’s sex-based rights is not driven by a hatred of transgender people, but rather by her painful childhood experiences of abuse that left her “vulnerable”.

“I was often targeted in the toilets. I’ve had men expose themselves to me in public change rooms and toilets. But… I had the right to do something about it and to complain.”

She feared her daughters would no longer be afforded the same right under the current gender identity law, and that the law “emboldens and gives a legal excuse for bad men”.

“That was the biggest difference that I could see in the law, was that women and girls have no right to complain anymore when their boundaries are invaded like that.

“I have three daughters and I have a son, and it’s just so enraging that anyone thinks it’s acceptable to put my daughters, or me, or any woman or any girl at such high risk where any man can now come into our change rooms and toilets, and we aren’t allowed to question why they’re there…

“I couldn’t believe that everything that I had enjoyed in terms of women’s rights [was] now going to be denied to my three daughters.”

The Moira Deeming case ultimately begs the question: How is it that biological women are vilified, their rights compromised, and their concerns for safety and fairness dismissed by the same people who claim to promote gender equality and women’s rights?

Are the rights of transgender “women” (men who identify as women) therefore more important than those of biological women? Does the left really want to give men more power, by disregarding the interests of biological females while allowing men to become women?

Deeming concluded the interview by acknowledging that a blurred definition of sex carries great legal and societal repercussions. The consequences may be too far-reaching to reverse, but Deeming is motivated to use her platform in politics to continue fighting for the protection and preservation of women and girls’ sex-based rights – in bathrooms, in sports, and in other spaces hijacked by rampant transgender ideology.

“Whether we like it or not, if you destroy or remove the definition of what a woman is to include men… if gender identity is more important than biological sex, then we lose all of our sex-based rights.”

Moira Deeming – a woman of strong conviction and a fighting spirit – has been kicked out for several months by the Liberal Party.

To which she responded resolutely, “I’m not going anywhere.”


Photo: Screenshot of Sky News/Youtube.


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  1. Jim Twelves 20 April 2023 at 10:30 am - Reply

    Nicole, this is a brilliant piece! Thank you for the update. I had not seen the Peta Credlin’s interview, thank you. I don’t mind confessing, it has brought me to tears to see how low we have come as a society that we can turn on one of our own in such a way.
    We desperately need to see Jesus back centre stage in our society. Under his leadership and guidance we would at least have respect for our fellow men and women.

  2. Kaylene Emery 20 April 2023 at 4:36 pm - Reply

    It’s good to listen to, and be guided by women like Moira. Her integrity shines through the light of God.
    She is a beacon, a light on a hill for us all to see and be inspired by.

  3. Kaylene Emery 20 April 2023 at 4:38 pm - Reply

    Thank you Nicole. God bless you and your.

  4. john Searle 21 April 2023 at 8:28 am - Reply

    looks like we are going to need more women in par. because the men these day seem to be missing in action when it come to what is right and what is wrong God bless her and her family and keep them safe from the hate in this world for telling the truth

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