Trump long before assassination attempt

My Initial Thoughts on the Failed Trump Assassination

17 July 2024

3.1 MINS

As most of the world knows, Donald Trump was almost assassinated on the weekend.

He was giving a speech at a rally in Pennsylvania when a series of shots were fired that grazed his ear (but killed a rally attendee and wounded others). His Secret Service detail then swarmed and took him away while a law enforcement sniper killed the assassin. No doubt more details will emerge about the alleged assassin and his motives, but here are several things that caught my eye from this incident:

1) Christians should pray for Trump no matter what they think of him

These are the sorts of posts trending on social media:

While I share many people’s concerns about Trump’s character, Christians need to be careful how we think about this assassination attempt. Some may also be disappointed that the bullet merely wounded but didn’t kill him.

But such thinking is unbiblical: while we don’t have to like our political leaders, we’re commanded to pray for them (1 Tim 2:1-4). Moreover, our love should be so radical that we love even our enemies (Matt 5:43-48). Wishing someone like Trump dead is the antithesis of what Christ calls us to do.

2) While the situation is fragile, God hasn’t lost control.

I’m nervous about what just happened, and what might happen next.

After seeing the recent movie Civil War, my mind lurched from one scenario to another: will more enemies of Trump (and Biden?) be emboldened to take matters into their own hands? America is already divided – will this tip America over the edge?

But while the world looks on edge to us, God is sovereign over all things, and working His purposes out (Eph 1:11). Whatever happens – good or bad – it’s all part of His plan. And while we might question aspects of His plan, we know that in the end, all evil will be punished. Justice will be upheld. And we’ll spend eternity in His presence.

3) We can be thankful all sides are condemning political violence: don’t take that for granted

From Biden to Obama to Trump, so far all sides have unequivocally condemned this act of violence. This is not the norm throughout human history, or much of the world.

Let’s pray that this violent act brings both sides together in America, rather than pushing them further apart.

4) What Trump says in the next few days will be critical: it will bring healing, or more division

Trump’s followers are looking to him for what happens next.

And they will listen and be deeply affected by what he says. If Trump calls for vengeance and blames the other side, then the political temperature will skyrocket. But if he calls for calm, this could be a real ‘come together’ moment for America.

5) The way the shooting happened raises questions – and opens the door to conspiracy theories.

The fact that an armed man could get within 130 metres of a former President and take a series of shots is a failure on the part of the Secret Service. Your average soldier lying down in the ‘prone’ position would have no difficulty shooting a standing target (especially as large as Trump) from that distance. (In the Australian army, you’re trained to shoot 5 rounds into a 12 cm diameter circle, at 100 metres).

Questions are being asked by those with experience in security:

Former agents are saying it’s a massive fail for the Secret Service. Others are calling for heads to roll. And already, this failure is leading some to ask if there’s more to the story than incompetence: could there have been a conspiracy? (Shades of JFK, anyone?).

All this is hardly going to calm the situation.

6) Trump’s response to his shooting gave the world an iconic photo

If you’re a politician hoping for a photo of yourself that will live on for generations, it’s hard to go past this one:

Trump assassination

That photo is one for the history books — and for the merch/memes that will support his campaign.

7) Trump has just won the election

Ok, I’m getting into political predictions.

But this assassination attempt will only solidify his base and will bring many sympathetic voters onto his side (at least if Twitter/X is any indication). Love him or loathe him, Trump’s response to this shooting has (so far!) been brave: rather than crawling away like a coward, he stood up and raised his fist in defiance.


Republished with thanks to Image courtesy of Evan Guest/Wikimedia Commons.

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  1. Warwick Marsh 17 July 2024 at 9:41 am - Reply

    Well reasoned and biblical article. Thank you Akos!!!!

  2. Christine Crawford 17 July 2024 at 10:48 am - Reply

    I think the Republicans could tone down a bit by getting placards saying , “Joe Biden you’re fired!” ( Check picture in above tweet)

  3. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 17 July 2024 at 10:06 pm - Reply

    Murder is murder and cannot be justified as it is against God’s Law .

  4. Steve Forkin 21 July 2024 at 1:08 am - Reply

    “Some may also be disappointed that the bullet merely wounded but didn’t kill him.” This is a horrid suggestion. Are you seriously suggesting that there is such a thing as a group of Christians who are sad that Trump didn’t get killed by the bullet? Last time I checked one of the 10 commandments is you shalt not murder and Jesus takes this to the level of your thoughts…. IMHO there is no such thing as a true Christian who harbours such thoughts and if people do they should be seriously called to repent… the response to this is very weak and sounds like you Akos struggle with such thoughts yourself? There are indeed plenty of reasons to not like or agree with Trump, but this article has a serious underlying bias that I think says far more about the state of Akos’s heart..

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