needs ears

The Prime Minister Needs Ears, Not a Voice

If Mr Albanese really wants to build a legacy, he should fix the problems in Indigenous communities. For that, he needs ears, not a Voice.

The Prime Minister has shown clearly this week his true priority.

He’s obsessed with his legacy building and has no interest in actually helping Aboriginal Australians.

He’s shown it clearly with his damaging games on the divisive Voice.

Last week it was denying the Voice is the doorway to a Treaty.

This week it’s denying the truth about the full Uluru Statement itself.

The Full Uluru Statement Explains the Real Agenda

The Uluru Statement most people know is, of course, the one pager that’s been taken around the country. It came from a lengthy dialogue and consultation process.

But the fact is that one pager statement is the flowery summary.

Behind the one page sits the 26 page full statement, that was revealed by an FOI request and is, in extracts, included in the original Referendum Council report in 2017.

The reason the PM doesn’t want you to know about it is clear: the longer statement explains the real agenda.

Reparations and compensation, grievance-based history, and forever changing our system of government.

According to the full document, a treaty could include “reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP)”.

That’s all in there.

Mr Albanese Needs Ears, Not a Voice

No wonder Albo is hiding the truth.

He thinks the referendum is how he becomes another Bob Hawke.

But if he really wants to build a legacy, he should do it by focusing on actually fixing the problems in Indigenous communities.

But he squibbed the chance by having his government push back my Senate motion to hold an inquiry into Aboriginal Land Councils.

Since the divisive Voice was announced I’ve made the point that they need ears, not a Voice because they don’t even know what the programs running right now are doing.

A Senate Inquiry into Aboriginal Land Councils

We’re spending a lot of money on these councils and we need more transparency about how they operate, how they’re accountable, and whether or not they’re delivering real benefits.

And once we know that, we can adjust them to make them work better and help their communities.

But Albo pushed back this simple request.

Thankfully, we don’t need Labor to get this done and I’ll be fighting hard for every Senate vote from the crossbench to get this inquiry off the ground.

Because working together to face the problems head on and fix them: that’s the way forward.

That’s what the PM should be focused on, not this divisive damaging deception.

Image via Unsplash.

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  1. Stephen Lewin 17 August 2023 at 7:48 am - Reply

    Thank you Senator …keep up the cause …

  2. Leonie Robson 17 August 2023 at 1:41 pm - Reply

    A clear and concise explanation of the real agendas coming from the Marxist ideologies that permeate this Voice.
    Thankyou for your honesty and integrity Senator Price, and your brave band of warriors who are concerned for all Australians.
    How your people of both sides of your lineage need YOUR Voice.

  3. Barbara Bluett 17 August 2023 at 2:39 pm - Reply

    Thank you for all you are doing Jacinta. I heard your brilliant speech in Toowoomba on Monday night.

  4. Jenny Starling 17 August 2023 at 6:46 pm - Reply

    My friend who is a resident said that this week 14th August 2023 that he and other residents were told by a staff member that Labor party members were wanting to come into the nursing home including the dementia unit and help them all with the voting when the referendum comes in. I won’t be surprised if this will be an approach to all nursing homes. This needs to be challenged

  5. Pearl Miller 30 August 2023 at 12:51 pm - Reply

    I went to a meeting with Senator Price in May in Brisbane. When I returned home I was inspired to pen these words.

    I have a new hero
    Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
    She loves this country
    A Senator, representing black and white

    Half black, half white herself
    Her, and her kids too
    She loves this melting pot Australia!
    Where we can all be TRUE BLUE!

    NO race above another
    One big multicultural FAMILY
    EVERYONE gets to have a voice
    In this democracy!

    Jacinta’s EARNED her place
    She has many great ideas
    Of how to help the States

    And to bring solutions for
    The disadvantaged ones
    Especially those in the outback
    Who need better life outcomes

    She reckoned if she went to Canberra
    she would have A VOICE
    If she was only listened too
    But the gov’t made a choice

    So the good Senator made a point
    and I think its mighty clear
    Canberra doesn’t need another “VOICE”
    What they need is EARS!

    She sees all the trickery
    Of the globalist elites
    Who have found a clever way
    To steal our country by deceit

    NO AUSTRALIAN will benefit
    From this proposed new “VOICE”
    It will cause chaos and division
    There is only one wise choice!

    VOTE NO !!!

    Let’s all use OUR VOICES
    To stand together and be free
    Not fractured into warring tribes
    This devils VOICE is our enemy

    • Jim Twelves 8 September 2023 at 8:36 am - Reply

      Pearl, this is magnificent! Thank you.

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