Scott Morrison’s New Book Reeks of Hypocrisy
Scott Morrison is writing a book.
Plans for Your Good: A Prime Minister’s Testimony of God’s Faithfulness is the title.
It’ll be “less political memoir, more pastoral encouragement,” Murdoch-owned Harper Collins Christian notes.
The former Australian PM will draw on Jeremiah 29:11.
Leaning on the major prophet’s words to Ancient Israel in exile, Morrison aims to ‘encourage others to discover how they can access, and see the many blessings of God in their own lives, no matter their circumstances.’
Targeted at the American Christian market, HCC said, Morrison’s book will “offer a unique insider’s account of a Christian who was open about his faith and operated at the top level of politics for more than a decade.”
288 pages long and published by Christian outfit Thomas Nelson, the sales pitch for Plans for Your Good appears to have all the right buzzwords.
We’re promised a full range of ‘fascinating insights’ into Christian leadership in dire circumstances.
More importantly, “Morrison’s honest, vulnerable and reflective answers offers a unique lens to better understand your relationship with God and the blessing that can flow from such a relationship.”
Additionally, we can expect a “high-level account’ of what it means to exist in a ‘truly post-Christian West.”
As well as how to keep the faith in a ‘new media age where cancel culture, identity politics and deep secularisation is taking hold across so many western societies.’
Smiles, [no lies?] and hi-fives all round.
Or is it?
At the outset, I – we – had high hopes for Mr Morrison as a statesman.
From his speeches challenging Wokeshevism to defending freedom of speech in universities, the former Prime Minister showed high promise.
Many, like me, had every hope he would have been the back-boned leader, his early leadership promised he’d be.
Instead, at the helm during a “pandemic”, he faltered.
He gave platitudes instead of war-time speeches.
He then discounted the actions of hardline Leftists in state governments, and let legacy media bully the Australian people.
Worse still, he abandoned his people by surrendering his Prime Ministership.
In its place, Mr Morrison created a dictatorial national cabinet – one without checks, balances, or transparency – and let a group dominated by Labor premiers dictate the nation’s agenda.
He became the middle-man, and from this, Middle-Management Morrison was born.
The former PM put tone above protecting freedom of speech.
Forced speech and censorship were the staple meal fed to a people being starved of informed consent.
The National Cabinet okayed the firing of rubber bullets at Australians marching for freedom.
They gloried in their newfound power, and celebrated Australians being arrested in their own homes.
Dividing us, Morrison oversaw the National Cabinet’s politicisation of COVID-19, and encouraged its rollout of therapeutic totalitarianism.
They kept Australians segregated, then demonised the “unvaccinated.”
They denied freedom of movement across borders, and kept families from celebrating with their own.
Australia became a police state, complete with denouncements, trials by popular opinion, martial law, and protestors being beaten in the streets by anti-terror squads.
All of this was done under Mr Morrison’s watch, with the support of the current Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese.
For all the good he did, Morrison went from a Christian PM with promise to Woke Winsome Wally.
He green-lit vicious “vax or the axe” mandates, then dismissed them as a myth, and still celebrates the “high vaccine vaccination rate.”
One of the greatest lies ever imposed on the Australian people by Scott Morrison was his assertion that the COVID-19 vaccines were voluntary.
Mr “Safe & Effective” demanded the Australian people “follow the science” and trust in daddy government over Father God.
Now, in a bizarre backflip, he’s telling Australians, “We don’t trust in governments. We don’t trust in the United Nations. As important as they are, if you put your faith in those things the way you put your faith in the Lord, you’re making a mistake.”
Scott Morrison is literally preaching the “God over Government” message he refused to support when protestors gathered in Canberra in the name of freedom.
Now, the same man who closed churches, while rubber-stamping Bunnings, brothels, and bottle-O’s as essential services, wants us to buy into his pastoral encouragement.
That’s a hell of a lot to ask.
Especially from those whose lives and livelihoods are still reaping the consequences of the National Cabinet turning the war on the virus, into a war on the people.
As I’ve argued at length since supporting the initial two-week lockdown on the grounds of common sense:
COVID-19 required a steady hand and scalpel; the Australian government used a bat.
Originally published at Caldron Pool.
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“As I’ve argued at length since supporting the initial two-week lockdown on the grounds of common sense:
COVID-19 required a steady hand and scalpel; the Australian government used a bat.”
So Rod, on nothing but your own libertarian position throughout, you now feel free to take, not even a bat, but a sledgehammer to Morrison, using a yet to be published book as your excuse. Yes, it’s true that you initially supported his election, hailing the miracle victory of a Christian PM. But as I recall, as soon as the pandemic (the one that you put sneer quotes around, as though it were no such thing) began, you suddenly became a critic, even to the point of claiming that anyone who downloaded his failed tracing app were no different to Germans in the 1930’s taking the Hitler Oath.
To attack another Christian in such a vicious manner, and solely on the basis of personal opinion, and one that’s far from universally held by all Christians, is un-Christian in the extreme.
You’re a funny man, Kim. 1 John 5: We’re either on the side of the Spirit of Truth or the spirit of error. I’m cheering on the former. You sound like you’re cheering on the latter. You’re wrong, and you’ve been proven wrong. Time to Christian-up and repent for cheering on government overreach, ignoring “vaccine” victims, and continuing to bad mouth people like me, who dared to disagree with party-line. I HAVE, by every standard applicable to due diligence, been as gracious as possible towards Mr. Morrison on these issues. To add, your constant trolling of my work overall is telling. Secondly, YOU have accused me in the past of speaking into an echo chamber. Yet, you’re now attacking me – quite rudely – for not speaking into your echo chamber! There appears to be no pleasing you. Also, implying I’m not being Christ-like? Disgraceful stuff!
How strange that you would invoke a passage on love (1 John 5) to continue your ad hominem attack: “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves the child born of Him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and follow His commandments.” (1 John 5:1-2).
And how you can believe that presenting a list of opinionated assertions as though they’re incontestable fact to tear into what you perceive to be his character shortcomings complies with that passage defies reason.
Two years ago in an article here ( I wrote:
‘At the beginning of 1 Timothy 2, Paul makes petitionary, intercessory prayer and thanksgiving for “all people” of primary importance, but particularly on behalf of “kings and all who are in authority”. And the reason Paul tells us this is of such importance is “so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
Not only is this “good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour” for our benefit, but in the larger scheme of things Paul is telling us it is an important component in God’s desire for “all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
This means that our most important focus isn’t for our own views of how well or badly our political authorities are performing against our own personal perceptions or our views regarding their relative honesty and transparency. It is instead to completely set aside our personal opinions, and intercede for those politicians, petitioning God to work through them through His Holy Spirit; above all, to give thanks for them as those God has anointed to be used by Him as instruments in His deeply laid plans.
So this means that the kind of sniping and rumour-mongering that have become part and parcel of so many Christian social media pages is not only the opposite of what Paul urged in 1 Timothy 2, but could also be seen to be the kind of action proscribed in Exodus 20:16, which forbids “bearing false witness” or “testifying falsely against your neighbour”.’
And now you turn your ad hominems from Morrison to me, claiming that merely to protest is “constant trolling”, and that I am attacking you personally. Yet everything in my comment was in relation to the content of your article, not your character.
You also erroneously claim that I have been “cheering on” all the measures taken by his Government when I have actually stated the opposite in an article or two here. And you continue your theme of making unsupported assertions as though they’re incontestable fact, most noticeably putting sneer quotes around “vaccine” to go with your previous example, “pandemic”, neither of which you can back up evidentially.
As for attacking you rudely, if providing facts and details to qualify criticism has now become rudeness, and your form of judging a man’s character is to be preferred, then the world has been turned upside down. And to believe that the opposite of existing in one echo chamber can only be another echo chamber simply proves the fact that yours is.
In short, to invoke the Spirit of Truth and then to treat the truth in so cavalier a fashion says it all. Your form of argumentation here simply does not allow for any reasoned debate on any issue you’ve presented here.
Such a heart break and disappointment this man. I learned not to put my faith in politicians…. Turned out he really worked for his brother at APHRA and not the Australian people! 🥲
I was startled when he was the first cab off the rank to congratulate Biden for “winning” the election. I knew something was seriously wrong then.
Lord deliver me from the anger and pain I feel over this again…. The scripture that comes to mind is “can a leopard change his spots?” Her 13:23
we don’t have mandates in this country. thats not who we are. we simply have rules that must be obeyed. we pay people to stay up late at night dreaming up these rules so you can stay home.
Good on you Rod. Thank you for being courageous and factual in your critique. Absolutely agree with you. I realized we were in for trouble with him after that “How good is Modi” selfie he took. PM Modi was previously wanted for mass murder by the Hague! But suddenly that all changed when nations like Australia, wanted to gain a lucrative trading status with India.
Modi’s biggest downside is his two-faced approach to religious freedom. He’s turned a blind eye to the persecution of Christians – especially women – in Manipur, and encouraged the Indian media to downplay Hindu Nationalist attacks on Christians as simply “tribal conflict.” Modi, like Morrison, is failing the people of India, because he’s taken a middle-management road on core issues of freedom relevant to the future of India.
Thankyou Rod.
Had all that we hoped for come to fruition in Morrisons Prime Ministership come to pass, Albanese wouldn’t be crippling the country now with his LGBTQ stuff, Voice race division and the like.
Almost narcissistic in his explanation, he paints himself as the hero or the victim…never the villain.
What a lot of hogwash you have written about Scott Morrison. Not one person in the world had any idea what was right or wrong during the Pandemic. Leaders in Governments world wide and Hospitals followed advice given to them. If they had not done so many more people would have died. Scott Morrison did his best under undue circumstances. I’m just very pleased that people like Dan Andrews was not the PM. There are many critics, like you, who think you are God’s ‘know-it-all’ gift to the world. Well I for one am very happy with what Scott Morrison did during his time as Prime Minister. I am so glad someone like you did not have the reigns.
The only reason you would dislike him is because Scott Morrison is a Christian and people do not like anyone having a high moral standard. My husband and I were both more than happy with his Leading as PM.
Rod, and your commentators, thank you for this piece. The bottom line, I will not be buying this book, by your account. Can a leopard change his spots? I think so! I am praying for Scott that he will have a God revelation of how he can do that. Then, perhaps he can become the statesman that we all thought he might have been.
Interesting, that the likes of John Howard and John Anderson are helping shape the narrative, post office, but Scott Morrison is not.
I think it’s fair to say, Jim, that Howard and Anderson have the advantage of distance from those issues, not having been in office during the pandemic. This means they’re free to offer opinions which Morrison, as an active identity through that time, isn’t.nevertheless, I don’t think you could ask for two wiser heads than Howard and Anderson.
But when I think of those who were critical of Morrison, and whose criticism began within a short time of the “miracle election”, as it became known, and really before any significant measures had been undertaken at the start of the pandemic, I wonder if any of them ever stopped to think what the next three years could have been like if it was Shorten who was Prime Minister?
No disrespect to Shorten. I dislike his politics but I think he’s a decent person, but THAT’S the thought that constantly made me shudder!
Thank you Rod for a brilliantly written piece. Mr Morrison glorified God when he became PM as a “miracle”. I had such high hopes he’d stand against the woke evils of our country. I was appalled at his conduct during the pandemic and enabler of a tyrannical way of robbing us of our freedoms, as you so correctly documented. I couldn’t be more disappointed and very angry that the miracle became a heartbreaking disaster in this man.
God, freedom and country. We will fight the globalists as Morrison has become!
Rod your criticism of this failed PM and Christian is totally justified. Thank you!!
hard to believe anyone would be still singing praises for Mr Morrison after covid. Anyone with any discernment can see how totally hopeless and harmful the therapy for covid was. As a Pastor I saw young people with heart issues, 22 year old with pacemaker as well as much harm and even death which is clearly related to the poison. All for a therapy that completely failed. Yes , Morrison was under extreme pressure and I voted for him and would again against Albanese. I can only assume anyone praising Government response to covid are either totally naive or totally without discernment. The treatment of people losing loves ones, separation of families and suicide caused by totally junk science was appalling. Polling was done throughout the scam to allow Premiers higher ratings for cruelty and depravity. Churches that denied unjabbed people entrance or promoted dangerous and fraudulent ‘ vaccine’ seriously need repentance. The inconvenient truth is that due to fear, churches went along with the lies. I am not sure at what stage Morrison was awake to the fraud but he certainly facilitated evil through the States. Don’t forget he also signed up to net zero. Another massive fraud destroying our economy and energy supply.