Joe Mazzulla

Joe Mazzulla — Slam Dunk of the Week for Common Sense and God

14 June 2024

2.9 MINS

The progressive media love to push racial division at every opportunity.

Joe Biden loves to push racial division at every opportunity.

So that’s the Democrats, and the progressive media. But I repeat myself.

Anyway, every now and then, someone pops up to put the race baiters back in their place.

So I had to admire the head coach of the Boston Celtics, Joe Mazzulla, for the way he handled a reporter’s question at a press conference.

The Celtics are currently battling the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA finals.

A reporter from Yahoo Sports asked if Mazzulla thought it was significant that both head coaches were black, given the “plight” of black coaches.

Have a listen to what happened:

REPORTER: For the first time since 1975, this is the first NBA finals where you have two black head coaches. Given the plight, sometimes, of black head coaches in the NBA, do you think this is a significant moment? Do you take pride in this? How do you view this? Or do you not see it at all?

JOE MAZZULLA: I wonder how many of them have been Christian coaches.

And then there was stunned silence as Mazzulla eyeballed the press pack, daring them to respond.

Here’s the response:


They had nothing.

I think it’s fair to say that Mazzulla’s response wasn’t exactly what the media was looking for.

Rather than worry about the “plight” of black men in the NBA — where more than 70 per cent of players are African American — we should be more worried about the plight of intelligent journalists, since they seem to be in short supply.

Mazzulla’s response was so good that it completely stumped not just the Yahoo Sports journalist, but everyone else in the room.

First, why ask about black coaches and not Christian coaches? Or left-handed coaches? Or vegan coaches? Or Christian left-handed vegan coaches who drive electric vehicles?

Muzzulla’s response highlighted the inanity of continually assessing people according to characteristics that have literally nothing to do with what they’re doing.

I seem to remember someone once talking about that:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

Second, Muzzulla highlighted the way to overcome — and that’s by looking up for your identity, which tends to produce humility, rather than looking within — which, as we now see everywhere in our culture, only leads to narcissism.

If the Declaration of Independence is true — that all men are created by God — then everything else is semantics. And identity politics is exposed for what it really is — a shameless, manipulative ploy by people interested only in power.


This wasn’t the first time Muzzulla has left the progressive press pack speechless.

Last year, he was asked if he had met with Prince William and Princess Kate during their trip to America.

Have a listen to that exchange:

REPORTER: Did you get a chance to meet with the royal family? And if not, how was it having them there in the building?

MUZZULLA: Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

REPORTER: (laughing nervously) The Prince and Princess of Wales.

MUZZULLA: Oh, no I did not. I’m only familiar with one Royal Family. I don’t know too much about that one. Thank you.

Once again, he silences the room.

He wasn’t being disrespectful to the Prince and Princess of Wales. But he was gently reminding the press pack that our culture’s obsession with celebrity is like chasing a mist.

If we’re all created in the image of God, then even kings and queens — and Presidents — all stand on equal footing.

No one is more deserving than anyone else, and everyone is just as in need of grace and forgiveness as everyone else.

The awkward silence in the room demonstrated how far we’ve moved from these simple truths AND how quickly the progressive narrative of division and discord dissolves in the face of such simple truths.

I’m pretty sure that’s what they call, in basketball terms, a slam dunk.

Editor’s Note: Watch Joe Mazzulla, head coach for the Boston Celtics, below in this video called: “Mazzulla: How His Faith and Father Has a Daily Impact on Celtics’ Coach.”


Republished with thanks to The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


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  1. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 14 June 2024 at 10:04 am - Reply

    Another voice for God silenced by the Media.

  2. Richard Jardine 14 June 2024 at 2:07 pm - Reply

    I think it is actually a voice for God silencing the media. What a welcome change. Would that there were more who were prepared to put their faith on the line.

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