
The Gospel in Action – Day 11

11 May 2023

3.3 MINS


To love God and each other indeed and in truth.


“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”

– 1 John 3:16–18


Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. The best definition of love I can find is the Scripture above.

Sometimes before you can address the spiritual need of an individual you must acknowledge their physical need.

The best way to preach is to meet a person’s needs. This could be food, shelter, or just companioning them. Jesus did this constantly. l pay attention to the ones Jesus spent time with. It wasn’t usually the socially adept, but often it was ‘the least of these’.

Should we do the same? This is how we know what love is.

Maturity is recognition of godly nature in action, dripping in hope for transparent change according to our beloved gospel.

By God’s design, there will be saints and sinners together in the church because the mighty grace of God can bring true repentance to all mankind, at any given moment. Some people who may exemplify the nature of a sinner in the church can completely change through the love and transformational power of the gospel. We will always believe God for their radical change.

The key is in understanding that their actions flow from their nature. Never reject people because they sin. But begin to help lead them into facing their truth at the cross. Don’t condemn them. But love them into the kingdom.

Those who have the deep love of God abiding in themselves manifest a deep abhorrence of sin and the sin of others. They are always ready to humble themselves, take responsibility and denounce themselves for what is wrong. You never hear them making excuses for their sin or throwing the blame on others, or their Maker.

They do not cover up the sins of others or plead for them and excuse them. They do not shame sinners for failing, because they recognise their own humanity. As they are indignant at sin in themselves, they are just as much so, when they see it in others.

Sin is the presence of Satan. It’s the nature of Satan. And it’s the character of Satan to condemn others for sin.

God’s friends manifest the spirit of glory, His love, zeal for His honour and His holiness. They aim at holiness, purity and innocence. And to help lead others into a posture of heart to readily recognise the presence of God moving.

True bowed knees are found in the heart, so let’s begin with love for one another.


Ps Tony BainesPrayer

Father, Jesus, we ask for the way, the truth, the life to be established in every believer. That You Jesus, would receive the reward for Your suffering, that we walk in Your Ways, and go into all the world a share it. 

Holy Spirit, walk us along the good way, the holy way, Your holy highway, Your ancient path of righteousness. Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, I pray, You glory in the obedience of Your people, as they listen to Your voice, abiding in Your word as they go, making disciples, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Author Bio

Ps Tony Baines is ‘just a man’ who walks with God. He has two children and is a grandfather to one. Tony has seen both failure and triumph. His passion is to worship Jesus 24/7, 365 days of the year. His mission is to plunder hell and populate heaven.

Prayer Points and Purpose for GO 2023 in May

  1. To worship Jesus and give extravagant praise to God. Heb 12:28–29
  2. Pray that the Lamb who was slain might receive the reward for His suffering. Rev 5:6–14
  3. Pray for revival for Australia and for millions to find Christ. Isa 64:1–2
  4. Pray for revival for Israel and millions to find Christ. Rom 10:1
  5. Pray for five friends to find Christ and share the gospel with those five in May. Matt 28:18–20

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DATES: Every night for the month of May


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One Comment

  1. Kaylene Emery 11 May 2023 at 9:24 am - Reply

    He calls each one of us in such different ways Tony. It seems to me that as His creation , He knows me and fits me to purpose.
    When my fellow Christians expect me to be like them I am puzzled as well as irritated.
    So whilst I think, I understand what you are saying – unless I am able to have a conversation with you about what I think you just said….I am at risk of misunderstanding you and your message.
    Thank you for all that do.

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