birthing parent

Erasing Mothers: Australian Chemist Backflips on ‘Birthing Parent’

12 June 2023

2.5 MINS

A wave of angry women and mothers appear to have forced TerryWhite Chemmart to backflip on the use of the term “birthing parent”.

The 500-store-strong Australian pharmacy used the pro-LGBT newspeak in its “scientific” medical information on whooping cough.

Under the title “family affair”, the company asserts,

“The birthing parent is the most important person in the family to be vaccinated,’ because ‘antibodies are on during pregnancy.”


Among the first to protest, Women’s Forum Australia CEO Rachael Wong questioned TWC’s apparent contempt for adult biological females, stating,

“Why is one of Aus’ largest pharmacy chains trying to erase women/mothers?”

“Could it be that the pharmaceutical industry has something to gain from promoting an ideology that says people can change sex?”

TWC’s use of the term appears to be policy.

Melbourne-based independent journalist Rukshan Fernando dug deeper, and found an online version that read,

“Firstly, getting vaccinated helps protect the birthing parent from whooping cough…”

Truth and Consequences

The company’s backflip came after a backlash was triggered by Rukshan’s findings, which he posted online.

In response, TerryWhite replaced “birthing parent” with “mother”, and deleted four or five of their latest Instagram posts.

Rukshan told the Daily Declaration that TWC’s backflip appears to have happened on the same day.

“It’s likely the four to five [unrelated] posts were deleted because of the massive backlash in the comments sections,” he explained.

Clarifying, Rukshan said, ‘Most of the backlash against TWC was from mothers and women.’

As we’re seeing in the United States, corporate contempt for customers is costing companies millions of dollars in revenue.

“People have long memories,” Rukshan warned.

Like Target America and Bud Light, despite TWC’s backflip, “people are still unhappy.”

Maybe companies will begin to “think twice” before co-opting far-left extremism into their business plans, he observed.

In a video posted to Instagram, the independent journalist described the term “birthing parent” as “woke nonsense.”

He also shared comments of women criticising the Australian chemist.

One woman wrote,

“Birthing parent? They mean ‘woman, mother’ right? Another brand to boycott, which by the way, is saving me a lot of money.”

While some accused him of “dog-whistling to [so-called] homophobia”, the majority consensus was summed up in comments such as,

“This is just insulting and degrading to women!”

“Do NOT reduce me to a “birthing parent” — no biological man can become pregnant! Look who you’re offending here — real women who are your main customers!”

“This is a disgusting way to treat women.”

“Terry White clearly cares more about feelings than science. Just what everyone looks for in a medical professional.”

“Last time I checked only women have wombs to ‘birth’ a baby!”


The Daily Declaration reached out to TerryWhite for comment and was promptly shut down.

In order to contact them, TWC’s website directs users to its outlets.

On this advice, the Daily Declaration contacted a local TerryWhite Chemmart for comment.

They refused to confirm or deny whether TWC had mandated the use of “birthing parent” instead of “mother.”

When politely asked if the use of “birthing parent” was a directive, the TWC employee become agitated and said, “It’s not something for me to comment on.”

Rejecting our general inquiry into whether or not TWC replacing the term “mother” with “birthing parent” was policy, the person became angry.

They then said, “Don’t ring again,” and hung up.

With respect to the fallout in the United States over wokeifying product lines — which include pushing pro-PRIDE propaganda — TWC’s backflip indicates the backlash has them spooked.

More concerning, perhaps, is medical science ejecting itself from fact-based terminology.

Using “birthing parent” isn’t just harmful — it signals a greater moral erosion of once-trusted institutions.

If chemists ditch honesty, how can Australians trust these organisations with their health?


Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

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One Comment

  1. H Harrison 12 June 2023 at 11:57 am - Reply

    Thankyou Rod for this revealing article. Hope and pray the backlash happens more!

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