trump assassin

Trump Assassin’s Motive Revealed

17 July 2024

5.3 MINS

Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks grew up in a world that demonised Donald Trump and wished for the 45th U.S. President’s death. Clues about Crooks’ motive are everywhere.

Headlines in the elite media this week suggest that authorities are mystified as to the motive of Trump’s would-be assassin.

But what if the shooter’s motive is staring us all in the face?

Before we get there, let’s take a trip down memory lane.

Adolf Hitler is arguably the most malevolent political leader in history, having orchestrated the Holocaust that killed six million Jews and millions of other minorities and political dissidents. His lust for land, blood and power also triggered World War II, making him responsible for at least 60 million more deaths.

As the Nazi agenda became ever clearer in the 1930s and 40s, multiple assassination plots were hatched against Hitler. The logic was simple: cut the head off the snake and spare its victims. Hitler’s would-be assassins reasoned that millions of lives could be saved if their target was neutralised.

Still today, men like Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer and rebel officer Claus von Stauffenberg are lauded for their heroic attempts to assassinate the leader of the Nazi party.

The assassination plots against Hitler are easily justifiable in a Christian ethical framework that prizes the protection of innocent life and resistance against profound evil. Western “just war” theory also provides sound justification for the actions of men like Bonhoeffer and Stauffenberg.

Trump Likened to Hitler

Fast-forward to today.

From before his shock defeat of Hillary Clinton at the 2016 U.S. election, through his four years as president, and now his campaign to retake the White House, Donald J. Trump has been consistently likened to Adolf Hitler by his political, cultural and media critics.

These remarks have not been isolated or vague, but direct and unrelenting. Consider just a sample.

Hillary Clinton has made direct comparisons between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump in 2016, 2022, 2023, and more subtly on many other occasions.

Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina has likened Trump’s distrust of institutions to that of Adolf Hitler, warning that “swastikas hung in churches throughout Germany” and that “we had better be very careful”.

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas has compared Hispanic Trump supporters to “Jews for Hitler”.

Former Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill has declared Trump “more dangerous” than Hitler.

The official Biden-Harris HQ account on X made a post with the heading “Trump Parrots Hitler”, featuring images of Trump and Hitler’s faces juxtaposed with quotes from each.

Younger aides and allies of President Joe Biden have nicknamed Trump “Hitler Pig” and use the monicker frequently, according to Politico.

Violent Rhetoric Against Trump

Among the many celebrities to compare Trump with Hitler are comedian Louis C.K., filmmaker Michael Moore, talk show host Bill Maher, television personality Donny Deutsch, businesswoman Meg Whitman, screenwriter Mikko Alanne, and singer Cher.

Meanwhile, media outlets have not just eagerly reported the aforementioned news but published headlines making unveiled comparisons between Trump and Hitler. Among them: CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, The Guardian, Bloomberg, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic, The Conversation, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and countless others.

The Trump-as-Hitler rhetoric has also spilled over into cultural figures imagining violence against the 45th President.

Actor Robert De Niro has said he’d like to “punch [Trump] in the face”, while boxer-turned-actor Mickey Rourke has expressed a desire to “give [Trump] a Louisville Slugger”.

On social media, actress Rosie O’Donnell has promoted a game called “Push Trump Off A Cliff Again”.

In a performance of the Shakespeare play Julius Caesar, the taxpayer-funded New York Public Theatre portrayed a Donald Trump lookalike being stabbed to death.

Comedian Larry Wilmore has said he doesn’t want to give Trump “any more oxygen” and clarified that this wasn’t a euphemism but a desire to suffocate the then-president with a pillow.

Comedienne Kathy Griffin posed for a photo holding up a decapitated head of Donald Trump. George Lopez, another comedian, has promoted the decapitation of Donald Trump as the way to “Make America Great Again”. Shock-rocker Marilyn Manson also showed Trump decapitated in a music video.

During Trump’s presidency, Madonna told activist crowds in Washington D.C. that she has “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” and film star Johnny Depp asked crowds, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”

In one of his music videos, rapper Snoop Dogg shoots a clownish Donald Trump and a “Bang!” flag fires out of the gun. Big Sean, another rapper, boasted in one of his freestyle raps about murdering Donald Trump with an icepick.

Musician Moby likewise released a music video depicting a cartoon Trump rampaging through a city and morphing into a swastika-like dollar sign before meeting an explosive demise. On a concert poster, rock outfit Pearl Jam showed the rotting corpse of President Trump being picked at by a bald eagle on the White House lawn.

Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain said he’d like to serve the poison weed hemlock at a dinner for Donald Trump, while venture capitalist Reid Hoffman has mused about turning Donald Trump into not just a figurative martyr but “an actual martyr”.

Many of these cultural figures later backtracked or apologised for their remarks, and some faced professional consequences. But all of them drove the violent rhetoric against Donald Trump down a one-way street.

Trump: An Existential Threat?

Rather than showing much-needed leadership on this issue, President Joe Biden has only contributed to the overheated atmosphere.

In a September 2022 speech in front of an ominous, blood-red backdrop, President Biden claimed that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

In a tweet posted just a few weeks ago, Biden again claimed that “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation,” adding, “He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.”

In better news, during a recent address to the nation, President Biden spoke admirably about “the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics and to remember, while we may disagree, we are not enemies.”

“We’re neighbours. We’re friends, coworkers, citizens. And, most importantly, we are fellow Americans. And we must stand together,” he said.

This should always have been the tone coming from the White House, not just in the aftermath of a political rival’s attempted assassination. If Biden is serious, he will follow up these wise words with apologies and retractions for the times he has painted Trump as a threat to America’s very survival.

To be sure, Donald Trump and his allies have their own soul-searching to do about remarks they have made against their political foes.

While we can hope for a more unified future, there’s no point in trying to rewrite the past.

Donald Trump’s would-be assassin, believed to be Thomas Matthew Crooks, was only 20 years old when he aimed his rifle at Trump and pulled the trigger.

For the entirely of his adolescence and adult life, Crooks swam in a political, cultural and media soup that depicted Donald Trump as Adolf Hitler, a fascist, a Nazi, a man deserving of death, a legitimate target for assassination.

Why is anyone wondering what his motives were?

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  1. Jim Twelves 17 July 2024 at 9:28 am - Reply

    Kurt, forensic brilliant research. Thank you for coming out and naming the elephant in the room. It is quite clear to me why the assassin was motivated in the way he was.

    • Kurt 17 July 2024 at 10:59 pm - Reply

      Thanks Jim. I felt it was important to compile it all in one place. I was honestly horrified to see how much of this rhetoric was unleashed over the last decade. And I barely scratched the surface.

    • Kurt Mahlburg 17 July 2024 at 11:30 pm - Reply

      Thanks Jim. Worth spelling it all out explicitly!

  2. Kathy Gasper 17 July 2024 at 9:35 am - Reply

    Clear as the nose on a face except for those who have their head in the sand. A great summary Kurt.

    • Kurt Mahlburg 17 July 2024 at 11:29 pm - Reply

      Thanks Kathy. Very true — but also undeniable once all the receipts are laid out!

  3. Warwick Marsh 17 July 2024 at 9:36 am - Reply

    Sadly all true!!!! Great article Kurt!

  4. Carol Read 17 July 2024 at 9:47 am - Reply

    Very informative article, and unfortunately shows the evil and sickness that the elites live and preach.
    The sad part is none of these people named will be held accountable for their remarks, actions and accusations.

  5. Stephen Ireland 17 July 2024 at 10:46 am - Reply

    And people in many supposedly democratic nations and states can now be jailed for Hate Speech, as defined by many of those individuals and media institutions listed above by Kurt and their fellow-travellers. We don’t have to look very far to see this hypocrisy very close to home.

    • Kurt Mahlburg 17 July 2024 at 11:28 pm - Reply

      Great observation Stephen. By the Marxist media’s own definition, the left has been engaging in hate speech non-stop since Trump descended that elevator.

  6. Dave 17 July 2024 at 10:54 am - Reply

    the love of many will grow cold. (great research Kurt!)

  7. Gail Petherick 17 July 2024 at 1:42 pm - Reply

    Thank you Kurt for unveiling the motives and influences on that young man Matthew Crooks. It certainly shows the incredible dangers of the ‘extremist’ press and media and atmosphere, especially at pre election time against Trump, and parallels to pre Hitler times where the ‘propanda’ machines revved up.
    It suddenly struck me that it borders of the hysteria caused by the COVID crisis- where everyone was on high alert and taking sides, causing total polarisation but also panic and anxiety. Whilst Pres Biden has played his part in feeding into that it is true that Trump has not held back either. I am just thankful Trump ducked down as it he, did just within a split second of the bullet coming at him- and so saved his life (no doubt with Gods help too)
    It was great to read “…. during a recent address to the nation, President Biden spoke admirably about “the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics and to remember, while we may disagree, we are not enemies.” Hopefully the temperature will stay lowered and sanity will return to all who have been influenced, and also to the media which plays such a central role in all this as well.
    Whilst all that goes on I saw the ABC Four corners interviews today demonizing Trump and talking of the tyranny he aims for and dictatorship! Hopefully we will learn to lower the temperature!
    May God help us too keep back from the hate speech and the desire to kill especially, if and when, politicians truly try to help the country.

    • Kurt Mahlburg 17 July 2024 at 11:23 pm - Reply

      Great words Gail, thanks. It was certainly an incredible miracle. God clearly has a plan for Trump.

  8. Michael Cowley 17 July 2024 at 1:44 pm - Reply

    Thanks Kurt for making explicit what is, as is said, hidden in plain sight

  9. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 17 July 2024 at 9:53 pm - Reply

    So this is how they silence the opposition –by using murder !

  10. Maryse Usher 20 July 2024 at 7:48 pm - Reply

    The hateful rhetoric which leads millions to the gas chambers. It is happening again in our lifetime, perpetrated by Communists and also Jihadists.

  11. Warwick Marsh 21 July 2024 at 8:43 am - Reply

    Good to see this insightful article go to the top.

  12. Leonie Robson 26 July 2024 at 10:04 am - Reply

    Love your work mate!
    A really complete analysis of what has led up to this horrendous moment.
    Maybe we could send it to the journalists in the ABC? lol.
    Blessings 💞

  13. Kym in Adelaide 5 August 2024 at 11:47 am - Reply

    I had missed this article until today. Yes 100% agree except a nuanced point.

    “Adolf Hitler is arguably the most malevolent political leader in history” is true, but even Hitler/Nazis tried to coverup and hide the slaughter of Jews.
    Hamas on the other hand posted their 7th Oct atrocities far and wide on social media etc. and 70% of palestinians in recent polling still support/celebrate the 7th Oct actions. And for that reason I say are the most evil ever.

  14. Jim Twelves 7 August 2024 at 9:57 am - Reply

    Kurt, I have re-read your piece. It paints a sad indictment on our society, our civilization. The overarching emotion is naked hate and aggression. What a blight on us all that we have stooped so low. Oh how I long for the days when we can debate, heatedly, but with mutual respect. A day when we can beat our swords into plowshares and get along putting our energy into building and not destroying.
    I am sure that those who plotted the murder of Hitler were deeply grieved by their decision to seek his demise, but they knew it was literally for the common good. Today’s haters seem to be brainwashed not rational. They have no capacity for debate, simply sheep like submission to their new religion.

  15. Gail Petherick 12 August 2024 at 2:27 pm - Reply

    Thanks Jim for the recent additional comments…thought provoking and sadly for all, so true

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