21 November 2024
The early 2020s saw a flood of panicked reporting on overpopulation, buoyed by the histrionics of Greta Thunberg, the IPCC, Extinction Rebellion and their ilk. Now, the legacy press is flooding the zone with stories about the fertility crisis.
9 October 2024
7.7 MINS
Take away the history of a people or a culture or a nation, and you effectively take away the people, the culture, and the nation. We are today what has gone before in our past. Being unmoored from our own past makes us quite vulnerable.
29 August 2024
5.6 MINS
David Closson and Joseph Backholm tackled some of the themes from this year’s DNC, including the promotion of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy and the party’s definition of freedom and personal choice.
15 August 2024
6.7 MINS
Auron MacIntyre examines how Western democracies are being undone not just by our political elites but by flawed notions of progress, efficiency and individualism. At the end of the day, this is really a religious war, with two radically different worldviews battling it out.
15 July 2024
The relentless pursuit of Assange and subsequently of Edward Snowden were important milestones on the path, via the national security, administrative, and surveillance state, to the rise of the biomedical state in which we now find ourselves.
15 April 2024
6.4 MINS
Men and boys are struggling mentally, physically, academically, economically, and spiritually because of the absence of fathers, the failures of our education system and policies, and changes in both the job market and our culture.
19 January 2024
54.8 MINS
Professor Carl Trueman has observed that, in an era that has psychologised the individual, freedom of speech is often viewed as part of the problem rather than part of the solution.
1 January 2024
4.5 MINS
Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What would life have been like if I was never born?” I have. Too often, I do in fact wonder if I have contributed anything of importance to others and to this world in general.
23 October 2023
1.3 MINS
When Christians gather together, they don’t commune together under a shared political or demographic identity; instead, they unite under a far more powerful and sacred truth that transcends mere demographic or political attributes.
13 October 2023
15.2 MINS
One chief cause of division is the attraction of many Christians to conspiracy theories. A negative aspect of conspiracy theories is that they are fundamentally a form of Gnosticism.
4 October 2023
13.7 MINS
As division is the poisoned fruit produced by deception and diversion, that is my focus here. The primary manifestation involves the breaking of fellowship.
26 September 2023
10.4 MINS
Though “relentless individualism” is one of the aspects of modern culture that, as Christians, we rightly reject, even so, as with a number of distinctives of the “spirit of the age”, this is also seeping into the Body of Christ.
7 August 2023
2.6 MINS
Australia has one of the highest youth suicide rates among the world’s developed nations, with 27.3 out of 100,000 Australian males aged 15 to 24 expected to kill themselves. In 1996, 2367 Australians killed themselves, and perhaps a quarter of million attempted suicide. Suicide is [...]
6 February 2023
23.7 MINS
An in-depth analysis of Australian politics during the last few decades of societal upheaval and economic woes. What values and principles guide our major parties? In 1999, Australia conducted its largest taxpayer-funded focus group -- the referendum on a republic. Voting in the referendum was [...]
7 December 2022
2.7 MINS
I’m a big Jordan Peterson fan and have seen him live, which was an experience I’ll not soon forget. When I first watched him on YouTube, I was struck by his depth and breadth of knowledge. He’s not only a compelling public intellectual, he’s really [...]
7 December 2022
0.7 MINS
A conservatism that focuses on individual freedom as the supreme virtue can only undermine Christianity, in the long run. If you emphasise freedom from government overreach, then it is a small step to seeing the need to free individuals from the reach of religion. The [...]
21 November 2022
2.3 MINS
Are we all ultimately deep down liberals, but just can't see it, or can't bring ourselves to admit it? I mean, are all of us, whether conservative, progressive, libertarian, Marxist, anarchist, actually liberals in practice, whatever our public rhetoric? Yoram Hazony argues that "no human [...]
15 November 2022
2.7 MINS
How would you define the religion of our modern Secular Age? While we might not be a formally religious culture anymore here in the West, everyone believes in something -- about life, meaning and purpose -- even the most secular of people. And so, what does [...]
28 October 2022
3.1 MINS
According to marriage advice from an exorcist, who caught the attention of premium Catholic News site Aleteia, marriages are paralysed by a waning prayer life, pride, and porn. Milan priest Fr Ambrogio Villa gave a rundown on how he came to discover what he categorised [...]
17 March 2022
4.5 MINS
In the Bible, we find concern for both individuals and groups. Rugged individualism is a hallmark of modern Western culture. It is every man for himself. The social good is seldom considered. The family unit is certainly collapsing, and concepts like the extended family mean [...]