Offending God’s Little Ones – The Christian Church Must Stand Strong
Jesus said: If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in Me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea. (Mark 9:42)
Harsh words. Words, from the opening of one of C. H. Spurgeon’s (1851-1854) early sermons:
The people of God are represented as sheep in the midst of wolves. Jesus has taken special care, however, that those who bless them shall be blessed and cursers the cursed.
Jesus is abundantly clear about His attitude towards those who offend our children. Senator Malcolm Roberts quoted the same scripture in the Senate recently.
Sin of Omission
In “Silence in the Face of Evil — Interview with Eric Metaxes” (6 December 2022), Eric talks about his new book, Letter to the American Church. He was compelled by God to write this book as he saw that the Christian church was, by and large, failing to take a stand against the tide of evil coming from the radical left.
I was reminded of the brilliant quote from Martin Niemöller (1892–1984), who spent the last eight years of Nazi rule, from 1937 to 1945, in Nazi prisons and concentration camps:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Metaxes, quoting from his book, described the Lutheran Church’s position in Germany under Hitler. He said there were 18,000 Lutheran ministers in Germany at the time. When it became clear what Hitler was doing, only 3,000 of them stood against Hitler. Another 3,000 actively supported Hitler, leaving 12,000 ministers taking no stand at all. Metaxes said that, if just another 3,000 of the 12,000 had joined the resistance, the history of Europe and the Jews in particular could have been reversed.
Danger Zone
What will the statistics look like for our church today? It seems to me that we all know the agenda of the far left’s targeting of our children. The denial of two genders and the embrace of gender fluidity, the push for normalising gender dysphoria, the legalising of children seeking medically irreversible gender change without parental knowledge or permission, gender ‘adjustment’ surgery on Medicare, the making of gay conversion therapy illegal and the manslaughter of aborted babies left to die in hospital.
Enough is enough! I find it hard to write at this point as I am seeking to disassociate my emotions from the keyboard.
Many have called for the Christian church to take a stronger stand, the Daily Declaration and the Australian Christian Lobby in particular.
The Family First Party has recently been relaunched under the leadership of Lyle Shelton. One of their core values is naturally taking a stand for the nuclear family and children’s rights in particular. Last August, the Daily Declaration ran a great piece about Lyle’s push for great Political and Cultural Engagement.
What We Can Do
We can wring our hands and say, ‘The church must do more; it needs to show more leadership’. I do that regularly! But what can we do, those of us in the pews?
- Pray for our leaders, political, cultural, and church leadership. Their leadership is under God; they are ultimately accountable to Him.
- Barely a week goes by, when we are not encouraged to write to our state and federal members about the latest atrocities to come across our alternative media feeds. I have done a lot of this, and I am sure it helps. I also write to encourage the handful of common-sense thinking parliamentarians who are taking a stand and I subscribe to their channels.
- But how many of us have written to our church pastors and ministers? I think there is a tendency for us to believe that they are hearing from God better than we can. We say, how can they be in their leadership positions if they are not? But I believe in the priesthood of ‘all’ believers, don’t you (1 Peter 2:9)? So, let’s write to them! Perhaps if we ‘all’ write to them, the impact might even be more impacting than writing to our parliamentarians!
I am really excited about this. I believe that as we seek to build stronger relationships with our local church leadership, communicating with them regularly, we can change our nation for the Gospel as we stand with the ‘little ones’. This can be our personal mission!
I believe it’s important to put our thoughts and prayers into writing so that our leadership can pass them on to the whole of their leadership team, board, or presbytery. A word in their ear after the Sunday sermon will not have the longevity or the reach as the written word.
In particular, we must request that our churches train and equip their members to withstand the psychological attacks as well as the legal pressures of the far-left ideology.
Let’s pray that the Christian church can truly stand in the gap and become a force to be reckoned with, rather than an archaic relic of ancient history to be erased from history as soon as possible.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio.
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Dear Jim,
I love this essay. Thank you so much for pulling this together.
I am going to read Eric’s book , but I already know from thr video that I agree with What he says.
I need some wisdom and discernment in regard to writing to the pastor.
Stan, I do too! I have very rarely written to my pastor, but I have written to politicians many times and I guess experience makes that easier.
I believe that the ‘idea’ of writing to the pastor was a ‘Holy Spirit’ inspired thing. So I guess if it is a God thing, then the Holy Spirit will give us the timing and the words to say (Psalm 45:1).
Thankyou Jim.
So often I ponder the state of the silent church.
We are very blessed and fortunate to be in a church standing against the wicked agendas coming at us daily, at breakneck speed.
I guess it’s the silence by fellow believers we have known and fellowshipped with over the years that really astounds us.
Lord help us stand for your children.
Leonie, thank you for this endorsement. I have found myself increasingly challenged by the protestant church reluctance to take a stand while the more Orthodox and Catholic churches don’t seem to hold back.
Rather odd for the ‘Protestant’ church!
love this post ..the challenge to write …to take a stand for the children etc ..
Really appreciate this article and I will write to our Pastor too … have been praying with others for the government, the nation our children and the church and responding to MPs and will keep doing it. 👍
Judy, many thanks, I think we ‘the church’ above all else need to be equipped by our churches as to how we should rightly respond when the tsunamis keep coming.
Such a good article Jim thank you .
Your idea of writing to Church leadership may well be the only hope our Church and community have, in the natural and yes, it is a great challenge and we all know why . Deep in our heart we all know and fear – which is of course what our leaders rely on …our fallen human nature .
But Jesus tells us to fear not He tells us this many times…. and there is good reason why He tells us more than once .
Kaylene, thank you. I wonder if pastors will do the same thing as politicians, calculate that for each letter they get there will be ten others in their congregation with the same views,
Kaylene, one great way to start our writing to pastors is to ask them to take a stand for Calvary Hospital
Thanks Jim. I haven’t been able to find a good local church where their leadership is not on the progressive spectrum to some degree, though I do participate in an online community lead by Richard Wiles and Doc Burkhart. Together these two men are speaking truth to power. God bless you Jim for having the courage to write this. As Eric said, to many of us are to willing to just go along to get along.
Peter, thanks for this. Your encouragement is much appreciated. However, allow me to drop a suggestion, forgive me if your already on to it.
To me, church is about what I bring to the community, when I am there. Yes what is presented is important but I am yet to find a perfect church! I am a great advocate ‘getting on the inside’ and seeking to change from ‘within’, out of relationship.
This is such an important cause which all churches should start to act on and support. The best way into stopping the rest of the cancel culture issues is to start with protecting the children caught in human trafficking.
The need to protect children is definitely on God’s heart and He is moving people and this is something the church does not have to fear being cancelled but it will open the door to be heard and destabilise this evil force.
There is so much power in prayer, individual and corporate prayer. We have to acknowledge what is happening and pray for ways to expose this evil as is being done through the movie Sound of Freedom and Get Free a local Australian production based on real stories of human trafficking.
We can’t just say we trust God to set the record straight. We need to believe He will but we need to pray and act as God guides us by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our prayer group was led to prayer about this last Tuesday night and things shifted in the spiritual realm and the atrocities are being exposed and our government and police force cannot ignore this and are being led to deal with the crime of human trafficking especially of young children and women.
Praying that churches will open their doors not just to worship and pray but to teach the Word of God by their actions to physically help their communities and create safe spaces by not just preaching but by doing. As in education we are told children learn best and fastest by doing then by just sitting and listening so praying churches also find the best way to teach God’s Word is by doing more and speaking less.
Anna, I love your heart! Thank you for this and for promoting the battle against the human traffickers.
This piece from Tucker Carlson is so relevant:
He calls out Christian leaders.