
Where Was the “Science” During COVID?

17 June 2024

1.8 MINS

Since the early days of the COVID-19 period, I have maintained that the restrictions imposed on Australians (and many others throughout the world) to “stop the spread” were nonsensical and unjust.

There is now a mountain of evidence showing that lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates caused serious physical and psychological damage. Not that we needed to wait for evidence to emerge to criticise them, as the restrictions were draconian and illiberal from the beginning and ought always to have been opposed as a matter of principle.

It was always only a matter of time before the mainstream media’s narrative caught up with the views of those whom they vilified for their dissenting views.


Recently, Dr Anthony Fauci, who became the face of the health bureaucracies in the United States, admitted during a Congressional hearing that the CDC’s advice regarding children wearing masks and people having to stay six feet apart in public (remember that?) was not based on any scientific studies.

Incidentally, I don’t think one needs to hold a PhD to understand that if they didn’t “stop the spread” among children, then they didn’t among adults either.

When asked whether he recalled reviewing any studies regarding the masking of children for the formulation of the CDC’s advice, Dr Fauci replied, “You know, I might have… I don’t recall specifically that I did. I might have.” This is the same man who once responded to his critics by claiming that he represents science.

Baseless Restrictions

Fauci was then asked whether he had followed any of the studies on childhood developmental issues associated with masking, to which he replied that he had not. When asked where the six feet apart concept came from, and whether it was based on studies Fauci replied, “You know, I don’t recall. It sort of just appeared.”

A few years ago, he was telling US citizens that “the most important thing [to keep people safe] is to keep this six-foot physical distance from individuals”. We now know that statement was based on nothing.

In 2021, I asked SA Health similar questions about the “science”, and in 2022, I received nothing but notes from meetings. As expected, no scientific studies were presented. Like in the US, these restrictions seemingly “appeared” out of thin air in South Australia (and presumably the rest of the country).

Now that the fuss about COVID is over (although some unfortunate souls can still be found wearing masks at the grocery store), the memory of the unscientific and arbitrary restrictions is being swept away. That’s why it’s important to shine a light on such revelations, so that this experience of unprecedented coercion and control does not happen again.


Republished with thanks to Senator Alex Antic. Image courtesy of Adobe.

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