The Beastly Logic of ‘Queer Planet’
Set for release in June, a new television show called ‘Queer Planet’ promises to justify sexual deviancy by appeals to the animal kingdom. But infanticide, rape and cannibalism are also practised in the animal kingdom — so where will that logic lead us?
Get out your rainbow flags. Gay Pride Month is almost here.
Peacock TV, a streaming service owned by NBC, is already celebrating, with trailers of its upcoming documentary ‘Queer Planet’ going viral online.
Set to stream in early June, the film promises “gay penguins, bisexual lions, sex-changing clown fish,” and oodles of other titillating content aimed at normalising sexual deviancy.
“Queerness has always existed,” claims one expert in the promotional video.
“It’s only in humans that we have such a stigma about it,” says another.
“Mother Nature is pretty open-minded,” smirks a third.
“Queer Planet” will be released in June.
The documentary by NBC is focused on “LGBTQI+ tolerance” among the animal kingdom…
No, this is not satire.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 16, 2024
This idea is hardly new. As far back as 2006, Mercator reported on similar antics at Norway’s National History Museum:
This hitherto obscure institution has been featured around the world because of its unique photographic exhibit, called “Against Nature?” The world’s first museum exhibition dedicated to gay animals, it “proves” that that homosexual behaviour is not a “crime against nature”. Homosexuality, it claims, “has been observed in most vertebrate groups, and also from insects, spiders, crustaceans, octopi and parasitic worms. The phenomenon has been reported from more than 1500 animal species, and is well documented for 500 of them, but the real extent is probably much higher.”
Apparently Mother Nature is very open minded. But is that a good thing?
Following the Logic of ‘Queer Planet’
There is more truth to claims about nature’s amorality than either Norway’s National History Museum or the producers of ‘Queer Planet’ would be comfortable to admit.
So let’s go there.
Anglerfish are masters of deception. The female anglerfish uses a bioluminescent lure to attract prey which she then consumes.
Eagles have no moral compunction about murder. Older chicks sometimes kill their younger siblings to reduce competition for food.
Rape has been observed in many bird species. Male ducks are infamous for their sexual aggression. Bottlenose dolphins are even known to gang rape, forming coalitions to isolate and coerce females into mating.
Even more graphic: male bed bugs pierce the female’s abdomen to inseminate directly into the body cavity, bypassing the reproductive tract.
Certain species of ants practise slavery, raiding other ant colonies to capture larvae and pupae, which they raise as workers in their own colony.
Some wasps practise parasitism, laying their eggs inside living hosts, which are then consumed from the inside out by the developing larvae.
Male redback spiders have suicidal sex. They perform a somersault during mating, positioning themselves to be eaten by the female to ensure she is well-nourished for the offspring.
Male penguins have been observed engaging in necrophilia, attempting to mate with deceased females.
Praying mantises and polar bears occasionally indulge in cannibalism. Lions, chimpanzees and certain bird species practise infanticide.
Need I go on?
The Ideological Roots of ‘Queer Planet’
The logic is tortured, even beastly, but ‘Queer Planet’ hopes you won’t notice. Even if we polish the turd and roll it in glitter, the fallacy is still staring us in the face:
Queerness in animals is normal. Humans are animals. Therefore queerness in humans is also normal.
But humans aren’t animals. We are a different breed—made in God’s image.
Even if you reject divine revelation, all but the most nihilistic philosophers will concede that humans are more than just animals. We possess abstract reasoning, complex language, the capacity for self-reflection, and here’s the kicker: moral judgment.
It is humanity’s innate capacity for moral reasoning that has held our various societies back—or indeed redeemed them—from evils like cannibalism, infanticide and slavery.
Hate me for saying this if you will, but it was also our moral awareness that held us back from openly condoning the collection of behaviours sold today as “queerness”.
In fact, it was only in the last decade that all of this changed—and now the sole way to escape the charge of bigotry is to join the enthusiastic celebrations.
Sorry, but I’m not joining. Not this pride month, not ever.
The entire purpose of queerness, according to its own advocates, is to challenge the very concept of normalcy, to disrupt conventional expectations, to dismantle societal norms. In a word, revolution.
The end goal of queerness is ultimate liberation—a society where all expressions of identity are equally valid and celebrated. No prejudice, no restraint.
If the animal kingdom is our guide to that end, God help us all.
Republished with thanks to Mercator. Image courtesy of Unsplash.
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This is so perfectly articulated. Animals do not have moral capability, so this is a straw man fallacy designed for self justification.