
Globalism and Nationalism – Part 2: How Nationalism Can Become Globalism

21 June 2023

5.4 MINS

This is the second in my series on globalism and nationalism; Part 1 was called The Tower of Babel. There I began to unpack the globalist agenda. Today, I want to focus on nationalism and how it can morph into globalism, through the lens of 1 Samuel 8.

Consider, if you will, that the people in Samuel’s day were openly rejecting the supremacy of the King of kings, preferring rather to reflect the traditions and values of the nations around them. Sounds familiar?

Samuel was a great judge in Israel. He had a miraculous birth and a close walk with the Lord, but sadly, in his old age, he was suffering from his two sons’ poor choices that were making headlines across the land:

But his sons did not follow his ways. They turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice. (v. 3)

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” (v. 4-5)

‘Such as all the other nations have’! So, with the elders knowing that Samuel’s sons were up to no good, they still came to ask Samuel, God’s man, to intervene. That was good on their part, but quite puzzling. They recognised that Samuel’s sons were not following in the Lord’s footsteps, but they did not ask Samuel to confront and rebuke his sons.

No, their request avoided any confrontation and correction of the errant sons; instead, they wanted Samuel to bless their idea, their agenda, to have a king to rule over them instead of these corrupt officials, Samuel’s sons.

Nevertheless, Samuel goes to prayer. And God tells him:

… it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected Me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.” (v. 7-9)

Look at what Samuel then tells the elders:

  • Your new king will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. (v. 11)
  • Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plough his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. (v. 12)
  • He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. (v. 13)
  • He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. (v. 14)
  • He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. (v. 15)
  • Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use. (v. 16)
  • He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. (v. 17)
  • When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.” (v. 18)

Yes, they will have their king to rule over them, but they must consider the servitude they will find themselves under. God was warning them, but He knew they wouldn’t listen.

Here the people craved acceptance by the nations around them, just like all the other nations, because they no longer wanted to be subject to the King of kings, and to continue to be a minority, a peculiar people, surrounded by potential adversaries.

The Globalist Agenda

Samuel’s warnings, having fallen on deaf ears, ironically bear a remarkable parallel with the globalist new world order agenda.

Let’s read Samuel’s words as if God was warning us today. They will always employ war as one of their tools of control, sending our sons out in front to take the first hit. Our daughters will be directed to service in other areas, without any choice.

The best, most productive farmland will be acquired and given to the king, the elite. The best of our produce will be given to the king for his use while we become slaves, as we lose our personal responsibility and freedom.

It’s as if the people intentionally refusing to hear God’s warnings through his servant Samuel, were content to head right back into slavery. They demanded a king to lead them who would go out before them and fight their battles (v. 20). They had given up on their trust in God, in favour of their pledged allegiance to their new king.

nationalismOn 6th May 2023, when King Charles III was crowned King of The United Kingdom and the 14 British Commonwealth nations, the order of service was amended to include a call to all the people of his realm to voluntarily pledge allegiance to him and to his heirs.

On the face of it, for Christ-followers, this sounds like the impossibility of serving two masters (Matthew 6:24). For me it was suggestive of the call from the children of Israel to Samuel, to have a king to rule over them in place of God (I Samuel 8: 4-5).

Back in I Samuel, what fascinates me is the succession of cause-and-effect responses. First, the rejection of God. Second, they wanted to be like every other nation. Third, they head back into servitude, just as they were in Egypt before God miraculously set them free. But then, fourth, they developed nationalistic aspirations with parallels with the ancient Tower of Babel and the modern-day globalist’s agenda.

The Nationalist Agenda

Whenever I have wrestled with globalism and nationalism, I have become aware of a wave of globalist plans and agendas, but rarely have I seen anyone championing nationalism, other than Donald Trump in the USA and Nigel Farage in the UK. However, in recent times more people are beginning to declare their love of nationalism, for example in Italy and Hungary.

I am a passionate believer in personal responsibility and small government. I think nationalism best permits the rise of personal responsibility, collective creativity and productivity. The opposite is true of globalism, namely the common good and total control, which leads to selfishness, passivity, and indifference to the needs of others, as they believe that it is the role of the state to provide.

It seems to me that globalists believe that only they can address the challenges of the world. This unilaterally discredits any culture, community or nation from being able to achieve anything on their own. I find that this is insulting, grossly patronising and egotistical. It sheds all responsibility from the people and completely absolves the individual from any danger, critical thinking or even hard work.

“We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.” (v. 19-20)

Israel wanted a king because, they were under serious pressure from their enemies, but they didn’t want God. Their desire was, in effect, for all the trappings of worldly nationalism. But God’s desire was for a people, a nation after His own heart, and God never gives up!

Lessons from Samuel

  1. Without God, nationalism, rooted in the desire to be like other nations, grows into globalism.
  2. Without God, we naturally look for ease and security, while challenges are handled by the king and the state.
  3. Without God, we shy away from our responsibility to confront greed and injustice. We are distracted and beguiled by our allegiance to the king who will fight our battles for us, unaware of the personal cost to ourselves and our loved ones.
  4. Without God, and we have been set free from bondage; it is very easy to drift into the ways of the world and not see that we are frogs being poached in a saucepan.

With God, I believe we should take a stand against globalism, wherever we see its head rising to power. And we should applaud nationalism as this perspective elevates care for others, allegiance to and humility before God and trust in Him to bring about His will and purposes on the earth.


Photo by Mike Bird.

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  1. Kaylene Emery 21 June 2023 at 7:03 am - Reply

    Your article stirs my hope in the people of our our Nation reclaiming the sovereignty of Christ over us all Jim.
    The horror of life without God is reverberating all around us right now and all over the world.
    Thank you.

  2. Leonie Robson 21 June 2023 at 11:00 am - Reply

    This is a great follow up from your first article Jim.
    So well explained and the shadows of Samuel and Kings are very real.
    The old ‘be careful what you wish for’ remains true.

    • Jim Twelves 21 June 2023 at 4:50 pm - Reply

      Dear Leonie, thank you. I think the core of this piece is actually Jordan Peteron’s take. It is simply brilliant in my view! I just want more of us to start grappling with the two, Globalism and Nationalism. I find commentary that simply accepts one and rejects the other without argument so hard!

  3. Kim Beazley 22 June 2023 at 9:00 am - Reply

    I agree with Jordan Peterson where he describes Nationalistic identities: “It’s something [the people] can relate to. There’s a history there, and a shared identity, a genuine identity, an identity of language and tradition. It’s not an artificial imposition from the top, an artificial or abstract imposition.

    And it’s this which I believe will ultimately triumph every single time, until that time when Satan himself intervenes directly in human affairs.

    But that’s also why, unlike your points 2-4, which are observably true, Point 1, “Without God, nationalism, rooted in the desire to be like other nations, grows into globalism”, does not follow. The desire of the Israelites to be “like other nations” was exclusively in the way they were governed as the unique sovereign theocratic nation they were. It was certainly not with the desire to be joined to other nations in a globalist style union. And the push for such unions, for example the EU, has never been a populist desire, but exclusively the same kind of pipe dream as the “Great Reset”.

    It is, in fact, a Marxian distortion of the role of the State which leads to Globalism. Nationalism celebrates national uniqueness within a community of separate nations.

    So, unfortunately, in seeking to distinguish between Globalism and Nationalism, on that point you actually muddy the waters.

    I also like what Peterson says in relation to “announcing your plans for broad scale revolution”, of which Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” is a classic example, comparing it to bringing about similar change at a family or community level, where kickback against such top down change is immediate, “But with the announcement of the plans for large scale social revolution, the lag between the announcement and the kickback is so long that they don’t recognise that there’s any error there…It’s an incitement to hubris, because you announce your plans for large scale social revolution, then stand back and you don’t get hit by lightning.”

    And it’s always that hubris which is the result of the globalist elites being isolated from society which leads them to their ideas being so distanced from reality. Like Icarus, they fly too close to the Sun and inevitably they, or at least their pipe dream, comes crashing back to Earth.

    In passing, your reference to the Oath of Allegiance in the Coronation of King Charles III is nothing new or strange, much less sinister, and really has no relevance to Matthew 6:24 or 1 Samuel 8:4-5., as it merely extends the oath parliamentarians and others have always taken as an Oath of Office. And as they are or direct and elected representatives they do so on our behalf.

    And briefly, in reference to Part 1, I asked about “the ‘plans’ published…well before the event” that you mentioned, but you may not have noticed it. Can you please attach some details on that first article on what those might be?

  4. Kim Beazley 23 June 2023 at 9:34 am - Reply

    There is also this:

    “The opposite is true of globalism, namely the common good…”

    But “the common good” is a distinctly Christian concept cited in Scripture many times both directly and conceptually. In fact it is the prime motivation for the three attributes you identify as representative of a strong and prosperous nationalism: “personal responsibility, collective creativity and productivity”.

    • Jim Twelves 1 July 2023 at 7:16 pm - Reply

      Kim, re the ‘common good’. I agree totally with your perspective here, but. The Christian version is genuine, full of self sacrifice, q want to not a have to. I am most distrustful of the phrase the common good in the hands of people who are putting God to the side.
      Sorry, my reply has been long coming. I have read you long reply above. Some great points there and I will respond when I can.

  5. Jim Twelves 1 July 2023 at 9:59 pm - Reply

    ‘And it’s this which I believe will ultimately triumph every single time, until that time when Satan himself intervenes directly in human affairs.’
    Kim, you hit the nail on the head here! Absolutely true. This raises our spirits every day and gives us joy unspeakable.

    Then you go on to say ‘Without God, nationalism, rooted in the desire to be like other nations, grows into globalism, does not follow’. I concede my argument here was ill-balanced and inadequately explained.
    Let me attempt a response. I was simply trying to surmise here globalism is germinated. So, lets agree, without God nationalism is going to falter e.g., Babel, the Roman Empire, the EU, the WEF. It seems to me that there is always a desire to grow bigger, to gain more power, when God is not enthroned. I was not really trying to say anything deeper than that. Let’s look at the state of Israel today. I can’t see the Jews looking to strive for globalism, they have rather come from all four corners of the globe to build their nation again after 1948. Even if they don’t acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ yet, they do acknowledge Yahweh.

    ‘Nationalism celebrates national uniqueness within a community of separate nations.’ Love that, thank you.
    ‘In passing, your reference to the Oath of Allegiance in the Coronation of King Charles III is nothing new or strange, much less sinister, and really has no relevance to Matthew 6:24 or 1 Samuel 8:4-5., as it merely extends the oath parliamentarians and others have always taken as an Oath of Office. And as they are or direct and elected representatives they do so on our behalf.’ I was not describing this as ‘sinister’ per se. I was seeking to draw light on ‘why’ would King Charles III, wan to ‘extend this’ oath. QE II, didn’t did she. I believe she has a genuine love and respect for the Lord and would not have dared. Perhaps we are into semantics here. The oath of allegiance to me will fundamentally mean something different to how others see it and that’s fine.

    ‘And briefly, in reference to Part 1, I asked about the ‘plans’ published…well before the event that you mentioned, but you may not have noticed it. Can you please attach some details on that first article on what those might be?’ Yes, you did, so sorry, I never got back you on that:
    SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Really Happened in Wuhan (28 September 2021)
    What Really Happened in Wuhan – Sharri Markson (2021)
    Virus Mania – Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Kohnlein, Samantha Bailey, and Stefano Scoglio (2021)

    These were my main sources. What struck me most was the World Military Games held in Wuhan, China, 18 – 27 Oct 2019, that appeared to generate a worldwide spread of a ‘disease’ as the athletes returned home. It wasn’t called Covid – 19, but the symptoms seem to have had a remarkable resemblance. All to say, I find it hard to accept it was not a well-planned operation, that in hindsight, has played beautifully into the WEF and WHO global agendas.

  6. Kim Beazley 2 July 2023 at 4:21 pm - Reply

    Just an observation on that, Jim. As the Common Good is such an important principle of the Christian underpinnings of Conservative thought, I’d suggest that whenever it’s used in a different sense which distorts it’s true intent and meaning, that it be both identified as wrong, as well as contrasting it with the correct version.

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