Australia Spent $400 Billion on Covid Lockdowns For More Excess Deaths Than Sweden
Calls for an inquiry into Australia’s Covid-era abuses have intensified with revelations that Australia saw more excess deaths than Sweden, and at a much higher financial cost.
The one thing you weren’t allowed to say during the Covid era is the one thing that could have spared thousands of lives and Australia’s current cost-of-living crisis: look to Sweden.
The Swedish approach always made more sense for a virus with an overall infection mortality rate of 0.15% (not 3.4% as originally reported), and which posed effectively no threat to the young and otherwise healthy.
The ‘Swedish Model’ involved no strict lockdowns, no school closures, no travel restrictions, voluntary distancing, limited mask usage, protection of vulnerable groups — and therefore, minimal impact on the economy.
In short, Swedish authorities rejected punitive and draconian measures in favour of individual responsibility, trusting that people would make wise and caring decisions to self-isolate if they were infected with the virus.
For years, Sweden was vilified as a ‘pariah state’ by a Covid-giddy media for its measured approach to the virus.
By contrast, the Daily Declaration published dozens of articles praising Sweden for upholding human rights while the rest of the Western world went mad.
Excess Deaths in Sweden Versus Australia
Now the results are in.
During the Covid era, Australia’s federal and state governments spent more than $400 billion to offset the damage inflicted by lockdowns, as reported last week by the Australian Financial Review.
The Australian also reports:
According to the IMF, Australia’s gross public debt as a share of GDP surged from 47 per cent to 59 per cent between 2019 and 2022, mainly as a result of federal and state stimulus programs that accompanied lockdowns, while Sweden’s public debt declined from 39 per cent to 31 per cent.
And yet, for all that cost, we still saw more excess deaths than Sweden. According to a recent OECD analysis, Australia experienced a 3.7% rise in excess deaths between 2020 and 2021, compared to Sweden’s 3.6%.
Reporting on the study, The Australian highlighted that adding in excess deaths for the year 2022 “puts Australia even further behind Sweden with an 8.2 per cent increase over the three-year period compared with Sweden’s 3.1 per cent”.
“If you control for population growth [higher in Australia], Australia’s excess deaths rate over the three-year period as a whole was 2.1 per cent and in Sweden it was -0.6 per cent, that is no excess mortality,” OECD spokesperson Stefano Scarpetta told The Australian.
Another OECD data analysis suggests an ever greater disparity during 2020 to 2022, with 6.7% excess deaths in Sweden, compared with 18% in Australia.
An Inquiry That Asks the Hard Questions
The Australian Financial Review’s economics editor John Kehoe last week called for a COVID-19 inquiry that will “ask the hard questions”.
“Amid community complaints about high inflation and cost-of-living pressures, not many punters have realised that lockdowns and over-stimulus during the pandemic are directly responsible,” he wrote.
Kehoe listed some of the dismal realities brought on by Australian governments that refused to listen to common sense and their citizens’ repeated cries for mercy:
Some businesses were forced to cut production, or close overnight.
Too much stimulus-fuelled consumer demand clashed against a restricted supply of goods and services.
With the benefit of hindsight, the consequence is high inflation and eroding living standards…
Locally, there has been a worrying spike in mental health issues, with feelings of depression, anxiety and stress all trending conspicuously higher in 2022 compared to the start of the pandemic, according to the Australian Unity wellbeing index.
Deaths due to COVID and non-COVID are way up, including due to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke and dementia. Missing and delaying medical appointments and procedures during lockdowns has literally cost thousands of lives, with the full effects yet to be seen…
Some of the more draconian measures, such as locking people in their homes 23 hours a day in Victoria, were an obscene breach of people’s basic human rights for what was a mild pandemic compared to more lethal viruses such as the Spanish flu 100 years earlier.
There was never a deep understanding among COVID-19 zealots about the trade-offs and opportunity costs of shutting down society and ringing up huge federal and state debts.
The Young Paid the Highest Price
Any inquiry that takes place, Kehoe insists, must measure not just excess deaths but also the number of life-years lost. He quotes former deputy chief medical officer Nick Coatsworth as saying, “The community has to accept there is a difference between a 90-year-old dying and a 19-year-old dying.” Kehoe continues:
The average age of people who died with COVID-19 in Australia was about 85, two years above life expectancy.
Yet state premiers locked young healthy people in their homes and outside of state borders to try to control the spread of the virus.
Lockdowns were never part of the original pandemic playbook prescribed by health authorities. Inexplicably, Western governments copied lockdowns in authoritarian China after the original suspected outbreak in Wuhan.
In Australia, economist Gigi Foster estimates that COVID-19 policies cost the nation’s youth at least 116 times the value of any benefit they could have received from those policies.
“Our response to COVID has served to exacerbate existing social, economic and health inequalities,” Foster writes in a paper for the Centre for Independent Studies, Cohort of losers: generational burden of government Covid response.
An Inquiry is Coming Soon
Health Minister Mark Butler has confirmed to the Australian Financial Review that an inquiry into Australia’s COVID-19 response would happen soon.
“The prime minister and I and other ministers have made it very clear that we intend to hold a deep inquiry into the management of COVID over the last few years,” Butler said, adding, “We’ll announce the terms of that inquiry in due course.”
Kehoe lays out the necessary parameters of such an inquiry:
A credible inquiry must investigate pandemic preparedness, all health advice provided to federal and state governments, lockdowns, border closures, school shutdowns, vaccine procurement and rollouts, economic stimulus measures and the denial of people’s basic human rights.
It is refreshing to finally see serious calls for accountability on Covid-era abuses hailing from mainstream newsrooms.
Far better if, from the outset, independent outlets like the Daily Declaration were taken seriously when endorsing the now-vindicated Great Barrington Declaration and warning against the insanity of lockdowns.
The mistakes made by Australian governments were not just wrong in hindsight: they were wrong at the time, as this outlet argued for years.
For truthful reporting and insightful analysis on future crises, be sure to sign up for the Daily Declaration’s email news. Sign up today and receive a free eBook, The Blessing of Almighty God (RRP $9.95).
Image via Unsplash.
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The recent disturbing violence in Melbourne at first made me angry and then very sad. Is this what Australia has become? Gird your loins: the battle is just beginning.
The Swedish approach was far from being the success that is being made out to be here. And to reduce the equation to the mortality rate without taking into account the impact on people’s lives of the disease itself, not to mention the estimated 10% of all those infected whose lives have been severely impacted, if not ruined and even premature death, from “Long COVID” (
As can be seen by comparing figures at and at Christmas 2021, when virtually all restrictions in Australia were lifted, Australia had 2,300 lives lost compared to Sweden’s 15,300. Taking into account Sweden’s population is 38% of Australia’s, this means that Sweden’s death rate was 17.5 times that of Australia.
As for cases, Sweden’s at that time was 1,280,000, while Australia’s was 280,000. Again, the difference is a whopping 12 times that of Australia. This also means that Sweden’s death rate of 1.2% was half as high again as our 0.8%
And even now, after we did open up, and case numbers skyrocketed and deaths increased, we still now, although we have recorded in total more than four times the cases of Sweden, or total fatalities are still less than Sweden’s, meaning they have experienced 2.5 times the rate of deaths to cases as Australia.
The upshot of that, if you’re going to keep putting Sweden forward as a shining example, it will invite such a comparison that has the potential to make the lockdowns look successful. And I’m sure that none of us want that! Equally, I’m as pleased as you to see the Health Minister is planning to hold an official inquiry.
As for the excess deaths, it’s disappointing that a journalist as eminent as John Kehoe would err in relation to excess deaths, especially as the data is so readily available. And what the data shows is that the most significant increases are diabetes and dementia, well above the total excess rate, and that they increase by a similar amount year on year. So nothing to do with the issues here.
So, whatever the disparity between the two countries’ excess deaths, there is nothing that indicates that it was caused by the two countries’ pandemic approaches.
Finally, to still be referring to “the now-vindicated Great Barrington Declaration” when the opposite has been the case for a very long time, is a grave error of judgement, especially in light of the fact that the majority of specialists in the field rejected it on ethical grounds, and the rapid rate of the virus’ mutations has made herd immunity out of the question:
Just an observation on long covid:
Timing: Some people have noted that their long-term symptoms started or became more pronounced after receiving the vaccine. They argue that this temporal relationship suggests a possible link between the vaccine and the onset or worsening of symptoms.
Similarity of Symptoms: Some symptoms of long COVID (like fatigue, brain fog, and joint pain) are also reported as short-term side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. This overlap has led some to wonder if there’s a deeper connection.
Inflammatory Response: Both long COVID and some vaccine side effects have been linked to inflammatory processes in the body. In this line of thinking, the vaccine might trigger or amplify an inflammatory response that leads to persistent symptoms.
Underreporting: Some believe that potential adverse effects of vaccines, including symptoms resembling long COVID, are underreported or not adequately investigated.
No Direct Evidence of Viral Persistence: As of 2021, direct evidence of SARS-CoV-2 persistence in individuals with long COVID was limited. Some argue that if the virus isn’t present, something else (like the vaccine) must be causing the symptoms.
That’s an interesting issue, and one I wasn’t aware of. So thank you for raising it.
As always with these issues relating to the disease and its treatments, I went looking for information, and found an article from the journal, “Science” (, which highlighted one person’s experience to give an example of what’s happening. And in that article was embedded a link to a research paper, which the “Nature” article quoted the author:
‘“We shouldn’t be averse to adverse events,” says William Murphy, an immunologist at the University of California, Davis. In November 2021 in The New England Journal of Medicine, he proposed that an autoimmune mechanism triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein might explain both Long Covid symptoms and some rare vaccine side effects, and he called for more basic research to probe possible connections.’
That would obviously go a long way towards explaining the correlation between vaccine and infection symptoms, as every known side effect of the vaccine is also a known symptom of the disease.
But the correlation also shows, in every single case, that the incidence from vaccines is extremely rare, but as symptoms of the disease they are far more frequent and far more severe. And for those who regress to “Long COVID”, there is the possibility of significant organ damage, and even premature death, especially from effects on the heart.
As the “Nature” article states:
“How frequently side effects like Dressen’s occur is unclear. Online communities can include many thousands of participants, but no one is publicly tracking these cases, which are variable and difficult to diagnose or even categorize…Nath is convinced they are “extremely rare.” Long Covid, in contrast, affects anywhere from about 5% to 30% of those infected by SARS-CoV-2. ”
On the latter point, the best current research into “Long COVID” estimates that figure at 10% (
Since 2009 I have suffered from deadly Skin Cancers. As one near my eye continued to bleed after he operated , the Oncologist suggested Chemo + Radiology. I refused because I was worried that Radiology could destroy one or both eyes ? I get the cancers all over my body —nose , a cluster as big as a fist near my spine, etc. I have used other methods to eliminate or control them.
In 2020 my cancers were all gone and I had never felt so well since I was 20 ! I have had 5 anti-Covid vaccines and refuse to have any more .
In 2022 I noticed that about a week or 10 days after my vaccine, I developed “brain fog “which lasted for many months and weakness in my legs, I could barely stand and was unable to drive for months . My food shopping had to delivered. My cancers had come back with a vengeance . I did not go to the doctor as I do not want Chemo or Radiology. If I am going to die I want to die naturally ! The cancers on my thorax smelt like gangrene and I thought I’d be dead before Christmas, but, they were healing when I showed the doctor.
May 4 2023 the doctor gave me the ” all-clear “. That day I had my 5th Covid vaccine plus my first anti -flu . About 7 to 10 days later (as in 2022 !) my cancers returned, but, this time under the opposite breast ( I still have one cancer on my nose and face ) . I had exactly the same awful symptoms as in 2022 and thought I ‘d be dead by this Christmas , but, I am still here and the cancers have finally stopped bleeding and my “brain fog “is gone , and, once more I am able to drive , so, no more Covid or Flu vaccines for me !!!