Caring for the Land: Bible Law or Tribal Law?
In traditional Aboriginal culture, there are laws about all of life and how to care for the land.
Kimberley Traditional Aboriginal Kinship System
Nambiyan Jangari Nyawana Janama
Nagada Jawalyi Naminjili Jungada
Nyajadi Jagada Nyawudu Juwudu
Nangari Jamiyin Nangala Jangala
Nyawana Juwudu Nagada Jagada
Naminjili Jangala Nambiyin Jambiyin
Nyawudu Janama Nangari Jangari
This kinship structure in your tribe determines your whole relationship connections. From this kinship structure, we know who our parents are. We know who to marry and not to marry. We know who our brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, daughters, sons, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, cousins, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, grandparents are. This kinship structure determines your whole behavioural relationships, and how you relate to every person in this system – whether you are a child, teenager, or older person.
This kinship system also sets the moral boundaries and rules for gender relationships. This structural kinship system was so set up to prohibit same-sex marriage, incest (sex between close family members), and human deformity.
This moral code carried with it a very harsh punishment for those who broke the rules. Every Aboriginal tribe in outback Australia has a similar kinship system.
But the intervention of assimilation policies of the 1860s through to the 1900s began to break this system down. When the state becomes a parent, then society breaks down and the whole family unit and foundation structure is destroyed.
Ancient Ways
So, where did this system come from? … and where did Aborigines come from?
Did Aborigines just appear as proto-plasm floating on some Darwinian primeval waters in the dark dreamtime void some 60 or 70 thousand years ago?
By Western standards, this traditional kinship system is complex and complicated to understand. So, how did these so-called uncivilised, uneducated people inherit such a system? Who gave it to them?
In the eternal calendar of God’s Constitution (the Bible), the Father, Son and Holy Spirit stood together in unison in Their eternity, and God decreed in the book of Genesis:
“Let us make man in our image and likeness, and let them rule over creation.”
~ Genesis 1:26-27
Australian Aborigines were included in that decree. There is scientific evidence that they migrated to Australia from the plains of Shinar after the global flood about 6,000 years ago.
These stories have been passed on to us by careful records inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself, and painstakingly written down and transmitted to us over the centuries.
However, tribal stories around the globe have been passed on through the generations by oral transmission. By this process, the stories can be (and have been) changed by adding or taking away details. However, the Holy Spirit Himself directed the writing of God’s Word, the Bible. The Holy Spirit Himself instructed the writers of the Bible to write God’s history (HIS story) into a book. It is not subject to change.
When God decreed that mankind should rule over the earth He created, God only gave us rulership, but not ownership of the land. We have rulership on a lease basis (Psalm 24:1-4; 115:16). The earth is still the property of Divine ownership — from England to Australia and all the countries in between. We are stewards of God’s land.
Will we be good stewards or bad stewards?
Now, in Australia we have fires, floods, mouse plagues, drought, Covid-19. All this is only the beginning of the ‘sorrows/labour pains’ that the Bible talks about (cf. Matthew). Volcanoes around the Pacific ‘Rim of Fire’ and other parts of the world are becoming active. These are signs that the earth is spewing out the evil in the land. God makes it very clear that the land vomits out the people when they disobey God’s standards (Leviticus 18:26-30). And Australia is sick — spiritually and morally bankrupt.
In Sydney, we have an annual Mardi Gras parade with some First Nations people leading the parade. This is not Aboriginal culture — it is demonic and comes from the pit of hell.
It is a crying shame, isn’t it, that the previous Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, opened the floodgates of hell when he legalised same-sex marriage in Australia. The Premiers of Queensland and New South Wales, and the Prime Minister of New Zealand also endorsed this abomination of same-sex marriage. Abortion and euthanasia are also rife in this land. We also have extremist climate change activists on the rise in this land.
We are focussing on the wrong thing with global warming. The main focus is on the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, trees dying in the Snowy Mountains and other environmental issues, but it is not a matter of climate change.
National Curse
It is a spiritual issue, where a curse is on the land, caused by the lack of righteousness in the land, and our self-centredness.
We vote politicians and their parties into parliament to run this country, not to ruin this country. If people want to live their immoral lives, then they are free to do so. But when the state legalises gay marriage, and embraces the whole transgender movement, abortion, euthanasia, etc., then it becomes a sin of the nation, and we, thousands and thousands of Aborigines, have the legal right to rise up and shut this whole madness down. And to rise up, we will!
Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t escape because of their immoral lifestyle. The ancient Roman Empire didn’t escape their punishment because of their corruption and immoral lifestyle.
Then how will Australia escape its punishment for this similar lifestyle?
The climate is changing in Australia – not because of an increase of carbon emissions like they say. The climate is changing as a warning, and the earth is spewing up because of the bloodshed of millions of innocent babies, the legalisation of these alternate lifetyles, the legalisation of sacred sites, idolatry, snake-worship, and the introduced concepts from another country of ‘welcome to country’ smoking ceremonies such as the opening of the 47th parliament and beyond, which has brought a national curse over the whole nation of Australia.
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands.
They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see.
They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell.
They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk;
and they do not make a sound in their throat.
Those who make them become like them;
so do all who trust in them.
~ Psalm 115:4-8
If Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t escape God’s judgement, how are we here in Australia going to escape God’s judgement? We are looking down the barrel of a righteous God! We are in line for His judgement. What a nation sows, it will also reap!
Don’t be misled — you cannot mock the justice of God.
You will always harvest what you plant.
Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature
will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature.
But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good.
At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
~ Galatians 6:7-9
The only way we can escape is for the whole nation of Australia to repent — to stop what we are doing and return to God!
The writing is on the wall. “Demise is on the way.” This nation of Australia is dying and is in bondage. The strange weather patterns you are witnessing right now, globally and here in Australia, are only the tip of the iceberg. Tornados, strange weather patterns, earthquakes, droughts, hailstorms, spasmodic floodings are going to increase and continue until and unless we wake up and remove these nation-destroying policies.
The choice is yours corporately, and the choice is ours individually.
I am Rodney Rivers. I am of Aboriginal descent from Gooniyandi and Gidga tribes in the Kimberley, and I also have Irish and English heritage.
My kinship skin name is Janama.
I don’t represent any political or religious organisation, but I do vote, and I am a follower of Jesus Christ.
I don’t represent friends or family or any tribal group. I am bilingual.
I am an ordinary, common man. I walk alone, though I am not an island.
I write these articles not to criticise or bring disrepute on any person or organisation.
I write these articles and comments to inform the general public of the other side of the coin that you have probably never heard of.
I write these articles free of malice, bitterness and residual violence.
I write these articles for the love of my country, Australia and for the honour of my God.
Perth, Western Australia, 30 October 2024
Part of this article was published on The Daily Declaration before, in 2021. Image courtesy of Unsplash.
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Thanks for the great article Rodney.
The Lord bless you Rodney, for speaking out the truth, the truth that will set us free as a Nation. “The earth is the Lords and everything in it, the world and all its people belong to Him.” Psalm 24:1
Australia is being punished ,and will suffer greatly in the future, because people have turned away from the Christian religion and are promoting other religions and demonic practices which included the Smoking Ceremony. In public I have turned my back to it as Aboriginal Creation story is in opposition to our God the Creator , and, curses are part of Aboriginal religion, as are worshipping tribal totems eg the crocodile or a particular bird, etc . The 10 Commandments say:– “Thou shalt not have another God before Me “.
Very inciteful Rodney – I agree wholeheartedly with you that this nation has walked away from the blessings we once enjoyed – we desperately need a nation-wide revival to break the enemy’s hold on the land now.
When will our Australian politicians stand up and stop the rubbish ‘welcome to country’ insult and reinforcement of tribalism? We are way further down the ancestor worship hole than the Kiwis. IMHO
There is an Aboriginal pastor in Alice Springs who, along with her congregation, travels Australia to other mobs, bringing the Good News. Unknown to most Australians, there is a culture war at play within the Aboriginal culture.
There are those of extreme adherence whereby they actually kill the children of cross-cultural couples, ie., those where the wife is from a moderate culture married to the extreme conservative side… And the wife refuses to convert and abandon her love for Christ and the western culture and to return to the traditional ancestral worship and acknowledgement of totems and sacred places.
This commitment to multiculturalism as if it is some sacrament and liturgy of a mature society must stop. It is destroying us and inhibiting the educational and societal advancement of Aboriginal communities and people… Not to mention the ridiculous tax payer cost to support this idiocy.
We need to call it out for what it is. Aboriginal people are just a darker shade of us whities, we all the same with more or less melanin, of the same blood as everyone else, created by the true maker of the universe, and in His image called to worship the one true God.
There is only one human race with lots of stuff that recalcitrant groups have learnt as they attempted to survive on their own without acknowledging their creator… This includes whities too.
But when we all come together as brothers and sisters of the one Lord and saviour Jesus Christ… Oh what a marvellous thing it is. Oh how society advances. Oh how we love each other in harmony and peace.
Come on Australia, let’s lead the world and follow Christ, and bring our Aboriginal Brothers and sisters along!
posted in substack James MacPherson by Mark Emerson 16 Nov 24.
Thank you Rodney for standing up.
Thank you Rodney for standing up and declaring truth
2 Chronicles 7:14. Gods people have an assignment.
Praise God for this man for speaking out the truth what a delite to read something positive thank you Jesus for helping us make a stand against the untruth of this Nation I’m a great believer in Plsam 24 for the earth is the Lords
I agree wholeheartedly with your Christian stance Brother Rodney. A voice crying in the wilderness, “prepare the way of the Lord”
Peter Phillips
Thank you Rodney.
We choose to live under blessings or curses (Deuteronomy 28). Jesus took our curse, if we choose to follow him.
May Australia return to this Good News
Ian Hayles