Three Keys to Keep You Alive If You Feel Like a Dead Man Walking
“I need help, I am really struggling… my name is Robert, and I can’t see my kids.” These were the slow staccato words on the Dads4Kids answering service. Our office was in our home back in those days, but I could tell this guy was deadly serious.
My background is in the building industry. I have worked with men all my life. You can tell when men are desperate. I knew I had to ring him back ASAP to preserve his life! When I called, he broke down in tears as he told me his tale of woe. Because of false allegations in the Family Law Court, he could not see his children. He loved his children! I could not do much, but I did pray, and I did listen.
Just being listened to can change a man’s life forever. Robert rang me back a year later to thank me. He told me that our conversation that day had saved his life. He had planned his death. He was a dead man walking, but our conversation that day had given him that spark of hope he needed to keep going.
So when I saw Andrew Gray’s new video, “Dead Men Walking”, I knew I just had to watch it. You might remember that Andrew Gray has a huge passion to help men. He did a great interview called “Rewrite Your Dad Story” with Nat Marsh about a month ago. Andrew’s powerful and emotive video below, telling some of his own story, called, “Do You Feel Like a DEAD MAN Walking??” is more than worth the watch.
I will let Andrew tell his story in his own words.
“In today’s episode, we are dealing with the super important subject matter of raising dead men and restoring hope. I’m going to share with you three really powerful tools, especially if you’re the kind of man who is struggling with your life, struggling with your challenges, not sure whether you’re going to make it through. If that is you, make sure you watch through to the end. I’ve got three powerful actionable tools things you can do to restore hope and get to those better days that you used to wish were ahead of you.
My name is Andrew. I’ve had the privilege over a very long period of time helping individuals, and families, and helping men to recover hope to build their lives and to get out of their struggles and overcome their challenges. Amazingly, the results speak for themselves. Lower divorce rates, lower mental health struggles, lower burnout rates, lower suicidal tendencies. It is because of the work that I’ve had the privilege of doing, that I know that I can help you.
Today we’re talking about this incredibly important subject that I’ve titled Dead Men Walking: Raising Dead Men and Restoring Hope. I want to tell you the story that some of you are probably familiar with and it comes from the American Justice System where, in a time not so long ago, it was fairly commonplace for men (98%) and women (2%) to be given the death penalty for certain crimes.
Some people watching and listening to this would say, well that’s fair enough, some people deserve it. I don’t know, maybe that’s true. What I really want to get to in this story, is to talk about the protocols and the procedures that would happen when people were given that sentence of being condemned to death — usually execution by electric chair.
In this situation that man would spend the last 24 hours of his life in solitary confinement. That man would be given one last meal of his choosing. That man would also be given one last opportunity to speak to loved ones. Then that man in the closing hours before having to be walked to the electric chair.
That man would be given a countdown and a timer of how long he had left in his life. Then a time would come in the schedule where the prison wardens would go to collect the prisoner, and he would be shackled by the wrists and shackled by the ankles.
He would be walked out of his jail cell into the corridor down a secluded pathway from his solitary confinement cell. He would then walk down to the place where his life would be taken from him either by electric chair or lethal injection.
As he would exit his jail cell the wardens that were accompanying him on his walk, the last walk of his life would call out as a matter of protocol the following words, “Dead Man Walking.” It was a statement to say that this man, although physically capable of walking down this corridor, may as well have been dead already.
It’s a horrible scene. It’s a horrible metaphor and yet it’s so powerfully pointing to what we see with millions upon millions of men in today’s world. Sadly, the truth is we are surrounded by millions and millions of Dead Men Walking. These men are in solitary confinement. They’re trapped in a cell in their mind and in their emotions and in their circumstances.
They feel alone. They’re struggling alone and they’re battling alone. These men feel like the countdown clock is ticking on the remaining days and hours that they’ve got left…
Friends, we have got to do something to stop this slide. We’ve got to do something about raising dead men and restoring hope. That’s what my video is all about today. Check out my three crucial keys at the end of the video!”
Watch Andrew Gray’s video above, “Do YOU feel like a DEAD MAN Walking??” Why should I watch this, you say? Well, you might not be a Dead Man Walking, but you probably have friends who are. Some are yet to walk this path. They will need to hear Andrew’s advice through you. You can always pass it on!
Yours for Men Fully Alive,
Warwick Marsh
PS: Really exciting news. Andrew Gray is going to join us on Zoom at the Breakthrough Webinar, 8PM AEST time (Sydney) next Wednesday night 19 June 2024.
You must book to get access. Book here.
Republished with thanks to The Daily Dad. Image courtesy of Adobe.
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