COVID jabs votes

Australian Regional Council and American Health District Hold Historic Votes to Save Lives

6 December 2024

8.1 MINS

Two historic votes were held in October 2024, in Western Australia and in Idaho, USA, that could ultimately affect the whole world.

Many may be aware of the three Australian mRNA COVID-19 jab vials that were tested by Canadian virologist Dr David Speicher, and his report stating a very high level of DNA contamination was found. This became the impetus for a vote by Port Hedland Council WA.

On 11 October 2024, a historic motion was voted on by a majority of Councillors at the public Special Meeting of Port Hedland Council (WA). This led to the motion “DNA contamination information and other relevant documentation” being emailed to 537 Councils in Australia.

Considering mRNA COVID-19 jab testing was undertaken in Germany, Japan, Canada and the USA, also revealing DNA contamination, this is a matter of public importance and for public health and safety. Hence, an urgent call to support the Port Hedland Council motion, ensuring the public, health practitioners, governments, etc. are informed, and for these gene-therapy COVID-19 jabs to be halted, pending a full and proper independent investigation. This matter needs good collaboration within local communities, councils, State, Territory and Federal Governments and the media.

Ending COVID Jabs

The other historic vote occurred on 22 October 2024 in Idaho, USA, at a public health and board meeting conducted by Southwest District Health (who are responsible for 30 health clinics in 6 Idaho counties). Details of this meeting can be read (or via audio) in the Defender article (Children’s Health Defense) dated 29 October 2024, entitled,

“Idaho Health Board First in U.S. to Defy CDC and FDA by Removing COVID Vaccines from Clinics”

This Southwest District Health meeting went for 3.5 hours and was video recorded. It can be viewed here:

Key time markers are approximately as follows:

  1. 5 mins — Various members of the public make speeches, including jab-injured.
  2. 1hr 26mins — Dr Perry Jansen, MD MPH, in-person presentation with slides.
  3. 1hr 53mins — Dr John Tribble, Southwest District Health Board Member.
  4. 2hrs 5mins — Dr Parkes.
  5. 2hrs 10mins — Dr Ryan Cole, Pathologist, in person, with slide presentation (goes quickly) – warning: some graphic images shown of spike protein in brain, heart, ovaries, testes, etc., as well as photos of long fibrous blood clots taken during autopsies of jabbed-deceased persons.
  6. 2hrs 28mins — Dr Peter McCullough, Cardiologist, via video link.
  7. 2hrs 32mins — Dr James Thorp, Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, via video link.
  8. 2hrs 39min — Dr David Wiseman, via video link (showing complex slide presentation).
  9. 2hrs 57mins — Dr Renata Wood, Paediatrician, via video link.
  10. 3hrs 2mins — Open discussion with vote on motion item @ 3hrs 34mins carried by Board 4:3.

The following 9 data images, with information, were taken from and via the TGA DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications).

My 7-page pdf mini-report, which I prepared for Wollongong City Council (WCC), was emailed on 3 November 2024. I received a phone voice message on 5 November 2024 from the General Manager of this local council, advising the report was forwarded on to the Councillors and the Lord Mayor, and asking me to submit a public access forum form, to hopefully speak on Monday 25 November 2024 at 6 p.m. (NSW time) for 5 minutes at the next public council meeting; as it was “an important issue”.

WCC public council meetings are live-streamed by webcast and are video/audio-recorded.

OpenDAEN Report, 1 November 2024 (Australia):

Reported data (cases/numbers)
on TGA DAEN (database of adverse event notifications)
following COVID-19 Jabs

Fig. 1: Total reported cases on TGA DAEN following COVID-19 jabs is 141,025 (of which 22,737 are deemed serious, including 1,038 reported deaths). Refer to TGA DAEN website and FOI 5293 for list of published batch numbers to the cases reported, plus list of ‘serious’ cases. Majority of cases reported 3.2021-4.2022 (roll-out/booster period). Note pie chart shows approx. 59% Pfizer, 34% AstraZeneca and 6% Moderna.

Fig. 2: Reaction Terms for highest numbers of cases reported at TGA DAEN, with reactions and age ranges.

Fig. 3: There are 44 ‘Bad Batches’ shown above with 500+ DAEN cases, i.e. 31 Pfizer BNs and 13 AstraZeneca BNs. The worst batch number in Australia is ER7449, with 3,835 cases (including 40+ deaths of people aged from 60 to 100). Note Pfizer batch numbers EP2163 and FG0050 are listed above and also shown on Senator Malcolm Roberts’ TGA FOI 4558 (74-page redacted TGA document, but shows 10 Pfizer batch numbers; 4 of which are non-existent on their TGA Batch Release Assessment webpage, i.e. FR6462, FT3266, GH3908 and GH3979). NB: Pfizer batch number FW5101 was originally listed on the TGA’s webpage (released 2.5.2022, “In progress”), but has since been removed. 3-4 children in Japan died following FW5101. See X tweet thread with data table images, posted by Geoffrey Pain.

There are 9 reported child Australian deaths (aged 5 to 17) following the COVID-19 jabs. Two of these children were boys aged 10 and 5, and both received the same Pfizer ‘child’ jab FP1430 released 10 January 2022. This ‘bad batch’ has over 900 reported cases (from 11.1.2022 to 20.9.2023), of which 800 cases were children. The first child jab-death was reported on 2.9.2021 TGA DAEN. He was 17 years old, under case no. 616124. Pfizer batch number FF0884 (dose1) – another ‘bad batch’ showing 1,439 reported cases (ages 12 to 92, including 6 deaths). This teenager suffered: Headache, Malaise and Viral myocarditis. Go to the EMA Assessment report on the Pfizer (Comirnaty) jab dated 19 February 2021 and see key pages below.
Page 55: “No genotoxicity and carcinogenicity studies were carried out…”
Page 97: “The final clinical study report for study C4591001 will be submitted no later than December 2023…”
Page 115: “Summary of safety concerns” – note Important risks identified and Missing information.
List of “safety concerns” pg. 115 states e.g. “anaphylaxis” (serious, potentially fatal allergic reaction).
First Australian jab-death reported was a female aged 46. Case no. 515141 on 21 December 2020. Pfizer jab but with no batch number shown. Extensive list of reaction terms; but did this woman get the Pfizer overseas, or maybe she was a trial study participant who died? COVID-19 jab was released in Australia on 9 February 2021 – Pfizer EP2163 (serial 1). It was given to teenagers and others (up to the age of 100) on TGA DAEN. The first male death reported was 92 yr. under case no. 520837 on 1 March 2021 and also listed on VAERS ID 1072560-1 reported on 4.3.2021. Note the detail on the following page showing the VAERS report for this aged care resident. This elderly man was well, but had a history of allergies and dementia. Jabbed on 26.2.2021 and found dead 28.2.2021 (Pfizer EP2163 dose 1). Remember 29 elderly in Norway who died in 2021?

Fig. 4: First Australian male jab death reported on TGA DAEN 520837 & on VAERS 1072560-1.

Fig. 5: Data from TGA DAEN showing 1,038 reported deaths in Australia following COVID-19 jab, as listed on website (updated weekly). Note calendar months/years of when cases reported; proportion % of products (jabs) shown in pie chart and reaction terms (highest numbers of cases for certain reactions); plus age ranges.

Fig. 6: Data from TGA DAEN showing total of 1,038 reported deaths with worst batch numbers, starting from Pfizer ER7449 and EP9605 then AstraZeneca PW40043. List of deaths start from report date 21.12.2020 to 22.8.2024 (as per database via TGA DAEN website @ 1.11.2024).

Fig. 7: Data via TGA DAEN (shown on OpenDAEN) – 338 lost pregnancies (“deaths in the wombs”), following COVID-19 jabs (listed from 28.4.2021 to 5.8.2024) ages 21 to 40.
There are reported: 310-311 Abortion spontaneous (miscarriages), 11 Foetal deaths and 17 Stillbirths.
Please watch this <2mins video of Lara, who was pregnant and told by her doctor to get the COVID-19 jabs. On the day of Lara’s second scan (first pregnancy), their baby was alive – about 12 weeks gestation and was seen hiccupping. Lara got the 2nd dose of the Pfizer that same day as her 12-week baby scan. A few weeks later, it was discovered that little ‘Ollie’ (a boy) had died.
WARNING: Quite distressful video, but a true story of grief and suffering.
Lara’s ‘Abortion spontaneous” (miscarriage) was reported on the TGA under case no. 695119 – 15.1.2022 (no Pfizer batch number was listed – as per FOI 5293). You can also read Lara’s fuller story on the Jab Injuries Australia website.

Fig. 8: Data showing the worst batch number was Pfizer FH3221, which led to 18 miscarriages being reported, followed by Pfizer FH3253 with 13 miscarriages (“Abortion spontaneous”).

Fig. 9: Using both the TGA DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) website under COVID-19 jabs, and the quick and easy-to-use OpenDAEN database, I applied the present total of reported DAEN COVID-19 jab-reported cases (141,025 including 1,038 reported deaths) @ 1.11.2024. By utilising the TGA DAEN website filters for the 27 MedDRA System Organ Class, I manually listed the COVID-19 jab total cases and was able to calculate and determine the order for the ‘TOP 20’ MedDRA system organ class by approx. percentage %. Listed above in this image from “General disorders ….” to “ Neoplasms…..” (abnormal mass of tissue which can be benign or malignant, i.e. cancer).

Please feel free to visit, a non-commercial and not-for-profit website for the research, study and review of the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) system in respect of COVID-19 vaccines. The primary source of data on OpenDAEN is the TGA DAEN system and their published FOIs (Freedom of Information).” There are other webpages on, e.g. How to Get Your Batch Number, How to Report an Adverse Event following COVID-19 Vaccine on the TGA website (Australia), the COVID vax class action, as well as the resource webpage with information and useful links (mini library).

To help people with researching batch numbers and reactions reported on the TGA DAEN, following these COVID-19 injections, please use the search engine found on database (blue column, on left). Anyone can view theirs or others COVID-19 jab batch numbers, including the 3 Australian vials batch numbers (Pfizer FN0565 and FR4268 and Moderna 2100695) that were tested by virologist Dr David Speicher, and found to have had a very high level of DNA contamination; as replicated in other laboratories in Germany, Japan, Canada and USA.

This is an urgent public health and safety concern for Australians and citizens globally.

P.S. As someone who has had breast cancer twice, I discovered in the European Medicines Agency (EMA) assessment reports (dated early 2021) that the COVID-19 jabs weren’t tested for genotoxicity and/or carcinogenicity. Sadly, a few Illawarra nurses known to me, who all worked at the very same local public hospital, all had Pfizer jabs, and all got breast cancer. One of these nurses had a hereditary generic blood test done, as no one in their family had ever had breast cancer – going back 4 generations. The test letter said it was a “sporadic case”. I don’t think so. Why? Because one of the Pfizer vials batch numbers tested by Dr. David Speicher, which found DNA contamination, was FN0565. Alarmingly, this was the exact same Pfizer batch number given to 2 of those local hospital nurses, who are now in a Covid Vax Class Action, as they were jab-injured and have breast cancer.

That’s not a ‘coincidence’.

In FOI 4558, a request was made for the batch testing of Pfizer jabs by QLD Senator Malcolm Roberts. It is a 74-page redacted (blacked out) TGA document, except 10 Pfizer batch numbers where revealed. One of these, batch no. FG0050, is the same Pfizer batch no. given to a former Wollongong City Councillor, who was jab-injured and suffers with a severe heart condition, ARVC (Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy). Thousands are jab-injured, and a number have died.

Dr John Tribble, a Member of the Southwest District Health Board in Idaho, stated:

“The board members who voted to remove the shot ‘exhibited courage’ because they did so ‘based on the evidence, in direct opposition to the federal health agencies’ recommendations.’”

Some Councillors and Lord Mayors in Australia will sadly choose to show wilful blindness, while other Councilors will support the Port Headland Council motion. Councillors need to legally comply with WH&S legislation, and even Wollongong City Council’s Code of Conduct for Councilors states to:

take reasonable care that your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons”.


  1. Acknowledge the good work of the Port Hedland Councilors and Southwest District Health Board.
  2. Address the dire need for these C-19 jabs to be halted, pending an independent investigation.
  3. Act and not make an omission, to ensure public health and safety.

Please, Councillors and Lord Mayors (and everyone else), “exhibit courage”.


Image courtesy of Adobe.

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  1. Warwick Marsh 6 December 2024 at 7:25 am - Reply

    Well done Sharon. Great and very comprehensive article!!!!,

  2. Cheryl Manley 6 December 2024 at 4:34 pm - Reply

    Thank you Sharon for your dedication in compiling and presenting this factual report on the reality of harm caused by the Covid injections. Unfortunately the government, bureaucracy and media censorship has meant many Australians are unaware of the malfeasance still occurring. People are still lining up for the latest booster and, sadly, the jab injured are still suffering without any meaningful recognition.

  3. Stephen Lewin 9 December 2024 at 7:51 am - Reply

    Thank you Sharon ..

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