Globalism and Nationalism – Part 1: The Tower of Babel
Synonyms for globalism include development, growth, and maturation, and multinational executives are routinely encouraged to have a global mindset. Synonyms for nationalism are often linked to negative things like bigotry, protectionism, and xenophobia. But they also carry positive connotations, such as patriotism and good citizenship, and it is on the rise.
— The False Dichotomy Between Globalism and Nationalism by David A. Waldman and Mansour Javidan June 18, 2020
It seems to me that globalism and nationalism are only hinted at in our public discourse and only rarely discussed in depth. Let’s look at these two ‘isms’ under the microscope. This piece, ‘The Tower of Babel’, is the first of a series, of I don’t know how many parts. Perhaps the number will depend on how much feedback these ideas generate!
Four quotes on globalism from well-known leaders:
We are in a world where globalization, which is an ideology, has forgotten and put aside the people, the people’s interests, aspirations, and dreams.
— Marine Le PenFinancial globalisation and Islamist globalisation are helping each other out. Those two ideologies want to bring France to its knees.
— Marine Le PenGlobalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing… you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn’t affect two-thirds of the people of the world.
— Jimmy CarterWhere globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.
— Nelson Mandela
In 2022 Martyn Iles, former CEO of Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), toured eastern Australia with his Babylon roadshow. I caught the Sydney event, and Martyn’s depiction of The Tower of Babel was most memorable.
The Story of the Tower of Babel
- Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
- As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
- They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.
- Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
- But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.
- The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
- Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
- So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.
- That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth. (Genesis 11: 1-9)
I acknowledge Martyn Iles for the biblical reference, but these applications to globalism are my own.
The Babylonians make no reference to the Lord in their planning. God was not in the picture; He was not consulted, He was ignored. These are people who had been miraculously saved through Noah’s flood, 100, 340 or 700 years earlier, depending on whose estimate you follow. But they were clearly not acknowledging God. I argue the globalists of today are not acknowledging God either (v 1-4).
They were in fear, that they would be scattered over the face of the globe. But note:
God (had) blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.” (Genesis 9:1)
Now the people of Babel were seeking to stay safe and secure in the world they had created. And above all, they wanted a name for themselves, rather than to honour the name of the Lord (v. 4).
At the outset of this story, effectively the whole earth, albeit a small region around modern-day Bagdad or ancient Babylon, had one language and a common speech. This made it so easy to manage. Their world was so small, and following a central command was easy, as they all understood the vision and mission in their own language (v. 1).
The globalists have made the world the smallest it’s ever been. The Internet, Skype, Zoom, mobile phones, and smartphones have shrunk distance to zero. Language is predominantly English, but computers and artificial intelligence (AI) have overcome the need to learn and use foreign languages. The globalists have built the modern-day Babel.
But the Lord Came Down
By Genesis 9: 5, the Lord came down. He was not asked, but He came (perhaps there were some who were asking). The architects and builders of the tower were not asking. The Lord could see their capacity for a world without Him — nothing is hidden from the Lord. He had promised no more flood, but this time he confused their language, so they (could) not understand each other (v. 7).
The common language aspect of unity amongst the globalists gives them enormous potential for their vison and mission. During the Covid era, we needed to look no further than the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to see how non-government organizations (NGOs) could coordinate and dictate nearly every people group on the planet. They did not need permission from the various national governments — they coordinated and dictated to national governments! They were the effective global government, but that is rarely acknowledged.
So, using the confusion of language, God stopped the building! (v.8). From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth (v. 9). That was clever! That was His plan all along. But His people had not followed through, so He scattered them all over the face of the earth using their own desperate search for meaning.
What did this create? It created all the nations of the earth. I would argue that God has been a nationalist ever since! He has had His people, His nation, all along. The nations were always plotting against His people, and still are today (Amir Tsarfati, 24 May 2023), but they will not prevail.
So, whenever I see traits of globalism I think back to Babel and what God thought about then. I suggest that’s what God thinks about the globalists of today. At a stroke, He can confuse their language and scatter them over the face of the whole earth and bring them back to their individual national borders.
Fear the Fuel of the Globalists
The first globalists were fearful of being scattered (Genesis 9: 4) as they had dismissed God from their lives. Today’s globalists have also dismissed God from their narrative. Instead, just like their forebears, they are seeking to make a name for themselves as the saviours of the world, the people and the planet.
We saw through the Covid era that the globalists used fear to garner public support for their vision, and their solution. Then, when fear wore thin, they used mandates to demand submission and compliance.
The fallout from the Covid era control measures will be with us for a long time. The loss of businesses, loss of careers, depression and suicide, and the vaccine injured and deaths. For example the statistics on Australian youth mental health are depressing (Sydney Morning Herald, 22 March 2022).
One in four young Australians thought about suicide over the past two years and 15 per cent attempted self-harm, according to a poll of 16- to 24-year-olds.
Our young people are struggling more than ever before, while God, who offers hopes and dreams, is locked out and the Judeo-Christian tradition is mocked, vilified and outlawed.
The globalists from the World Economic Forum (WEF) make no apology for using the association of fear with their latest pandemic.
The spread of infectious diseases has a unique ability to fuel fear, anxiety and mass hysteria. In so doing, as we have seen, it also challenges our social cohesion and collective capacity to manage a crisis.
— COVID-19: The Great Reset (2020) by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Forum Publishing
Notice their connection between fear and mass hysteria. This quote does not say this, but it suggests to me that the WEF has recognised the capacity of mass hysteria to massage and generate public opinion in their favour.
It seems to me that fear and anxiety drive men and women to seek solutions. In turn, the globalists use fear to pull people into their solutions for the people and the planet. All the while managing God, faith and hope out of the equation.
COVID-19: The Great Reset
To conclude this opening discussion on globalism and nationalism, I would like to reflect on the most well-known initiative from the WEF, their COVID-19: The Great Reset, published in 2020 (my underlining):
In early July 2020, we are at a crossroads, the authors of COVID-19: The Great Reset argue. One path will take us to a better world: more inclusive, more equitable and more respectful of Mother Nature. The other will take us to a world that resembles the one we just left behind – but worse and constantly dogged by nasty surprises.
The constant theme throughout this book is the tension between globalism and nationalism. Globalism is always seen as the ideal, the prize. It is the approach they want but they recognise that nationalism will always seek to challenge their dream.
If the WEF simply had dreams and they were content to let the nations of the world review, and vote to follow or reject them, I would most likely not be writing this piece.
But The Great Reset is more than a dream for the WEF; it is an ideology, a philosophy, and a mandate of the radical left, who are working to establish a new world order, global governance at any cost. In effect, the globalist’s panacea for all ills.
The coronavirus is spreading globally and sparing no one, while simultaneously the geopolitical fault lines that divide societies spur many leaders to focus on national responses – a situation that constrains collective effectiveness and reduces the ability to eradicate the pandemic. (79)
This last quote is echoed repeatedly throughout the book. The authors passionately believe that only together, as a global community, can global threats be addressed. They have no time for, or faith, to believe that the sovereignty of the nation state can act as responsible citizens and together collaborate to meet real global threats.
To be sure, The Great Reset’s goal for a better world: more inclusive, more equitable and more respectful of Mother Nature, sounds attractive. I can see a huge segment of society in many nations, especially the more affluent, applauding such a goal. It engenders an inner glow of moral superiority and altruism. Perhaps it taps into the spiritual side of those who have jettisoned God in their drive for the god of their own dreams.
The globalists’ dream has removed God from their thinking:
So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. (Ephesians 4: 17-18)
How can a Godless globalist agenda work? It’s like The Tower of Babel all over again. I realise this perspective may jar with some, but I encourage you to consider the parallels with ancient Babylon.
This is just the first in my series on globalism and nationalism. There are many angles on this dichotomy still to explore. Let me leave you with this.
Alliance of Responsible Citizens (ARC)
In late 2023, ARC will be holding its inaugural international conference of more than a thousand high level leaders from politics, culture, business and academia across three days in London. This will be coupled with one major public event in this period to invite public participation and engagement (ARC)
This is a fledgling organisation; it is championing personal responsibility in contrast with the globalists who appeal to the common good. Wherever you sit on the global and national continuum, I hope these ideas can stimulate some new avenues of thought.
For further reflections on COVID-19: The Great Reset, review my recent videos COVID-19: The Great Reset Part 1 and COVID-19: The Great Reset Part 2 – Follow the Unmarked Track.
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That is my sentiments exactly. I had this conversation with my son. Nations are God’s idea! There is no reason why we need war with each other except sin of course. It does seem to me too that it is the globalist who are perpetuating useless wars too, as it makes them wealthy and powerful.
Hello Jim,
I appreciate your essay and your 2 videos. I agree we need to understand what WEF are doing/ planning, but also as you said God has the ultimate say in the outcome.
I believe it is correct as you propose , that Cov19 was planned from the beginning. Dr David Martin provides compelling evidence that this is indeed true.
There are a number of climate scientists who have been outspoken against the climate catastrophe narrative for years like Clive Palmer, but the MSM will not listen..
What disturbs me most is that our Government appears to be totally on board with the WEF program, and it does not matter which political party is in power the agenda still progresses.
We know as a nation we have rebelled against God in almost every area of society , and that God can not tolerate such rebellion but will have his way, (as with Babel)
The solution is given in 2 Chronicles 7:14,15. If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and heal their land.
I for one look forward to your future articles
Stan, I appreciate your comment very much. But let me add a rider. You are dismayed, as I am, that both major parties here in Australia, seem to be blindly following the globalist agenda, but look across the western world, the same narrative is playing out there more or less in unison. This, to me, is one of the most compelling arguments that the globalists have the stage at the moment. But, look at Hungary and Italy for example. There seems to be a stirring occurring.
Jim, this is a well considered article in the main. We need to look carefully at the differences between globalism and nationalism, and you instantly go to the heart of the situation, and why your article is necessary, being that they “are only hinted at in our public discourse and only rarely discussed in depth”.
Thankfully, from the quotes by three leading political figures, the issue is out there where it can at least be found.
You also note, in the book, “The Great Reset”, “the tension between globalism and nationalism”. But I’m at least optimistic that, because nations are God’s intention from the post-Flood period on, that the tension is only one way. If it’s God’s design, then that’s because He has instilled it into us as individuals to be a part of that whole.
That’s why I believe that any globalist plan is doomed, and for two reasons. First, it’s contrary to God’s design, which leads to the second, which is the fact that every human being on the planet identifies as a member of a family, a community, a tribe and a nation.
And we’ve seen this in recent years with Brexit, as well as other nations within the EU expressing their nationalist aspirations, most notably Italy.
And Scripture shows us what God thinks of their plans in Psalm 2, when “kings” and “rulers” “rise up” and “band together” to “conspire” and “plot” (vv. 1-2), it is always in vain. In contrast, He installs the Son, vowing to “make the nations your inheritance”. Note the contrast between alliances and unions that have as their purpose their own exaltation at God’s expense, and God’s identification of national identity under the rule of the Son.
But there is one small point which weakens your otherwise splendid argument, that is, your tarring of every single administration which resorted to lockdowns and mandates as being done for the sole purpose of instilling fear in the population “to demand submission and compliance”, as though every single leader is marching in willing lockstep with the globalists. This is patently false, and consideration should always be given to the fact that there are people in areas of authority everywhere who are there with the purpose of serving the community or the nation. That being the case, you must allow for the possibility that lockdowns and mandates, whether rightly or wrongly, were seen by those in authority as being for the common good.
When you look at all the various measures taken, even the standouts like Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, it’s more obvious that he was driven by the fact that their hospital system is inadequate even without a pandemic. The same can be said for QLD and W.A. When politicians do act in a craven manner (and Andrews is definitely that!), it is always best to assume that it’s for craven personal purposes, to remain in office.
And of course business and career losses are always terrible (I know, I’ve been a statistic of that more than once!), but they are also a fact of life. And thankfully the increase in mental health concerns has not led to an increase in suicide (in fact, that number dropped slightly). But dealing with such a health crisis was always going to come at a communal cost in the interests of saving individual lives. That’s how the common good works, and has always worked, whatever the nature of the crisis.
But the whole argument collapses under the false claim of “the vaccine injured and deaths”, for which there is simply no justification for the claim. When out of 65 million vaccinations in Australia there have been 14 deaths definitely attributed to the vaccines, and none for over 18 months, that figure is of such an infinitely small number, especially when compared to other ways people die using products designed to protect. For example, there would be more people die in car accidents in a year, due to seat belt injuries, than have died from these vaccines in over twice that time.
And when you consider the fact that every known adverse response to the vaccines is normally mild and self correcting within days, yet every single one is also a symptom of COVID-19, and as such is far more severe and of far higher frequency, and especially in cases of damage to the heart, leading to death at a later stage. To then elevate the issue of deaths and injuries from the vaccine over the far more serious issue of the damage from the disease reflects poorly on the rest of your otherwise excellent analysis.
Having said that, I’m genuinely looking forward to however many installments on this subject you can come up with.
Dear Kim, thank you so much for your detailed considered response. I am humbled by it. I really appreciate your ‘correction’ in the first part of your reply, that I did not give enough emphasis on the fact that globalism will fail, as it is not in God’s plan for mankind. It is so good that we can read the end of the story in the Bible as well as experience the present chapters in our lives today.
Regarding your arguments ‘against’ my thesis that governments and institutions have colluded with the Covid responses. Like you, I have read a great deal in recent years about this and presently I have come to the conclusion that the ‘Covid 19 pandemic’ was a man made ‘crisis’ foisted on the world for the purposes of facilitating the globalist’s agenda. How else can you explain the ‘plans’ published for this event well before the event! Are they all fabrication?
I am not entering into the ‘lab leak’ question. For me there is too much blowing hot and cold on that one for any of us to ever be settled on that question. What I do know, yes believe, about is the various government and institution responses.
Jim, I’m interested to know details about “the ‘plans’ published…well before the event”. Can you give me some details on what those might be?
As for offering a ‘correction’, I certainly didn’t intend my treatment of Psalm 2 as such. More of an elaboration.
And I agree with you regarding the origin of the virus. Lab leak or wet market, we at least know it came from Wuhan, and we know the CCP did their best to cover it up, and once it had spread beyond China, play it down.
The stirring you refer to in your reply to Stan is of utmost importance – I believe Jim.
It is real and as more n more of His people wake , hear His voice and follow the will of God we can increase this momentum.
We are not referring to noun’s which are passive but to what we all know as , doing words.
Thank you .