Trump long before assassination attempt

Quick Thoughts on the Assassination Attempt

16 July 2024

2.2 MINS

There is now no doubt about how far the Left will go to stop Trump in their blind pursuit of power.

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is the turning point in the US election campaign. Trump will be the next President of the United States — if he lives that long.

The Democrats began by calling Trump names. But their smears did not work.

They impeached him — twice. And yet his popularity grew.

They fabricated the details of January 6 in order to make it look like Trump had attempted to stage a coup. It was ridiculous, and everyone knew it.

They indicted him, but his poll numbers went up.

They indicted him three more times — and his poll numbers kept going up. So too did his funding.

So the Democrats began with criticism, then protests, then impeachment, then indictments and now… an assassination attempt.

There is now no doubt about how far the Left will go to stop Trump in their blind pursuit of power.

Thank God Trump survived the attack on his life. If you watch video footage of the incident, he moves his head slightly just as the bullet fires past him. There was a millimetre between an assassination attempt and an assassination.

What a different world we would be living in, had it not been for a slight turn of the head.

Suspicious Fiasco

There are questions, though.

How was it that Trump was allowed to continue speaking on stage while police were searching for a person they feared was a security threat?

Witnesses said they tipped off police that a man had been seen crawling up to a roof about 100m away from where Trump was speaking.

How was it that people in the crowd spotted the shooter before the Secret Service spotted him?

How was it that the shooter was able to fire off shots before Secret Service snipers who, as shown in video footage of the incident, seemed to have the shooter in their sights prior to shots being fired?

Is there a leak in the Secret Service? There are so many blind spots. How are they to be explained?

And have you seen footage of the ham-fisted way in which the Secret Service ferried a wounded Trump from the scene?

Agent fumbles, guarding the vehicle right after Trump was put in it, and couldn’t even holster her gun.

Why are so many of Trump’s security detail women? No offence, ladies, but some jobs are best done by men.

And as for the Democrats, we all know they have been calling for violence against Trump for years now.

You cannot describe Trump variously as a threat to democracy and a dictator and a fascist and a Hitler, and not expect someone to attempt to kill him.

And yet, while the Democrats — from President Biden down — were ramping up the rhetoric and supercharging the atmosphere, they were also calling for Trump to be stripped of his security detail.

Back in April Democratic congressman Bennie Thompson from Mississippi, the Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, introduced legislation that would remove Secret Service protection from anyone convicted of a felony and sentence to prison.

And I will finish with this:

It took Biden longer to condemn the attempt on Trump’s life than it did for Trump to condemn January 6th. Think about that.

God protect Donald Trump. God bless America.


Republished with thanks to The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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  1. Pearl Miller 16 July 2024 at 8:26 am - Reply

    Thank you Lord for Angelic protection. There are more with Trump than there are with the Dem army. And we pray against their plans for WW3 to stop the election in Jesus Name Amen…

  2. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 16 July 2024 at 11:25 am - Reply

    Thank you , Lord, for saving Donald Trump, but, when is the next Democratic attempt on his life ? I pray for the family of the attendee who was murdered , and, for those injured by the gunman .

  3. Jim Twelves 16 July 2024 at 11:36 am - Reply

    Thank you James, a quick reflection but i think you have hit the bull’s eye!

  4. Leonie Robson 16 July 2024 at 12:25 pm - Reply

    As usual we can rely upon you to cut to the chase and raise serious concerns that anyone who saw the footage have.
    Something seriously wrong with the whole scenario.
    They still keep JFK’S report secret.
    These people are capable of anything to hold power.

  5. Ian Moncrieff 16 July 2024 at 3:29 pm - Reply

    So many questions but only one answer – they wanted Trump dead.

  6. H Harrison 16 July 2024 at 7:18 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the article. Appreciated. Agree with the comments so far too.

  7. Robert Holmes 16 July 2024 at 7:42 pm - Reply

    Absolutely appalling comments and allegations which are long on conspiracy theory and short on evidence. You should be ashamed.

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