
No Amount of Laws, Royal Commissions or Money Will Fix Our Problems

9 May 2024

3.8 MINS

Has anyone noticed? The statistics are horrifying. Twenty-seven women have been killed in domestic violence incidences so far this year. An explosion of violence in our communities with stabbings, murders, rapes, home invasions and youth crime.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2023, 11.3% (2.2 million) had experienced violence from a partner (current or previous cohabiting); 5.9% (1.1 million) had experienced violence from a boyfriend, girlfriend or date; 7.0% (1.4 million) had experienced violence from another family member (ABS 2023c).

The courts and the prisons are choked, and new and expanded prisons are planned. Support programs are overwhelmed.

More laws, more court appearances, more prisons. More families impacted.

Billions of dollars splashed on programs, enquiries, Royal Commissions.

There is a perception, although it may not be statistically proven, that we are now less safe and in more danger of personal harm from crime. Much of the population lives in fear.

Fear and anxiety are exacerbated by the media repeatedly portraying incidents of crime in agonising detail.

There is a dramatic rise in mental health issues. The prevalence of anxiety and depression has increased at alarming rates over the last decade, and more particularly since COVID impacted all of our lives. See the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report.

Politicians are calling for Royal Commissions into youth crime and domestic violence. See a list of Royal Commission reports here.

Millions of dollars in each budget are allocated to addressing community concerns, be it aged care, youth crime, domestic violence, the courts, prisons, policing or support services.

Here is an interesting fact: “Crime costs the Australian community approximately $18 billion per year; that is, 4 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).”

What a waste! $18 billion a year of your taxes goes down the drain because of crime.

What Can Be Done to Stem the Tide?

Well, famously, King Canute got it right. The Anglo-Saxon King of England in the 10th Century had sycophantic courtiers who suggested he was so powerful that he could tell the sea to recede. They carried him to the edge of the sea as the tide was coming in and told him to command it to recede.

“But the sea carried on rising as usual without any reverence for his person, and soaked his feet and legs. Then, moving away, he said: ‘All the inhabitants of the world should know that the power of kings is vain and trivial, and that none is worthy of the name of king but He whose command the heaven, earth and sea obey by eternal laws.'”
(Henry of Huntingdon, Historia Anglorum)


All our vain posturing, criticism, and attempts to stem the rising tide of social ills actually have a solution — so simple, it’s easy to miss.

Instead of trying to address the results, the only real solution will be found when we address the source. In the final analysis, all our problems stem from the fact we don’t follow the only two laws we need:


I love the model followed by Jackie Pullinger in Hong Kong. Since 1966, she has been running a rehabilitation centre for addicts. Her mantra is: We all have addictions of one kind or another. None of us are better or worse, although our addictions may manifest differently. There is only one answer and that is Jesus. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, your addiction will leave, and you will live a new life. The results are proof positive that it is true.

There are many similar Christian missions all over the world, with thousands of volunteers, bringing healing and new life to the lost, broken and sick.

It is encouraging that Australia has a high level of volunteering, with an estimated more than 6 million volunteers supporting all manner of social welfare programs. A high proportion of them are motivated by their Christian imperative to love their neighbour.

Jesus Fulfilled the Law

Recently, I had an interesting encounter with the painter working on my front door. I asked him: “If you were to die tonight, would you go to Heaven?” He replied: “I try to be a good person. I hope I’d go to Heaven.”

Sadly, a vast number of people who call themselves Christians believe they can earn their way to God’s approval, and Heaven, by being good.

Scripture is clear. We have all gone astray and followed our own way. No-one can claim they are righteous before a Holy God. The wages of sin [rebellion against God] is death.

The GOOD NEWS is: the debt has been paid. When Jesus, the Holy Son of God, came to earth in the flesh, lived and then died, He took the penalty of our sin upon His own body. He shed His blood so we could be forgiven. Jesus didn’t stay dead. He rose from the grave, overcoming death, sin and the devil. He then ascended into Heaven and sent His Holy Spirit to attest to His indwelling in those who accept Him.

The only answer to the dislocation in our society is to follow the two laws Jesus gave us: loving God with all our heart, soul and mind.

But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying: “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
~ Matthew 22:34-40

Is this too simplistic? Well, it might seem so because we are so inclined to rebel against God. But Jesus is the only answer to the mess we are in.


Image courtesy of cottonbro studio.

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  1. Hannah 9 May 2024 at 10:11 am - Reply

    Sadly, the addition of laws, grants, and commissions seems to just help take culpability and responsibility away from the individual, or allow them to believe it does, so they can justify their own lack of self determination.

  2. IAN Moncrieff 9 May 2024 at 5:57 pm - Reply

    Great truth Teri. Thank you for reminding us.

  3. Warwick Marsh 10 May 2024 at 4:41 pm - Reply

    Great article Teri. Although the domestic violence hysteria is just that. Hysteria!!!
    Check out this link:

  4. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 10 May 2024 at 11:45 pm - Reply

    A sick society which has renounced God. Just enormous sums and ineffectual laws wasted on trying to stem the high crime rate. Now Albanese & Co want to sweep the mess out of sight with Censorship which will do nothing to stop the huge increase in crime and violence.

  5. Margaret 11 May 2024 at 4:43 pm - Reply

    Great article reminding us all, if we did those 2 things we would be OK. You wouldn’t hurt someone if you loved them!

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