
Before They Jail Trump

11 August 2023

2.8 MINS

The ‘democracy-loving’ Democrats have a few other things to attend to, don’t they?

The Democrats have indicted Donald Trump for trying to overturn the result of an election and, in so doing, undermining America’s fragile democracy.

Well, of course, if that’s what Trump did, then he should be found guilty and jailed.

But first…

The Democrats — so concerned about democracy — should jail Hillary Clinton for trying to overturn the result of an election and, in so doing, undermining America’s fragile democracy.

After losing to Trump in 2016, the Democrat nominee told CBS News that Trump was “an illegitimate President” who cheated his way into power.

“He knows he’s an illegitimate president,” Clinton said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”

After jailing Clinton, then the Democrats can jail Trump. Oh no, wait.

Before jailing Trump, the Democrats should jail Clinton and former Democrat President Jimmy Carter.

Carter told a conference in 2019 that Trump didn’t win the 2016 election.

“There’s no doubt that the Russians did interfere in the election, and I think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigated would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016,” Carter said.

“He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.”

So after jailing Democrat nominee Clinton and Democrat President Carter, then the Democrats can jail Trump. Hang on…

Fair is Fair

Before the Democrats jail Clinton, Carter and Trump for trying to overturn the result of an election and, in so doing, undermining America’s fragile democracy, they should jail Georgia Democrat politician Stacey Adams.

Adams ran around Georgia claiming she was the real governor after losing the election to Republican Brian Kemp.

Adams insisted Republicans had cheated and she refused to concede defeat.

“We don’t have to concede elections anymore, because when we concede, we are condoning systems that are used to oppress us.”

So after jailing Democrat Clinton and Democrat Carter and Democrat Adams for undermining democracy and for attempting to overturn an election, then the Democrats can jail Trump.

Oops. I forgot that the Democrats need to jail half of Hollywood!

Or have we forgotten the glad bag of Democrat-supporting celebrities who went on YouTube urging the Electoral College to ignore the will of the people by refusing to confirm Trump as President in 2016?

Charlie Sheen and friends urged the Electoral College:

“You have the position, the authority, and the opportunity to go down in the books as an American hero who changed the course of history,” the celebrities say.


So, after the Democrats jail Democrat Clinton and Democrat Carter and Democrat Adams and all the Democrat-supporting stars of the silver screen for attempting to overturn election results, we can finally jail…

Dang. Wait. There’s at least one more thing we need to do first.


We need to jail those 50 former intelligence agents who all put their names to a document insisting the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation

We later learned not only was the laptop was in fact real, but that the intelligence officials lied in coordination with Joe Biden’s campaign. A few have even admitted they did it because they wanted Joe Biden to win.

Of course, not one of them has been charged with “Conspiracy to defraud the United States”, but all of them still have their security clearances today!

The New York Post, and other outlets, have reported that had the truth about Hunter’s laptop not been denied by the intelligence community and covered up by Big Tech, the 2020 election would have been different.

When the Democrats jail Democrat Clinton and Democrat Carter and Democrat Adams and all the Democrat-supporting stars of the silver screen and the Democrat-colluding former intelligence officers for attempting to overturn election results, THEN I’ll stop laughing about their insistence that Orange Man Bad.

The Democrats are completely corrupt. They will destroy their own country rather than lose power.

I hope I’m wrong. But it seems to me on a path toward civil war.


Originally published at The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Photo: Shealah Craighead/Wikimedia Commons


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  1. Jim Twelves 11 August 2023 at 7:57 am - Reply

    Dear James, wonderful research and invaluable history lesson, thank you.

  2. Kim Beazley 11 August 2023 at 8:24 am - Reply

    It’s true, the hypocrisy of the Democrats is staggering, and the details James provides are damning. And because of the root and branch politicising of the legal profession in America that may continue in this case, as the appointed judge, who is said to be selected in a random process, is none other than District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, who, according to, has already presided over a case involving Trump’s presidency:

    “In 2021, she denied Trump’s attempt to shield his White House records from the House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack, ruling the former president did not have the power to prevent the disclosure.

    “Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President,” she wrote of Trump.

    Chutkan has overseen several of the cases related to the Jan. 6 assault. In nearly all cases stemming from the riot that have led to convictions, D.C. federal judges have opted to either sentence defendants at or below the guideline ranges. In at least two cases, Chutkan has bucked the trend, exceeding prosecutors’ recommendations and sentencing individuals to more severe penalties than suggested, according to a review of court cases by CBS News.

    “This was no exercise of First Amendment rights. It was a violent attempt to overthrow the government,” she said of the Capitol attack in one sentencing hearing.

    “They were mad that their guy lost,” she said in another. “The people who mobbed that Capitol were there in fealty and loyalty to one man. Not the Constitution.””

    So, when the judge has in her decisions repeated the same accusations as Democrat politicians, it’s clear she has a presuppositional bias.

    But there’s one fundamental cause of all of this, and it needs to be addressed before this farcical situation, which will surely become a feature of successive elections going forward, can be corrected. And that is compulsory elections, just like we have here in Australia.

    But you suggest that to Americans and they mock you. So sadly, we cannot expect a change of behaviour among their political leaders any time soon!

  3. Barbara Bluett 11 August 2023 at 8:53 pm - Reply

    Brilliant James

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