UN Women - what is a woman

UN Women Insists, “There’s No Wrong Way to be a Woman”

19 July 2024

2.6 MINS

It’s not for nothing that the United Nations entity for women is called UN Women. They do, after all, spend most of their time UNwomaning women.

Last year, UN Women tweeted: “Trans women are women at the end of the day” — which, of course, begged the question, what were trans women at the beginning of the day?

If you can wake up for breakfast as a man and sit down for dinner as a woman, it only goes to show there’s less to being a woman than one might have thought.

It turns out any old man can do it.

Vain Repetition

The cheerleaders for women’s empowerment at UN Women said as much yesterday when they tweeted:

There’s no wrong way to be a woman.

There’s no wrong way to be a woman.

There’s no wrong way to be a woman.

There’s no wrong way to be a woman.

There’s no wrong way to be a woman.

There’s no wrong way to be a woman.

There’s no wrong way to be a woman.

The repetition is not a typo.

At first, I wasn’t sure whether this was a real UN Women post, or if perhaps a small child had been practising tweeting.

Tweet chanting, as if repeating a fallacy ad nauseam makes it true, is juvenile. Repeating nonsense doesn’t magically make it science.

When Twitter doubled its character limit so that people could express themselves more fully, the wacky interns at UN Women decided to use the increased social media real estate to chant mantras.

Basically, they are saying, “We will not even attempt adult discourse.”


But leaving aside the cult-like, repetitive doublespeak propaganda which has the distinct feel of compelled speech – a salient feature of totalitarian regimes – UN Women has become just another institution hijacked to remove biological fact from our minds.

It has never been more important for parents to be vigilant about actually parenting their children, a key part of which means keeping them well away from United Nations social media accounts.

If “there’s no wrong way to be a woman,” then UN Women have, true to form, effectively erased women.

One might suggest that having the Y chromosome would be a wrong way to be a woman. We should at least agree that being born a man is a pretty poor starting point.

We might also agree it is quite remarkable that we now live in a world where this has to be explained.

If, as UN Women insists, “there’s no wrong way to be a woman”, does this mean there’s no wrong way to be a man? Are UN Women about to admit that the “toxic masculinity” they decried in 2019 was all a myth?

Apparently, there is a wrong way to be a man. We know this because once men want to wear make-up and dresses, they seem to become women, instead of staying as men wearing make-up and dresses.

The United Nations is right that all women are different, provided – of course – that the one commonality is that all women are female.

I can put on a Sydney Swans jumper but that doesn’t make me Buddy Franklin. “Woman” is not a costume, a feeling or an attitude. Being a “woman” is based on a fixed biological reality. To put it bluntly, women are born, not worn.

Which means there can’t be a ‘wrong way’ to be something that you objectively are. Yet, while there is not a wrong way to be a woman, there is a wrong way to identify a woman.

A biological man is not a woman – as any female athlete competing against a 6’4 bloke in a skirt will tell the activists at UN Women if they stop chanting long enough to listen to the people they claim to represent.

Oh, and there’s no right way to be a failed, corrupt experiment in multilateralism. That only needs to be said once.


Republished with thanks to The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.


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One Comment

  1. Countess Antonia Maria Violetta Scrivanich 21 July 2024 at 12:10 am - Reply

    Insane, evil people now dictate to the rest of us (sheep ) . Why do we put up with this ? Why is Australia still in this Evil organisation called the UN ? Make Australia Great Again !

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