Rodney Rivers
Rodney Rivers is a Christian who works with John Blacket to speak out a prophetic voice to the church in Australia. He has been a Bible translator for the Kriol Bible in North Australia and is highly regarded in the church and society in Australia. He speaks a warning to Australia that also speaks to many other nations about the rise of false religions. [Rod is not a pastor or elder. He claims no titles. His qualification is in 1 Cor. 1:27]
Articles by Rodney Rivers:
15 November 2024
5.6 MINS
In Australia, a curse is on the land, caused by the lack of righteousness in the land, and our self-centredness. How are we here in Australia going to escape God’s judgement? We are looking down the barrel of a righteous God! We are in line for His judgement. What a nation sows, it will also reap!
5 August 2021
4.2 MINS
Here are two dreamtime stories -- or ngarranggarni -- describing the origins of the Barramundi Gap where the Argyle diamond mine was located. 1. Jaliwang/Gadjerong Ngarranggarni Barramundi Dreaming Story The first story is the Mirwoong story and it goes something like this: A barramundi was [...]
20 June 2021
4.9 MINS
Last year Andrew Forrest (‘Twiggy’ Forrest from FMG) donated $800 million to cancer research. There’s a place for research, there’s a place for medicine, there’s a place for doctors and nurses, but there is also a place for Divine Healing and spiritual gifts. Since the [...]
1 June 2021
4.1 MINS
In traditional Aboriginal culture, there are laws about all of life and how to care for the land. In the Kimberley we have 8 male and 8 female skin names: Mother/Wife – Father/Husband Nambiyin – Jangari Nagada – Jawilyi Nyajadi – Jagada Nangari – Jambiyin [...]
26 May 2021
4.5 MINS
Back in the early 90s, I was living in Toowoomba, Queensland, and I went over to the Kimberley, to Halls Creek, to visit. My Mum wasn’t feeling well and was lying on the bed, and she called out to me and said, “Come here. I [...]
23 January 2021
4.9 MINS
A lot of what's passed off as Aboriginal culture today is actually Aboriginal religion — pagan beliefs no longer embraced by most Aboriginal Australians. Christians must use discernment on these issues.
3 September 2020
5.2 MINS
The Global Visitation About the middle of 1987, I was caught up in a supernatural dream. At the time, I was working in Sydney at Kellyville for a Christian family as a machine operator. I was living in the Blue Mountains at Blackheath, west of [...]
25 November 2019
8.1 MINS
Smoking ceremonies are not a harmless cultural practice, argues Aboriginal leader Rodney Rivers. Rather, they have dangerous spiritual origins and should be avoided.