no sense

Make It Make Sense

5 December 2024

2.8 MINS

The world has gone completely mad. I’m only here for the entertainment.

The Australian Government last week passed a law banning children under the age of 16 from accessing social media.

They are currently beginning trials to work out how to work out the age of a person attempting to create a social media account.

In other words, they have passed a law they have zero idea about how to enforce.

Make it make sense!

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said that, as a result of his ill-conceived, poorly planned, completely unenforceable laws banning under-16s from social media, “Parents can have a different discussion with their young ones.


So the law banning teenagers from Instagram was all about helping mums and dads have a discussion? They needed to pass laws for that?

Parent: Sorry, son, you can’t go on Instagram anymore.

Teenager: How come?

Parent: The government banned you from it.

Teenager: Albo’s the worst PM ever.

Parent: Yep.

Actually, that’s not much different to the discussion sensible parents have been having with their kids for the past two and a half years.

Make it make sense!

Biden Corruption

Joe Biden has pardoned his son Hunter after promising not to do so — and anyone surprised by this hasn’t been paying attention the past four years.

This decision by Joe Biden should seal the fate of the Democrats for years, if not decades.

Dems: “No one is above the law!”

Also the Dems: “Hey, any father would pardon his own son.”

Make it make sense!

Energy Woes

The Australian Energy Market Operator fears that so much solar power is being generated that the grid risks collapsing.

It wants the ability to turn people’s solar power off so that the grid doesn’t become overloaded with solar.

At the exact same time, the South Australian Energy Minister wants to force the owner of two diesel power plants, mothballed in July, to reopen them.

French company Engie closed down the diesel plants because the government’s rush to renewables removed any incentive to keep them running.

Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis says his entire state risks blackouts without the diesel plants because renewables are too variable.

Make it make sense.

Childcare Costs

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is tipped to announce a flat daily childcare fee of $10.

Parents will love this. Childcare providers will also love it. But tell me how taxpayers are going to love the idea.

The Productivity Commission estimates the move will initially cost $8.3b as the government subsidises childcare places.

But that cost will explode as demand for subsidised places outstrips supply.

It’s a blatant vote-buying move that undermines families (kids need parents, not minders) and that will create another money pit, aka the NDIS.

Make it make sense.


The second-largest operator of Australian pubs announced Sunday that none of their 200 venues would be celebrating or acknowledging Australia Day in January.

26 January, they said, caused too much “sadness and pain” to some of their patrons.

But just 24 hours later, they issued a statement apologising for the decision, saying they had not meant to cause division.

Have these guys never heard of Woolies?

Oh, and they are happy to assist the nation with promoting alcoholism and gambling, but decide to take a moral stand on Australia Day? Spare me.

If they really hate colonisation so much, why are they still using Aboriginal land for their business?

Make it make sense.

Juicy News

Liquor and Gaming NSW announced at the weekend that they would ban alcoholic drinks that tasted too sweet or fruity!

They reckoned it was important to ban alcoholic drinks that tasted too good, lest children be tempted to drink them.

I was going to volunteer as chief taste tester.

But 48 hours later, New South Wales Premier Chris Minns emerged to slam the idea and declare it would not happen.

“People need less regulation, not more,” he declared, in his best William Wallace voice.

What a man!

He’s practically Winston Churchill.

So the idea is kaput.

Does that not strike everyone as a little too convenient?

NSW state bureaucrats leak a terrible idea so that the NSW State Premier can squish it 48 hours later and look like a hero?

Make it make sense!


Republished with thanks to The James Macpherson Report.

Subscribe to his Substack here for daily witty commentary.
Image courtesy of Adobe.

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One Comment

  1. Ian Moncrieff 6 December 2024 at 10:10 pm - Reply

    Proverbs 9:6 has the answer…..

    Forsake foolishness and live, And go in the way of understanding.

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