international non-binary day

On International Thingumy Day

18 July 2023

4.5 MINS

Last Friday was International Look at Me Day, or, as some like to call it, International Non-Binary Day.

For the uninitiated, the LGBTIQ+ Health Australia define a non-binary person as:

“ … someone who does not identify as exclusively a man or a woman. Someone who is non-binary might feel like a mix of genders, or like they have no gender at all.

“Using correct pronouns is important. Many non-binary people prefer the pronouns they/them/their.”

In other words, narcissists.

A non-binary person is just a binary person who failed biology.

You’re either male, or female. You cannot be a mix of both. And you cannot be neither. So ‘non-binary’ is a category signifying a non-category.

So Brave

People who label themselves as non-binary categorise everyone into binary or non-binary, thus creating a binary system that makes them binary all over again!

D’oh! Dyed my hair crazy blue for nuthin’!

Still, non-binary is a way for normies to include themselves in the alphabet soup that now dominates culture. But blue hair and performative pronouns don’t make you LGB.

Boring people need a ‘thing’. So now we have the newly fabricated identity, ‘non-binary’.

I don’t want to be a lesbian.

I’m certainly not gay.

What then am I to do?

I’ll discover myself as non-binary and receive, as if my due, accolades when, in reality, all I have done is deny reality.

‘I demand a thingumy day!!!!’

But the whole thing is a scam. It’s a ruse that allows needy people to identify as more oppressed and marginalised than they are, based mostly on hair dye and strange fashion choices.

And then, armed with this new fake identity, straight people are able to colonise Pride.

When I was a child, we had punks. When I was a young adult, we had emos. Now that I am in middle age, we have they/thems.

We used to call attention-seekers w*nkers. Now we call them ‘stunning’ and ‘brave’.

Non-binary people are gender nomads who may identify as male on Sunday, and as female on Monday, and as a mixture of the two on Tuesday, and none at all by morning tea on Wednesday, and as one of 70 other imagined genders by afternoon tea of that same day.

It’s performative nonsense for people who live for performative nonsense. It’s also for celebrities who want to reignite their careers.

Confusion Reigns

But you’d be silly to think silly people aren’t taking this seriously. And there are some seriously silly people nowadays.

Amnesty International cheered International Non-Binary Day by tweeting: “Non-Binary rights are human rights.”

International Non-Binary Day

Such a pity that what was once a serious human rights organisation now campaigns for answers to a fictional problem, all the while collecting donations from the public for their important work.

Meanwhile, women’s beauty salons have been shut down in Afghanistan. Amnesty will get around to helping them just as soon as Sam Smith’s human rights are respected.

Amnesty could tweet that “W$TA$^GWR90 rights are human rights”, and it would be about as meaningful.

Human rights are for humans. And, just as an aside, labelling yourself as “non-binary” is something people do at what you might call the privileged end of the spectrum. They tend to run around in the city cafes of Western nations. There aren’t too many Afghans or Ethiopians or Tibetans getting around as pronoun people.

But yes, Amnesty International, the handful of people who loudly don’t conform to stereotypes do deserve the same rights as everyone else.

But wait! They already have them! We all do! It’s amazing! Amnesty International staff can have a day off!

Not to be outdone, the UN Women tweeted:

We must dismantle stereotypes about gender identity, gender expression and gender roles that are underpinned by patriarchal social norms. On International Non-Binary People’s Day, let’s take time to reflect and learn. #NonBinaryDay

In other words, UN Women are busy betraying women. Turns out it’s easier to tweet nonsense than to liberate Uyghur women and girls.

The UN Women Twitter account went on to explain gender identity:

“Gender Identity: Each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex they were assigned at birth or the gender attributed to them by society.”

Wait. What? Who’s going around assigning all these chromosomes?

I think what UN Women meant to say was:

Gender Identity: A religious word denoting a ‘gendered’ soul. Part of a highly contentious belief system that seeks to erode the rights of women. Most frightening are its disciples attempts to indoctrinate children into this fantasy dogma, encouraging them to reject their own bodies and to embrace toxic medication and harmful surgery.

Michigan this month passed a law to make referring to someone by the wrong pronouns a felony, with a $10,000 fine.

House Bill 4474 passed the Democrat-controlled House and would make it a hate crime to make someone trans or non-binary “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened” with words, including by deliberately using the wrong pronouns.

Like I said, it’s all very silly. The problem is that silly people now run the world.


In April, the Australian Army issued a directive stipulating that gender-fluid, non-binary and intersex people could choose the uniform, grooming, physical standards and accommodation that best aligned with their gender identity.

Captain Jesse Noble told the ABC in an article celebrating International Non-Binary Day at the weekend:

“I can wear make-up now. My ears are pierced at work. I have longer hair than most male-presenting people do at work. My fingernails are painted.”


No wonder Russia want NATO (the West) out of their backyard.

For the record, Noble can live as he, er, ‘they’, pleases. It’s another thing for the Australian Military, charged with the defence of our nation, to indulge him, er, ‘them’.

Silly people don’t just run the UN and the military, they increasingly run the church.

The Archbishop of York believes the Lord’s Prayer beginning with “Our Father” is “problematic”.

I think the Archbishop may be in the wrong job. He would be much better suited to Amnesty International, or the United Nations, or the Democrats, or God forbid, the Australian Army.

On this very weekend 27 years ago, a naked Melissa Johnson raced across the Wimbledon centre court, thrilling players and crowd alike.

She wore only a beaming smile. The crowd laughed.

US player Malivai Washington later told journalists:

“I saw these things wobbling around and, jeez, she smiled at me. I got ­flustered and three sets later I was gone.”

He lost in straight sets to Richard Krajicek.

It wouldn’t happen today.

If a streaker does grace the hallowed lawn courts of Wimbledon this weekend, they/them will likely be a miserable, blue-haired, non-binary killjoy, whining about how tennis is racist and warning that we’re all going to die from the weather.

It’s what they call ‘progress’.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.
Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo by Ducky.

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