Never Again is Now

Never Again is Now: Message of Love to the People of Melbourne

22 May 2024

2.4 MINS

The autumn rain couldn’t dampen the spirits of those who came out to spread love in Melbourne on Sunday afternoon, 19 May. More than 7,000 men, women and children from all religions and all walks of life rallied together to give confidence to our Jewish friends. Hundreds of placards beamed through the rain with the words, “Stop the Hate, Mate.”

Many of us were brought up with the adage, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” We’ve enjoyed living in a country with respect and tolerance. Social cohesion has always been such a natural part of our lives. However, upon reading a history book or two, we realise that our experience is quite unusual, not the norm.

Sadly, an ancient hatred has been part of every generation since the birth of twins Jacob and Esau. It seems it has been simmering under the surface and has recently seized the opportunity to brazenly show itself in the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit. But we, the Christians of this nation, say, “Never Again Is Now.”


The Jewish story is an intricate part of the Melbourne story, as Labor Minister Josh Burns alluded to a couple of days ago, but many have been assaulted recently for the most illogical of reasons.

The Melbourne Jews are being blamed for what is happening in Gaza, thousands and thousands of kilometres away, and none of them has felt safe for almost nine months now. Their level of stress, especially in Melbourne, has been unbearable, but together we are writing a positive chapter as everyday warriors enter the stage.

Mark Leach, co-founder of Never Again Is Now in Australia, is organising rallies in all our major cities to stand in support and love with the Jewish people of Australia.

We know it was the ordinary, polite, socially compliant, probably helpful, lovely people, who didn’t cause trouble for their government in 1944, who were roped into some of the atrocities of the 20th century. We won’t repeat that mistake. We are prepared to face the trouble, to stand up and speak up. The haters must come through us.


Last Sunday was a breakthrough, a Beersheba moment. It was the small beginnings of the healing of an ancient wound. Melbourne will never be the same again.

Never Again is Now

A number of historically dissimilar groups of people focused on one issue, raised our minds to something greater than our differences and sang together: Advance Australia Fair, The Goodness of God and O Seh Shalom; The Blessing, Am Israel Chai, How Great You Are, Great is Your Faithfulness, and How Great is Our God.

It was beautiful to hear God being praised in song in front of Parliament House. Our indigenous sister gave the credit to God, acknowledging that this was His land.

Jews in Melbourne have lived in fear. They have been told by police not to come into the city, as they wouldn’t be protected. We were told to wrap up their flags before they left the rally, and the pro-Palestinians were back on the steps of Parliament as we left.

After Sunday’s rally in Melbourne, the Jews now know we are here for them. We know them, we have each other’s phone numbers, we’ve been to the synagogues and they’ve come to the churches. We’ve given each other gifts and have been to each other’s houses for meals.

They want to thank all of us. Many of my friends tell me that Melbourne Jews have thanked them and hugged them with tears in their eyes. Tears are a wonderful response to the message of love! Never again is now!

Never Again is Now

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  1. Warwick Marsh 22 May 2024 at 5:39 am - Reply

    Beautiful story dear sister. You did a great job as the coordinator for the Melbourne event!!!!!

  2. Alyse Anderson 23 May 2024 at 6:52 pm - Reply

    Fantastic Geradine, what a great thing for our peaceful country.

  3. Gay Hartley 24 May 2024 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    Wonderful article, Geradine! This really summed up an historic day, the Unity and Love was there.
    Well done NAIN Team!

  4. Ashley Prinable 25 May 2024 at 7:33 am - Reply

    Praise the LORD ohh my soul! Let everything within me praise His Holy Name! Well done & Congratulations NAIN team. The Sydney one in February was wonderful, too; full of love, hope & joy! All glory to Lord Jesus Christ.

  5. Gail Petherick 29 May 2024 at 10:44 am - Reply

    Thank you Gerardine for the most outstanding rally and the work put in by you and the team. The photos are awesome and convey the love and care felt by all for Jewish friends. The joy and love shines out.
    The rally with the title ‘stop the hate mate’ is an example to all around the world of how to stand with Jewish brothers and sister sin their hour of need and in a time of grief when the media bias is against them (once more) and while university students are protesting who have lost their way, not realizing fully they are supporting a terror group.
    May God use this example to all in Australia and around the world, as a way to say: We love you and care to all who are Jewish and we honor and thank all Jewish people for your contribution to Australia. We also grieve with all who have loved ones who have been taken hostage in Gaza, and those who have unfairly targeted here, and with the Holocaust survivors who never should have to go through this again.
    May God bless every Jewish person in Australia and protect them at this time when their country has been forced into a war of self defense from an enemy who seeks to annihilate them.

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